"The lips of wisdom are closed except to the ears of understanding." -The Kybalion
Natural Law also known as The Hermetic Principles which is from the name Hermes Trismegistus, the person attributed to initiating the initiates into these laws. It is also known as the Law of Causality or The Law of consequential-ism. It is what people today generally refer to as the Law of Attraction. It is as old as the universe. It is the building block or the foundation of the universe. Without these laws, the universe cannot hold, cannot come into being. Like a house cannot stand without its foundation. Hence it is important one is acquainted with these laws. The laws are there not so much to bind man but to set man free in the pursuit of freedom, love and happiness. The laws are hermetically sealed. In other words, they can't be changed. Some even believe that these laws put together are what constitute God. God in the sense that they can't be changed, hence no bribing with praises and worship like our Christians brethren have been led to believe. These laws are no respecter of anybody. Just like the law of gravity doesn't care if a little child is crawling out the window of the 7th floor of a building. Does that make the law evil? Of course not. The laws are ultimate. Even God is bound by them. Either that or what we call God is an embodiment of these laws. So the magicians knowing full well that application of these laws in the right way can cause tremendous positive change in their lives spent all their life making experiments of these laws. Herein lies the difference between such philosophical schools like the Freemasonry, Illuminatis, Theosophists and other esoteric sects who study these laws and the rest of the masses who are ignorant of these laws. Why they should be labeled Occultists beats the imagination. It is strange how the word 'Occult' has been 'satanized'. The word simply means hidden. Just as the Nervous System in man is not seen but does that make the nervous system in man evil? Certainly not. What these laws enable us to do is to become who we are or what we desire to be. Hence studying these laws and living according to them elevates one to his or her desired end. It is for this reason the golden rule from all time has been, "Do not do unto others what you don't want done to you".
These laws as have been observed, operates in the macro-cosmic level as well as the micro-cosmic level. It constitutes what I will say is the true doctrine. It is universal and everyone is bound by it whether they know it or not. Although what is strange about them is how they have been hidden. Even the sages and Avatars have always mentioned them in whispers. Always from lip to ear. Many were also persecuted during the night of the dark ages who know or lived by these laws. Even Christ admonished his disciples, "Do not cast your pearls before Swine" in another instance he was asked by his disciples why he always taught in parables, he answered saying, "To you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom but to them it has not been given." So we see Christ who was an initiate living by the old code of silence. What is now the point of his death if he would not teach them the truth? But that is not how the universe operates. Everything in the universe is bound by LAW. Hence those he spoke in parables to were bound by universal law and until their senses have been sharpened and purified to perceive the truth, telling them how the kingdom of God operates would be like casting pearls before swines. Paul who was also an initiate of the sacred mysteries lived also by the code of silence. He said to the church, "I have fed you with milk and not with meat; for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able." It is certainly the same with the church in this age. But Nature despite her patience has a way of bringing everyone on board the ship. Sooner or later we will eventually come to point of consciousness where we live the truth and it is already being observed in this age of Aquarius that people are waking up from slumber. The dark age of Pisces is slowly giving in to the dawn of a new age. Without further ado, below are the seven basic laws or principles handed down by Hermes Trismegistus the trice great god.
1. The Principle of Mentalism
2. The Principle of Correspondence
3. The Principle of Vibration
4. The Principle of Polarity
5. The Principle of Rhythm
6. The Principle of Cause and Effect
7. The Principle of Gender
The Principle of Mentalism - All is Mind, The Universe is Mental. - The Kybalion
All one has to do to grasp the truth of this principle is do a little reflection of the universe and reality and man. How did it all come about? what is the origin of all that we see. Is there a creator? how did the creator create? From what or where did IT get the materials from to create? How many solar systems and galaxies are there in the universe? What is matter, energy, spirit, consciousness or mind, how do they fit together? One obvious fact is that man has a mind from which he operates. But the next question is then what is mind? The mind is a subject that is continuously being researched. How was it created, with which material was it created? What are the attributes of mind? Does it have powers of its own that are being unaware of? Is there a boundary to it? But we see that even the mind of man is boundless and it can create mental images. It is seen that there is no limit to what it can create mentally. It is strange therefore that as finite as man there is also a part of him that is infinite. What is reality? Someone once remarked that if we sleep half the time and we are awake half the time, which is the dream and which is the reality? Can the underlying substance of reality be the mind. In the bible we were told that in the beginning was the 'word'. Occultists disagree with that statement because before the word there must be the thought. Therefore it is quite logical that the universe as we see it including ourselves must have been or is a thought of God or the ALL. Or can we say that all that is manifested is in the mind of the ALL? In any way we look at it we see that all that is manifested exists first in the mind before it is manifested physically. Therefore the Principle of Mentalism is a practical doctrine of how we and everything in the universe came into being. It therefore suggests that before man can create anything, man must first consciously use the power of his mind. If we look at the world today, we can see that things that were thought impossible some decades ago are now possible due to the power of the mind. And since the mind is such that it is infinite, there is no telling the technological advancement we will see in our age and the age to come. In this principle lies the true doctrine of the law of attraction.
