The problem with this topic is where exactly to start. As the name suggests, the thesis is about the relationship between what is above the earth and what is below the sky. In other words, it is about the Cosmos. Or the Universe if you may and how we are a reflection of this Universe. So like I said, the problem is where to start because as we already know, the Universe is spherical. When an object is round the problem is usually where it starts and ends and since this thesis is about the universe so to say, it naturally comes with that same problem.
Unfortunately, this thesis is also going to be looking at myths and allegorical statements from the scripture. (It is sad that some educated people still think of the Bible as a historical book. The Bible is a book detailing in an allegorical way the anatomical, physiological and astronomical relationship between Man and the Universe). I used the word unfortunately because in as much as I would like to keep this topic purely scientific, it helps the cause to look at what the ancients have always known and the relationship they established with the Universe. It is for this reason this thesis will draw some support from scriptures. That aside, I would like to keep this thesis as short as possible while hitting the nail on the head.
Perhaps it doesn't do any harm to start from the book of Genesis. We are told in Genesis 1:14 that God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let the stars be for signs and for seasons and for days and years." The biggest star in heaven (heaven being an allegorical word for the sky) is the Sun. Now the sun has always been and always will be. To mark the beginning of the Sun or how it came to be the center of the solar system is a fool's errand. But the ancients studied the sun for ages and were able to make some basic observations.
But before going further, it helps to look at what the scripture says regarding the birth of the Sun. In Isaiah 7:14, we are told that the scripture said, "Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin" (Virgin being an allegorical word for the constellation of Virgo) "shall conceive and bear a son" (Son being an allegorical word for the Sun) "and shall call his name Immanuel."
What can we draw from this? First, it must be stated that most of the symbolism employed by the writers of the Old Testament are eastern in origin. This is a known fact because if we are to compare the old testament and even the New Testament scriptures with that of the the Hindu scriptures, one can draw the parallel and since the Hindu scripture is one of the oldest if not the oldest, it doesn't take a lot of education to draw the obvious fact that the Old Testament is a reworking of the Hindu scriptures. Some scholars believe that the Bible is a plagiarized version of the 'Egyptian book of the Dead'. Where ancient Egyptian got their knowledge from is still a mystery but be that as it is, there is a lot of similarities in the cultures and belief of the ancient Egyptians and ancient Indians. The million dollar question is did some Indians migrate to Egypt or the other way round. One proof of the migration theory is the almost similar structure of the pyramids found in Egypt and other parts of the world including Asia and South America.
We already know that the Sun was born from the constellation of Virgo which means around the month of September or to be precise, from August 23 till September 22. As regard why the constellation of Virgo is regarded as a virgin will be discussed later. So we see that the beginning of the Sun's journey started in Virgo. On its journey or growth, it found balance between the physical and the spiritual in the constellation of Libra. Somewhere in the scripture we are told that if we are to follow Christ, we must pick up our cross. The cross here signifies the astronomical symbol of Libra of balance. After that we found also that along the journey he was betrayed by Judas Iscariot which astronomically meant Scorpio. Now Scorpio which falls in the month of November or to be precise from October 23 till November 22 is that period of Autumn where the power of the Sun begins to weaken because of the astronomical sting from Scorpio. As if that is not enough, Sagittarius is just waiting at the end of the Sun's movement through the sign of Scorpio. Entering into the sign of Sagittarius which is from November 22 till December 21, Sagittarius inflicts its deadly arrow on the Sun who was already weakened by the sting of the Scorpio and because of this deadly poison from the arrow of Sagittarius, the Sun finally gives up on the crucifix on the 21st of December which is the official date of winter, the harsh cold of the underworld. The Sun is laid to rest in the tomb (underworld) for approximately 3 days. In this period, the ancients observed that the Sun did not move for 3 days or to be more precise for two and a half days which coincides with the moon's passage through each sign. It was on the 25th of December that the Sun was seen to start his movement again and the ancients called this the birth of the Sun and for this reason they celebrated because the harsh cold of winter will be gone and vegetation will spring back to life. Rising from the dead or being born again in between the constellation of Sagittarius symbolized by a horse and Capricorn symbolized by the goat, is it any wonder that our beloved Jesus the Christ was born in a stable surrounded by domestic animals?
