There is a long standing debate on whether abortion should be legal or not. There are some who advocate the right to abortion. Reasons being that abortion is a right that should not be limited by governmental or religious authority and which outweighs any right claimed for an embryo or fetus. They claim that pregnant women will result to unsafe illegal abortion if there is no legal option. That abortion is the termination of a pregnancy not a baby; that personhood at conception is not a proven biological fact and that personhood begins at birth and not at conception. According to some scientists, a fetus does not feel pain when an abortion is performed and so abortion should be legal. They claim that only when a baby is out of the womb in a natural environment that the biological development of the child can occur to make the child feel pain; that only the environment after birth is necessary to the development of pain experience. Claims also abound that a woman's risk of death from abortion is less than that of a woman giving birth. Whereas the former is less than a percentage from modern abortion procedures according to claims while the latter is is about 13.3% risky. In other words, it is more risky to give birth than perform abortion. Now, it seems good that with the latest medical technology, one is able to check the medical status or conditions of a fetus. With this technology, one is able to check if a child is gonna be born with a disability or not and other things among which is the deadly disease called Fragile X syndrome; the most common genetic form of mental retardation. According to study, this Fragile X Syndrome affects about 1 in 400 males and 1 in 8000 females. 1 in 800 babies have down syndrome and 1 in 3500 babies are born with cystic fibrosis. Now with this beautiful medical technology, it is easy to detect a child to be born with medical disability or conditions or diseases. For some, it is wickedness to sentence such a child to life with such acute handicap. According to survey, 73% of those who go for abortion say they don't have the means to support a child. 38% said giving birth would interfere with their education and career goals. Obama in his 2008 campaign speech insinuated that motherhood must never be a punishment for having sexual intercourse. Of course as a democrat, 70% of them are advocating for abortion rights while 70% of the republicans are notoriously straitlaced against abortion rights. Obama hinted that as a father he's gonna teach his two daughters morals and value but if by happenstance a mistake happens they shouldn't be punished with unplanned motherhood. In other words, they have the right to abort unwanted pregnancy. Unfortunately, republicans are getting weaker as they have undermined their positions by adopting a new stand that any baby over 20 weeks should not be aborted as a fetus over 20 weeks can feel pain. Others are of the opinion that it is a means to control population density and reduce crime as study shows that about 50% of the drop in murder is as a result of legalized abortion. They say that teenage girls, unmarried women and poor women are more likely to have unintended pregnancies and since unwanted babies are often raised in poverty, their chances of leading criminal lives in adulthood is increased.
Be that as it may, do we really have the right to opt for abortion no matter the reason provided?
The answer is NO.
Let's forget about religion or the principles of God for a moment. Morally or socially, abortion is a crime against humanity, it's a crime against nature. Whether scientist believe that fetuses feel pain or not in the act of abortion, no man should be allowed to sentence another human to death (even if it is a second old fetus). Giving reasons why abortion is illegal is almost as advocating why reasons should be heard as to why abortion should be legal.
Fuck whatever reasons you may want to come up with. Abortion is sin against God, a sin against humanity and a sin against nature. Woe unto that president or nation that believe abortion should be legal.
"If a mother can kill her own child-what is left for me to kill you and you to kill me-there is nothing between....."
"It is poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish" by mother Teresa
Now isn't it odd that all who advocate abortion has already been born?
That we lack peace in the world today is directly proportional to the killing of innocent unborn babies.
That being said, what happens when in the course of giving birth, only one can be saved. In other words, who do we save if we have the option of saving either the mother or the child?