Homosexuality has been around for a while and matter of fact longer than has been popularly known. There has been much speculation about it. The problem about it is that for the most part man has been brainwashed but unfortunately most don't seem to know it just yet. In a few years, homosexuality, transgenderism or bi-sexualism will be as natural as a male female relationship. There have been all sorts of defense from scientific to psychological which have met with equal or even greater criticism. This article will not even try to cite facts from nature to structurally support the claim that homosexuality is natural even though it is not main stream now. 

Enough has been done to justify the claim of homosexuality or transgenderism. But as earlier said, man has been brainwashed or programmed from his childhood early on about certain aspects of life which has no true universal foundation, hence it is only a matter of time these programming crumble like the sand it was built of. This article is not about convincing the public about the 'rights' (not legal rights, but natural right for there is a difference) of homosexuals or transgenders or bisexuals, but rather, taking advantage of that same ground to openly state the facts of the situation which is now left to the public  to accept or not. 

Homosexuality has been on for as long as history itself. Like I said earlier on, I won't even bother to support this statement from findings in Nature. But according to recorded history, homosexuality has been around since 3000 BC. It is only in the 19th century the term 'homosexuality' was coined and still later on that 'heterosexuality' was coined to explain the difference. Also in the 19th century the term 'Bisexuality' was coined to explain the traits of those men who are attracted to both male and female sex. This trait can also be found in Nature precisely in the animal kingdom. 

As said earlier on, homosexuality has been around according to recorded history since 3000 BC. Now what is strange about this information is that at this time; the practice was considered a blessing. According to Wikipedia, 'In the ancient Assyrian society, if a man were to have sex with another man of equal status or a cult prostitute, it was thought that trouble will leave him and he will have good fortune.' it is even stated that some religious Assyrian texts contain prayers for Divine blessings on homosexual relationships. Further more, the article 'Homosexualität in Realiexicon der Assyriologie' states, Homosexuality in itself is thus nowhere condemned as licentiousness, as immorality, as social disorder or as transgressing any human or divine law. Anyone could practice it freely just as anyone could visit a prostitute, provided it was done without violence and without compulsion, and preferably as far as taking the passive role was concerned, with specialists.'

Let it be known that Assyria as at this period was at the height of her empire. Where she came to rule powerful empires at several times. Making up a substantial part of the greater Mesopotamia 'cradle of civilization' which included Sumer, the Akkadian Empire and Babylonia. Assyria was at the height of technological, scientific and cultural achievement for its time. Enough is said for now as this article is not about convincing the public but to draw from that natural inheritance of the Universe which is to live in such a way as not to offend another physically. In other words, to live in love.

Delving a little deeper into the topic, the question naturally arises, is homosexuality natural? Critics have used this question as a sort of power base to lunch their attack on homosexuals and transgenders. But what most of them fail to realize is that the question is tantamount to asking if love is natural, it is tantamount to asking if desire is natural. Desire being a feminine attribute of Nature is found in all parts of nature from the mineral to the plant to the animal kingdom. Love is also a feminine attribute without which there won't be diversity in the world. Hence desire and love being feminine attributes of Nature is also found in man just like the will of man which is masculine in Nature is also found in women. But the fact that the will is a masculine principle does not mean it cannot be found in women just like desire and love which is a feminine principle is also found in men. Now every friend of Nature soon realizes that we are all made up of the five elements, fire, air, water, earth and space or ether as some call it. Just as fire and air are masculine in nature, water and earth are feminine. Science has also taught us that humans are made up of 72% water which is a feminine principle of Nature. With this knowledge, is it any wonder that there are some men who are attracted to others of same gender? I myself fell in love with a guy at the age of 17. Who is to say how much love man is to express or how the desire in him should be expressed? Ofcourse, like everything else, love and desire also have their positive and negative polarity but it is not for man to decide how his fellow man should express that love and desire so long as nobody gets hurt. In other words, there must be mutual consent between the two parties and both must be matured enough to know what they are doing. This is quite different from molesting children or trying to cajole them into having same sex relationship. It becomes a crime when one party is forced to act against his or her will to have same sex relationship. Or when the other is not old enough to make responsible decisions. Being a friend of Nature, one easily sees that golden rule in Nature which is to love your neighbor as yourself. Do not do to others what you don't want done to yourself. In other words, if one does not want to be discriminated against, one should not discriminate against others. 

Electricity and magnetism also an extension of the five elements or four for better understanding, is as a mystery to everyone as man is a mystery to himself. How these forces or elements of nature combine in us to make us act in certain ways is something science has not been able to satisfactorily explain. Despite the untold number of ages that man has lived, man is still a mystery. Religion has also failed in this aspect hence, we cannot afford to trust our religious institutions. With that said, when one is sexually oriented towards this or that, who is to say that man is not doing it right. Ofcourse it is not anyone's business. Unfortunately, that has been the problem of man probably since the beginning of time. People don't know when to stop meddling in other peoples business. Take America for instance who spies on both friends and enemies causing untold problems here and there all in the name of world power.

Is homosexuality natural? Yes, it is as natural as love and desire and will found in Nature. The problem comes from 'miseducation' and programming so much so that a grown man finds it difficult to cut loose the psychological chains binding him. Sometimes, it may need uneducating ourselves from all we have been taught in other to arrive at universal facts. In this age of deceit who can we trust? Certainly not our government or media or education system or let alone our religious institutions. All of these have all combined to program us to believe in lies disguised as truths, to live in fear to the extent that some are seen as lunatics when they live their truth. There are untold numbers of documentation of people who went crazy because they couldn't express that basic ingredient of life which is love. From the other pole of the same problem, untold numbers have been killed just because they were bold to make known their love and this is regardless of whichever gender. Even our so called 'holy books' recorded an instance of a man named David who sent the husband of a woman he is lusting after to battle in other that he may be killed so that he can have his wife all to himself. All in the name of love so much atrocities has been recorded. The time is now when man must be free to express his love to whoever he wants to so long as he is not trespassing a boundary. The universe has made us with various elements and left us entirely to use these elements in whatever fashion we like for the good of mankind and setting the universal law that whatever good or evil seed we plant we will reap the equivalent in kind. It is only by experimenting that man can truly know what is good or bad for him. With that said, we think, man is attaching too much importance to sex or gender. The physical aspect of man is only temporary. After we transit from this world to the other we will realize that our sex or gender won't matter that much. Hence, it is important for man to see the bigger picture and act justly.

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