The Principle of Correspondence - As Above, So Below; As Below, So Above
For further read on this principle, more details can be found in my blog titled "As Above, So Below". From the principle of mentalism we were able to make a correspondence with the infinite and the finite. We saw that if man who is finite can imagine things without end, he must have gotten that ability from the Deity or the ALL or rather since we are a reflection of the Deity, we can also imagine life without boundary. It is through this principle, man has been able to use geometrical principles to measure the stars and suns. Practically, it shouldn't be a shock to those who are observant that their outer world is just a reflection of their inner world. Hence, the various planes of the universe has but one thread going through them all. In other words, whatever is possible by the All is possible with the individual. Whatever is possible in any plane be it the Mental, Astral or Ethereal is also possible in the physical or you can turn it the other way around. Whatever is possible in the physical is possible in the Mental, Astral and Ethereal planes. Applying it to our daily lives, it is common to see people unhappy because of this or that. But the solution to that unhappiness lies within. The moment one changes his or her thoughts, one begins to see his or her outer world change. Indeed few know the power of thoughts. It has been said over and over again but it so happens that we are more overwhelmed by the physical than the sub-atomic realities of life (thoughts). Better it is called sub-atomic because that is what it is. The word 'Spirit' is nothing more than the sub-atomic realities of life. Bottom line, through the principle of correspondence we can change whatever we don't like in our lives by changing our thoughts and emotional vibrations.
The Principle of Vibration - Nothing rest, everything moves, everything vibrates. - The Kybalion
What is vibration? How is it of any importance to life and achieving our dreams?
According to the book "The Kybalion" by the three initiates, it is stated under the principle of vibration, "Nothing rest, everything moves, everything vibrates". Through this principles initiates are never worried about death because they know in the true sense of the word death is but an illusion. There is nothing in the universe that is still or motionless. Through this principle, matter, energy and the various sub-atomic planes can be understood. What is the thing common to visible light and invisible light, to matter and Spirit, Life and the so called death? It is but vibration. People are usually shocked when told that in the seeming motionless state of matter that if one can but look closely or with a powerful microscope, one will see that in the seeming motionless state of the matter that the atoms composing that matter are vibrating. In other words, the atoms composing matter are constantly in vibration. Hence we can see that the various manifestations of life are but the varying degrees of vibration. Hence a tree is a tree because of a particular rate of vibration. Stones are what they seem because of a particular vibration. In the same vein, the sub-atomic planes of life which the religious folk call spirit is but a form of vibration. We see now that spirit and matter are one and the same thing and the only difference is the rate of vibration. Applying it in our lives, initiates know that if they can concentrate on a certain thought and visualize it in the physical with a certain emotional vibration to go with it, and keep at it in a certain frequency, that before long that which is visualized will come to life. Of course it depends on one's visualization abilities. For some it may take a day to materialize their visualization while others may require a year. In the end to manifest anything depends upon the polarity of our thoughts and visualization.
The Principle of Polarity
Everything is dual, everything has poles, Everything has its pair of opposites, all truths are but half truth. - The Kybalion
Through this principle, the apparent contradictions in life can be reconciled. What is good and bad? What is light and darkness? What is silence and sound? Heat and cold? And the list goes on. The answer is, all these seeming opposites are but one and the same thing. They seem to be different things because of the perception of man. For instance, in our thermometer, there is not a line that differentiates heat from cold. Cold is simply the absence of heat and vice versa. The same with light and darkness. There is not a line to say this part is this while that part is the other. Life is but the result of the inter-relationship between the opposites. Without a male and female or positive and negative coming together how can life be created. Indeed as the Hermetists rightly said, all truths are but half truth. In practical terms, how can it be applied in our day to day lives? For instance how can we live in harmony with all? Through this principle it becomes easy to transmute that feeling of hate to that of love. All that is required is change the polarity of our thoughts just like in the principle of vibration to a polarity of love for that individual and before long Nature takes its course and we can experience heaven on earth. This principle can also be applied to our desires and needs. All that required is the patience to see it manifest.
