What is Tithing?

So many stupid things have taken place and are still going on all in the name of tithing to the extent that some churches in Nigeria now have ATMs beside their churches. The members of these churches have been so brainwashed that I now find it necessary to blog this thing called Tithing. What is Tithing? Does it mean the giving of 10 percent of one's income to a pastor or priest? Or is there a symbolic meaning intended by Divinity?
In trying to answer this question, let us first try to understand what Divinity is.

Divinity in simple terms means Pure Consciousness. Some have decided to call it God, some others call it Krishna and some others call it Allah. In the course of time, many names have been attributed to it. But let it be known that this supreme being is neither a she nor a he. It is neither this nor that. What that means is that while we cannot say for certainty what Consciousness is we know very well that it has no shape or form. It is neither white nor black. Neither does it have a name. If anyone tells you the name of God is so and so. Then that certainly is not GOD. According to the Chinese Philosophy of Taoism, here is how they described the TAO: "The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao, the name that can be named is not the eternal name". Hence we know God is not a topic for discussion since we cannot know God in its entirety. Hell, we don't even know ourselves. The question naturally arises, who is that then that was described in the old testament as Jehovah. The answer is simple; that is not GOD. If that is not God who then have people been praying to for the last 2000 years by the Judeo-Christian-Islamic community which is more than half the population of the world? Who has more than half of the world been tithing to? Who is this mysterious figure that so many have been killed in its name? Who is this mysterious figure that offerings are being collected in its name every Sunday in the billions of dollars? Certainly that is not God but if that is not God what is it then? Your guess is as good as mine. If we are to throw more light on this alien entity of the Old Testament called Jehovah we will discover to our shock that it is very far from what people, in general, conceive as God.

But supposing we are to assume that this alien entity of the old testament is 'God', and then has required us to give him 10 percent of our income so that his priests can survive then let us look at how the issue of tithing came into being and also how the Mythographers understood tithing. Does this alien entity called Jehovah really need 10 percent of our income? Or is there something Divinity is trying to tell us other than giving 10 percent of our income?

The issue of tithing started with Abraham. In Genesis 14:20 ESV, it states, "and Blessed be God Most High who has delivered your enemies into your hand, and Abram gave him (Melchizedek) a tenth of everything"
Before going further, it is necessary to investigate the person of Melchizedek since in this case, he represents God.
In Hebrews 7:1-3 ESV it states, "For this Melchizedek, king of Salem, priest of the Most High God, met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings and blessed him, 2. and to him, Abraham apportioned a tenth part of everything. He is first, by translation of his name, king of righteousness, and then he is also king of Salem, that is king of peace. 3. He is without Father or Mother or genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but resembling the Son of God he continues a Priest forever."

