The Controversial Story of Jesus the Christ

Who exactly is Jesus the Christ? Is it Krishna of Hindu mythology who lived about 900 years before Jesus the Christ and born of a virgin on December 25? Is it Horus of the Egyptian mythology who was born born about 3000 years before Jesus the Christ and also born of the virgin Isis on December 25? Although another legend has it that the goddess Isis slept with her dead husband Osiris which resulted in the pregnancy of Horus. Is it Buddha who was born of a virgin on December 25 around 563 BC? Is it Zarathustra an Iranian god born on December 25 by a virgin around 800 BC? Or can it be Mithra a Persian god born on December 25 by a virgin around 600 BC? Can it be Dionysus the Greek wine god who was born on December 25 by a virgin around 500 BC? Is it Adonis, Thammuz or Hermes the trice great god?

The way history is full of gods born on December 25 tempts one to think if he is to born a god all he has to do is have sex 9 months before December 25. It became so rampant in Greece that a reigning king issued an edict decreeing the death of all young women who should offer such an insult to Deity as to lay to him the charge of begetting their children.

But aside the fact that most of these personages were born on December 25, their life story is also similar. For instance we are informed that Buddha just like Jesus went to the temple at the age of 12 (12 is a symbolic number in the universe) where he astonished the elders about his wisdom. Buddha unlike Jesus fasted for 47 days before starting his ministry. Buddha was also tempted by the Devil at the beginning of his holy mission. The devil said to Buddha, “Go not forth to adopt a religious life but return to your kingdom and in seven days you shall become emperor of the world riding over the four continent.”
Buddha like Christ strove to establish a kingdom of heaven on earth. In Somadeva (a Buddhist holybook) it is related that a Buddhist ascetic's eye once offended him so he plucked it out and cast it away. Could this be where the writer of the book of Matthew got his line he ascibed to Jesus, “if thine right eye cause you to sin, pluck it out and throw it away.”

In the case of Krishna, we already know he was born of a virgin on December 25. It is interesting to note that just like Jesus the Christ, Krishna was also called the son of God and savior of the world. Krishna like Buddha was also from a royal descent. He was visited at birth by shepherds who were guided by a star. It is also related that a warning was issued that he will be killed and that he should flee the country. We are told that he was migrated to a place called Mathura. Krishna at the beginning of his career fasted in the wilderness. Just like Jesus he was called the lion of the tribe of Saki. It is related he performed many miracles, including, healing of diseases, casting out of demons and raising of the dead. He selected disciples to spread his teachings. He also celebrated a last supper. Like Jesus he was crucified and resurrected to life again.

In Egyptian Mythology, Horus is born of the Virgin Isis. He is known as the only begotten son of the god Osiris. It is part of the custom of ancient Egyptians to parade a manger and a child representing Horus around the time of the Winter Solstics which falls around December 21 and very similar to what the Catholic Church does with the birth of Jesus. Horus like Krishna and Jesus had a death threat in his infancy. Strange too is that like Jesus there is no recorded history of Horus between 12 and 30 years of age. Horus is recorded to have been baptized at the age of 30. Strange again is that like John the Baptist the person who baptized Horus was also beheaded. Horus was crucified, he descended into hell and on the third day he resurrected.

In the ancient Iranian Mythology, we are informed about a guy named Zarathustra which in Greek is Zoroaster. Zoro was born of a virgin who like Mary was born Immaculate. Zoro started his ministry at the age of 30. He baptized with water, fire and holy wind (Ghost/Spirit). He cast out demons and restored sight to a blind man. He taught about Heaven and Hell, Resurrection, Judgement, Salvation and the Apocalypse. He probably was one of the first to institute the sacrament of the Eucharist (Lord's Supper). It is also said that his followers are expecting his second coming and according to some sources, that date falls around 2341 AD. He is also noted for his doctrine of monotheism.

Others who share a similar story of Christ are:
1. Attis of Phrygia (
2. Heracles of Greece (
3. Dionysus of Greece (
4. Thammuz of Babylon (
5. Mithras of Persia (
6. Venus of Rome (
7. Mars of Rome (