Being born, it is only natural for growth and here we find that from that earth consciousness symbolized by birth, our Lord Jesus had to pass through the stages of consciousness of water and fire. So it was only natural that he comes to John the Baptist which astronomically represents Aquarius. Going through the process of Baptism (it must be stated that baptism has nothing to do with the pouring of water on the head or any part of the body for that matter. Baptism as the initiates have always known it is the growth of Consciousness from the earthy[instinctual/animal nature] through the watery[balance of emotion] to the airy[purification of thoughts] and finally to the fiery[divine]) and going into the Wilderness(wilderness being an allegorical word for the Meditative state) where he fasted and meditated which symbolically represents the consciousness of air and fire, he became enlightened and now fit to make people fishers of men which is symbolically represented by Pisces. Pisces is that age in the cosmic cycle representing darkness(allegorical word for lack of knowledge) just as winter is that part of the yearly cycle where it snows and we experience harsh cold weather. The age of Pisces is characterized by Faith/Belief and Religion. Hence it is only natural that the last 2000 years has been referred to as dark ages because of the reign of religion. It must also be stated here that we are now out of the age of Pisces and now in the age of Aquarius since the Sun's trajectory round the constellations is in an anti-clockwise direction. The age of Aquarius is that age representing enlightenment in the Cosmos. The symbol is seen to be a man pouring a jar of water down. In this case on the offspring of the Universe. But while the influence of Aquarius has increased the consciousness of man, man out of false education and greed has paid a terrible price for this advancement that some thinkers of our time are wondering if the increased consciousness is worth the price paid. The journey of the sun continues to the constellation of Aries the Lamb. It is here that a burnt offering is made and the sins of the people were forgiven and vegetation sprang back to life. It is for this reason the Son (Sun) is called the lamb of God because Aries being symbolized by a Ram is being offered up when the Sun reaches the constellation of Aries. This happens in the month of March 22 till April 23 which is the beginning of Spring. It is this victorious passage of the Sun from Winter to Spring that the biblical Mythographers designated as the 'Passover'. What our Christian brothers today refer to as Easter. But the whole world celebrates that and not only our Judeo-Christian brothers. After that we see the Bulls in the field tilling the ground for agricultural production. This falls in the month of April 23 till May 22. This is the constellation of Taurus. Going back through the stages of consciousness, it is no wonder if some people had literally worshiped the bull or even go to the extent of making a golden calf image in other to worship it. Journeying forward, the Sun enters into the sign of Gemini. The sign of Gemini is represented by a twin. As regard the sexes of the twin, it has been a mythological debate. But looking at what the ancients depicted with their astrological understanding we see that the Egyptian Sphinx is molded into the shape of a lion but with the head of a woman. It becomes obvious that Gemini the twins in this context means the beginning and the end, the first and the last. What this ancient Egyptian sculpture signifies is their understanding of astrology. This aligns with the symbol of Gemini being a twin and this is exactly what the scripture told us about the person of Jesus the Christ (Sun) as the Alpha and Omega. Indeed, if we are to look at astrology with ancient eyes, we will see that the beginning of the year begins at Virgo the Virgin and ends at Leo the lion of the tribe of Judah and not in the way presented to us today with Aries as the first astrological sign. This can be explained because of the Sun's procession through the Zodiac in an anti-clockwise direction. In other words, the sign of Gemini signifies that the God's spell (Gospel) of the Sun is the beginning and the end. This is that part of the biblical story Jesus recruited his apostles to preach to the ends of the world that he is the beginning and the end and that he will come back again. On a higher dimension, it signifies the non-duality of the universe. That the concept of good and bad, light and darkness, day and night are but one and the same thing. It is all part of Nature and for our own good.
The Egyptian Sphinx
On its journey to glory, it has to pass through the sign of Cancer. In the scripture, this is where Jesus the Christ started reflecting and prophesying his death and resurrection to glory. Astronomically, this sign of cancer begins on June 21 the longest day of the year. It is after this date that the power of the Sun starts to reduce and the day begins to become shorter and shorter until December 21 the tropic of Capricorn where the day is the shortest. The day the Sun is crucified. And then finally, after its passage through the constellation of Cancer, it arrives at the end of its journey in the constellation of Leo where it becomes the lion of the tribe of Judah. This is that period of Summer from the 23rd of July till the 22nd of August where the world experiences the heat of the Sun the most, that period of the year the power of the Sun is at its strongest. In the constellation of Virgo it starts allover again and just before its fall(Autumn) after passing the scale of balance in the constellation of Libra in September 21 referred to in the scripture as the judgement day where we experience equal hours of day and night, the sun gets stung by Scorpio and began its journey of death which eventually falls on December 21.
What has been so difficult to believe and it doesn't even require belief is that what is above is also that which is below and that which is without is also that which is within. Although how the ancients knew this beats the imagination. Many thanks go to those who took the time to find out this holy truth. Without beating about the bush, what is happening below is just a reflection of what is happening above. It is like the universe fashioned the sky to be a mirror in order that we may see our true selves. Or to put it more rightly, it is like the Universe created the sky in order that it may see itself.
Now what the ancients discovered is that the Aries constellation corresponds to the head of man. Taurus corresponds to the neck.
Gemini corresponds to the arms and shoulders.
Cancer corresponds to the breast, chest.
Leo corresponds to the heart.
Virgo corresponds to the Abdomen and intestines.
Libra corresponds to the lower back.
Scorpio corresponds to the genital areas.
Sagittarius corresponds to the hips and thighs.
Capricorn corresponds to the knees.
Aquarius corresponds to the calves and ankles of the lower leg.
And Pisces corresponds to the feet.