The Principle of Rhythm
According to the Three Initiates in the book "The Kybalion" Everything flows out and in, everything has its tides, all things rise and fall, the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of swing to the left. Rhythm compensates.
We all must have heard or experience the the rise and fall of empires. The law of rhythm is a natural phenomena and can be seen in every area of life. We all know already about the Law of Vibration but this vibration is not chaotic, it has an order to it. This is where Rhythm comes into play and can be appreciated. This principle can evidently be seen in our emotions, sometimes we feel high and sometimes we feel low. It is seen in the tides of the sea, it is seen in the change of seasons, it is seen in the alternation of day and night. It is seen in our economics and financial situation. Sometimes we experience gain and other times we experience loss. It is also seen in the phases of the moon. Applying it to our daily lives, if we can but observe nature carefully, we can will know when to plant and when to harvest. In the same vein, in terms of our finances and relationships, there is a time to be active and a time to be passive. It is precisely where the law of Karma can be be observed. It is through this principle the Universe is saying to us, "I have got your back". Through this principle we are sure of Divine Justice. But the Initiates who have studied this law devised a means where we can make good use of the law instead of the Law affecting us. If it is an established fact that we all have our good and bad times, it makes sense to want to protect ourselves from the bad just as houses are built to protect us from harsh weather conditions. Hence, any serious student conscious of it only knows that all he has to do is use his will to polarize himself in the good part and hang on tight until the bad wears away. Any student who can achieve this is already on the part to Self-Mastery.
The Principle of Cause and Effect
This principle has no need for further explanation as the principle in effect is self explanatory. All books worthy of the name have said it over and over again. What we sow we shall reap. That is a natural law of nature that needs no further explanation. According to the Initiates, there is no such thing as chance. And chance is but a name given to a law not recognized. Nothing escapes the law. Applying it to our daily lives, any serious student knows that in other to achieve a certain result all he needs to do is do what is required. In other words, the causes is where one needs to focus his attention. According to Isaac newton, "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction". Whatever we wish to achieve whether in finance, relationships or spirituality, all we need to do is ask ourselves what is our present state and then ask what is required to achieve what we desire. once that is known all that is required is make the necessary actions. The Action is where the magic lies.
The Principle of Gender
"Gender is in everything, Gender has its masculine and feminine principles, Gender manifests on all planes" - The Kybalion
It was a shock to me when I first knew this principle. According to the ancients, gender can be seen in everything. Indeed it must be so or how else is life to be. Like we said before as below so above, we know by analogy that it must be so in the invisible realms. When we see the manifestation of Sex on the physical plane, we know it must have occurred due to the workings of the invisible. In other words, just as sex is manifested on the physical plane, it is must also be present in the Mental, Astral and Ethereal planes except that it is not as we imagine it to be. Bottom line is, in any plane, there must be the positive and negative attributes to birth life on that particular plane. For this reason, the initiate is not concerned with the concept of good and evil in the way the masses are concerned with it. He knows that there is no such thing as the devil responsible for what people call evil in the world. He knows that two is as a result of one, one is but the other aspect of the other, and that both is needed in other to keep balance. This operation is seen in Man in his Will and Emotion. In other words, in every human being, there is the masculine part and the feminine part. The masculine part is represented by the will and the feminine part is represented by the emotion. This two qualities must work hand in hand in other to achieve success. If the Will is dominant, it is not long before one runs into trouble, if the Emotion is dominant, one is apt to be passive and not active hence stagnation of one's abilities which can result to devolution for there is nothing in life that is stagnant. Nature has no place for what is stagnant. The moment one is stagnant, the moment one begins to decay (devolution). Applying it to our daily lives, it is necessary that we must use our will to achieve whatever we wish to achieve be it on the mental or astral planes. Anyone who can use the power of his will to imagine is already on the road to godhood. Infusing that imagination with emotions is the secret to manifestation. Herein lies the true power of the Alchemist in transmuting base metals into gold. In other to manifest whatever we desire, a mental transmutation must take place before that desire can be manifested physically.
For further read:
The Kybalion by Three Initiate
For further read:
The Kybalion by Three Initiate