There are a few more and any student of history interested in the topic should do well to make his own research. Certainly, for any serious student of history, that question must certainly be asked, How come all have a similar life story? Are they all the reincarnation of one and the same person? More importantly, did all these figures actually lived on earth or is it just a myth? If Jesus is sharing a similar life story with these figures before him were does that leave him? Is Jesus a myth or did he actually lived as billions of people actually believed? these are questions that any serious student of history should be confronted with. There are some philosophical schools like the Rosicrucians who claim that this guy called Jesus the Christ actually lived. As a philosophical school with archives dating back to many years before Christ, their view about the person and nature of Jesus is important to take note of. According to them, Jesus was an Essene. The Essenes according to recorded history existed in Palestine besides the Sadducees and Pharisees. Unlike the Sadducees and Pharisees, the Essenes were devoted to the interior life and were few in number compared to the Sadducees and Pharisees. They became popularly known due to the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls discovered in 1946. Whether the Essenes wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls or preserved what was handed them is a debate among scholars. But what is strange about the relationship between Jesus and the Essenes is that while early Jewish historians like Josephus who lived from 37 AD till about 100 AD, Pliny the Elder (died 79 AD) Philo (20 AD - 50 AD) wrote about the Essenes who led very quiet lives and likely not to be known and probably the reason the writers of the gospels failed to mention them, these early Jewish writers failed to mention the radical Jesus who by all standard was a rebel and likely to be known. Even while it is possible to read from the memory of Nature and find out about anything or in this case persons who lived which the Rosicrucians claim to have done in addition to their vast archive, the problem with this is that other magicians who can also perform such feat have not been able to confirm or deny the stand of the Rosicrucians as regard the nature and person of Jesus.
In any case truth depends upon the cognizance of each individual. According to Franz Bardon in his book Initiation into Hermetics, "All of us do not have one and the same cognizance, we cannot generalize the problem of truth." Also according to him, "Only the one who knows and masters the absolute laws of the macrocosm and microcosm can speak of an absolute truth."

That aside, let's briefly look at what the scripture said about him. It is the understanding that the writers of the gospel must be familiar with a guy named Jesus who paraded the streets of Palestine. But what the scripture presents is an insult to lovers of truth especially as the Bible is regarded as the word of God. For the sake of space, these absurdities will only be hinted.

1. Contradictory genealogy of Jesus by Matthew and Luke (Matthew 1:2-7 & Luke 3:23-38).

2. It would seem only Matthew and Luke know of the Virgin Birth of Jesus as Mark and John failed to mention it. Even Paul made no mention of it.

3. Matthew and Luke tell a different version of who the angel appeared to in a dream. Who exactly did the Angel appear to, Mary or Joseph? (Matthew 1:18-25, Luke 1:26-38).

4. The Birth date of Jesus is a controversy among scholars and Matthew and Luke also seemed to disagree on the exact date.  According to Matt, Jesus was born in the reign of king Herod but Luke said it was during the first census that took place in Israel while Quirinius was governor of Syria. The problem here is that Herod lived and died in 4 BC while the first census occured in 6 and 7 AD. About 10 years after the death of Herod.

5. The place of birth is slightly contradictory according to Matthew and Luke.

6. It would seem only Matthew know of the plot of King Herod to slaughter male children under 2 years of age as none of the gospel writers mentioned it. Be that as it may, recorded history has proven that no such crime ever happened in the time of King Herod or any time in history for that matter.

7. As regard the Passover, Matthew, Mark and Luke seem to believe that it happened on the first day of the Passover while John unlike his fellow gospel writers believed it took place a day earlier and Jesus crucified on the day of the Passover.

8. Who bought the field of Blood, Judas Iscariot or the Chief Priests? (Acts 1:18, Matthew 27:7).

9. How did Judas die? By hanging or he bursts open and his insides spill out? Matthew and the writers of the Acts of the Apostles believe different. (Matt. 27:5 Acts 1:18).

10. Did the two thieves crucified with Jesus mocked him or just one of them? Matthew believed the two thieves or rebels mocked Jesus but Luke believed only one of them did so and the other rebuked him. (Matt. 27:44, Luke 23:39-40).

Enough to drive home the point although there are many other contradictory statements about the events of Christ. In light of these absurdities, it is only natural to ask if these so called apostles or disciples really know of the person called Jesus or perhaps the life of Jesus is not meant to be a biography of an actual person who lived.
The controversy is so much that some people actually believed Jesus is a white skinned person while others claim he is of black origin. Martin Luther King was a strong proponent of the black Christ.
This blog is not so much interested as to whether a person called Jesus the Christ ever lived but more important is what this person imparted to humanity. Although it will readily be seen that there is nothing Jesus the Christ did that was new. His teachings were not new neither was he the first to die and resurrect or for that matter to redeem sinners. But what is strange is how his life seems to parallel other noted figures before him. Stranger still is how the story of Jesus relates to the physiological structure of man in attainment of enlightenment. And of course it is too much of a coincidence that the life of Jesus as related in the bible is similar to the astronomical movement of the sun. Could the bible be a myth about the relationship of the universe and man or is the bible a biographical account of a savior who walked the streets of Palestine? These is a question each man must ask and answer for himself. Some read the bible and are enlightened while others read the bible and are enslaved. And as the bible rightly said, the scripture is a double edged sword. It is entirely up to one if that sword will be used for defense and protection or an instrument to harm oneself.

For further read:
7. Lewis, Spencer. The Mystical Life of Jesus. Grand Lodge AMORC. 1929
8. Graves, kersey. The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors or Christianity before Christ. Freethought Press. 1875

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