Waging war is too important a decision to be left to the military but once we decide to go to war, we are smart enough to let the military do it. Similarly, what is to be built shouldn't be left to the Architects. But once we decide what to build, trust me Architects are the people to turn to.
When it comes to building your house or refurbishing it, the first person you may want to think of is the Architect. The advantage of this choice cannot be overemphasized. Most people readily see why a doctor should be paid likewise a Lawyer and other professionals but when it comes to paying the Architect, they hesitate and ask why. When going to an Architect, preferably one of your choice, it is important to note, by professional ethics, Architects are not loud. When you see big sign boards proclaiming they draw architectural plan and construct buildings, be wary of such persons. By professional ethics, Architects work are what is supposed to speak for them. You don't find big sign boards  proclaiming the work they do close to their office. Like all cultures with a mode of communication or by a special kind of language, Architecture as well as other disciplines are not any different. So when discussing with your Architect, make sure you are on the same page with him. Make him explain terms you have not heard before.  For instance when your Architect mentions banking in a construction site, CHILL, he is not after your money in the bank. He simply meant the designated area for mixing mortar or concrete. Likewise, if he mentions skirting to be fixed in your bedroom, RELAX, he is not after your skirt. He is simply referring to those designs that adorn the bottom of wall. Bottom line, make him explain any strange term not familiar to you.
Historically, only Architects were responsible for the design and construction of buildings from inception to finishes. But with time the load became too much for him and that was how division of labour was birthed. The following disciplines were given birth to; Quantity Survey, Electrical Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Structural Engineer and Builders. Now these are the major voice of the industry. Anybody who claims to be a professional and he is not among these set of disciplines, beware of that person. Aside making you spend more money than is necessary for the completion of your project, your life or the lives of those who will inhabit the building may be in

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