It is obvious from this passage that Melchizedek is a mysterious character. In other words, Abram did not tithe to a man. The passage is very symbolic and interesting. If we read that passage further, we see that this so-called Paul who it is said is the writer of the Book of Hebrews is trying to educate the church about the true meaning of tithing. Perhaps here is the right time to chip in that the Bible is not a historical book. It is not even spiritual although many will deny that. In my opinion, the bible is a scientific book dealing with the science of the soul. Hence characters like Abram and Sarah, Cain and Abel, Jesus and the Devil and all other character of the Bible are but allegorical and not historical. In other words, they were used by the Mythographers of that time to explain deeper truth concerning the Spirit of man and the Universe. In this instance, the bible is talking about the psyche of man. It relates here to the victory of the higher mind over the lower mind. We are all Abram. Abram is that Spirit's potential in us which the mind represents. Sarai his wife is also a part of us. Just like 'Eve' Sarai (also changed later to Sarah) is that feminine part of us which the emotion represents. But in this instance, the issue was between the lower mind and the higher mind. The lower mind is but 10 percent of our total being which is very active. The 90 percent is that passive aspect of us that is Divine. But in other to access the 90 percent we must consciously shut down the 10 percent which is our lower mind with all its desires and restlessness. This is where the giving of 10 percent comes in. When we shut this active part of us (which is referred to as the 10 percent), Divinity now has the chance to be fully activated. We will notice that the moment Abram defeated the Chedorlaomer and the kings that were with him (referring to our lower mind) Melchizedek from nowhere came and blessed Abram. We are told that Melchizedek has neither father nor mother, having neither beginning of days nor end of life. The only thing that fits that description is Consciousness or Divinity if you may. Consciousness has neither beginning nor end. It is the source of all. Some refer to it as the 'Ether' but I would go further to say it is that from which even the ether emanates. Back to the story, we are told in Genesis 14:21-23 "And the king of Sodom said to Abram, 'give me the persons but take the goods for yourself' 22. But Abraham said to the king of Sodom, I have lifted my hand to the Lord God Most High, Possessor of Heaven and Earth, 23 that I would not take a thread or sandal strip that is yours lest you should say I have made Abraham rich." Here again, in this instance, the king of Sodom represents our ego.  When our higher mind seems to overcome our lower mind, the lower mind which I call ego surges forward to try to cut a deal. Indeed it shouldn't be strange to anybody on the spiritual path that oftentimes temptations that have been overcome opens the door for other temptations to be experienced. And most times just when we think we have overcome a temptation the snake turns its head to entice us even more and more often than not we fall for these material pleasures be it money, sex, fame or power.

Another instance of this story is that of Jesus and the Devil in the wilderness. The Devil is the lower nature of man or the lower mind. He (for the sake of better understanding) wanted Jesus the Christ (higher mind) to bow down and worship him. In Matthew 4:10, "Jesus said to him, away from me Satan, for it is written, Worship the Lord your God and serve him only." So we see like Abraham, Jesus wanted nothing from the devil. In other words, when our lower mind suggests filthy things to us we are to rebuke that lower nature of us and operate from the higher consciousness if we are to attain victory over our lower nature which oftentimes is the victorious one just like Eve or Abel.

Genesis 28:20-22, Then Jacob made a vow, saying, "If God will be with me and will keep me in this way that I go, and will give me bread and clothing to wear, 21 so that I come again to my father's  house in peace, then the Lord shall be my God 22 and this stone, which I have set up for a pillar, shall be God's house. And of all that you give me, I will give a full tenth to you."

Here is Jacob after leaving Beersheba and heading towards Haran. We are told that at a certain point in his journey in the middle of nowhere he took rest because the sun has set. It was after waking up that he made that promise in Genesis 28:20-22. The question here is who is the 10th part he promised going to? Certainly not to a pastor or priest. It must be noted that the giving up of the 10th part of us is nothing more than shutting down our lower mind with all its desires and restlessness so that we may be able to access the Divine in us. This shutting down is most effectively carried out in meditation. It is obvious that the ancients knew something about the psyche or nature of man that today's generation has missed. They know how to access the Divine. Due to lack of symbolic literacy present-day generation have taken the bible too literally and hence so many awkward things have been carried out in the name of God. When Jesus came on the scene, he emphasized this inner temple so much so he was crucified for it. Always attacking the religious and governmental entities of his time. It was for this reason in Matthew 6:25-34, he stressed the "take no thought for the morrow" about 5 times which I can say corresponds to our five senses. In other words, when we are meditating we are to shut down our senses including our thoughts and emotions the 6th and 7th sense. Although not easy but the few times it can be achieved is sure to activate the Divinity within us. Of course, it may require a lifetime but be sure it is not in vain.

If the issue of tithing is seen to be the giving up of one's lower nature in meditation in other that we may access Divinity, it follows therefore that the subsequent mention of tithing falls under this first idea. The folly going on in Nigeria and the rest of the world where pastors swindle their congregation because of lack of symbolic literacy is a shame. Consciousness has got nothing to do with materiality neither does it need it for its existence. These so-called pastors and priests preaching a false gospel and living off it will certainly meet their karma. For life is a cycle and one of the laws governing it is 'No Price No Pay'. In other words, whatever one sows one shall reap.

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