The Astrological Man
But it didn't just end there, the ancients went even further to state that even the planets have their corresponding equivalent in the body of man. For instance, the Sun as been shown to corresponds to the heart of man, the moon to the bulk of the brain, mercury to the rational part of the brain, tongue, hands and feet. And so it goes for the other planetary bodies.
Focusing on the parallel of the Sun's movement in man, medical professionals tell us that there is a seed born in man the moment the moon enters in the sign the man is born in. But that this seed starts its journey from the claustrum.
The claustrum is said to be the seat of all consciousness in the body. According to Wikipedia, "one of the proposed functions of the claustrum is to differentiate between relevant from irrelevant information so that the latter can be ignored". It secretes an oil known in Greek literature as the Chrism, Christ oil, Sacred Secretion among other names. According to some it is this secretion which goes down the spinal column that gave birth to the story of Santa Claus.
Coronal Section of the Human Cerebrum
The Claustrum is indicated by the arrow
Transverse Section of the Human Brain
The Pineal gland produces golden Melatonin. It has more blood flow per cubic volume than any other organ in the body. It is located in the center of the brain above and behind the pituitary gland and bathed in the cerebrospinal fluid. It is the dominant source of the body's melatonin. Now melatonin has a wonderful effect on moods, it affects the immune system, it is also responsible for the quantity and quality of desired sleep, it is also known for its anti-aging qualities and how it reduces stress because it suppresses Cortisol. It is an antioxidant. In the bible it is known as the living water.
The Pituitary gland on the other hand produces oxytocin and vasapressin which is whitish in colour. It activates the Hypothalamus which preserves the health and also aids the activation of the pineal gland. It is located above the sphenoid sinus where CSF is secreted. It is feminine in energy while its counterpart the pineal gland is masculine in energy. Studies shows that oxytocin and vasapressin aid in the reduction of fear, anxiety and aggression while at the same time it heightens feelings of peace trust and emphathy.
Now the sacred oil just like the sun is on a journey. Along its path is the solar plexus. Around the stomach region. Among the ancients, this is where the Christ seed is born and known in the bible as Bethlehem. After that it travels down to the Sacrum. It must also be noted that this seed can be destroyed and matter of fact it is the case with most of us. The ancients somehow know that if we abstain from sex during a certain period of the month around the time the moon enters into our sun sign, the seed is preserved and has the potential to develop. It follows too that we must abstain from alcohol and abusive behavior in other to preserve and nurture the seed. Some even go as far as proposing the avoidance of the seven capital sins in other to protect this seed. After its journey through the solar plexus, the sacred oil goes down to the sacrum. The Sacrum is the end part of the spinal column. It was introduced as a technical term in anatomy in the mid 18th century. It plays a vital role in the circulatory system. When it functions properly, it aids in our physical, emotional and mental well-being. The Sacrum is a triangular bone in the lower back formed from fused vertebrae. It is situated between the hip bones and the pelvis. It is also the location of the sacral pump. The Sacral Pump circulates CSF back up the spinal cord through the nervous system and into the brain.
The Solar Plexus
The Sacrum
What is also interesting is that various colours have also been attributed to them. Each of the chakras have their function. But for the most part, these energy centers are dormant. They require activation before they can be activated. But equally important is that they must be balanced. The heart chakra for instance when it is balanced, one sees naturally that division is but a creation of humanity. Divine intelligence does not know division. Hence, one sees that religion is but a seed of division to divide humanity. One no longer wants to participate in anything that divides him from his fellow human beings. Hence political parties, race and religion take a back seat when the issue of the benefit of humanity is concerned. It is at this point that many naturally take to vegetarianism and veganism because they see the all as one. Hence the natural love to protect all that is living. The journey continues and the oil goes further up to the throat. This is where it is crucified. Once crucified, it remains in this region for 2.5 days, the number of days Jesus the Christ is said to be in the tomb and equally also the number of days the moon remains in each sun sign in a month. In this period, if we abstain from sex and abusive behaviors, the oil is transformed and transmuted and resurrected. Once that happens, man becomes enlightened and illuminated. This is the special advantage such schools of esoterism like the Freemasonry and Illuminatis have over the non-initiated. After 2.5 days the oil ascends to the pons. It is a major structure in the upper part of the brainstem. It is located beside the medula oblongata. It is involved in the control of breathing and communication between the different parts of the brian and sensations such as hearing and taste. It is a bridge and it transports the transmuted oil to the optic thalamus when new blood is produced. This is when the dormant brain cells are reactivated and one experiences bliss.
The Thalamus just like the earth have two hemispheres. The right and left hemispheres. When the Christ oil reaches the optic thalamus, one will know his purpose, have visions, know what really matters. One becomes, so to say, a new creation. Among the many benefits of this wonderful occurrence is motivation, direction, illumination, healing, intuition, power and many other beautiful divine virtues.
And so, just like the sun's movement from birth to death and resurrection and glory, man is expected to emulate the sun in preserving the sacred oil that he may be enlightened and climb the ladder of evolution.
As Above So Below.