
What is consciousness? How do we even start to describe something that is not visible or physical? Is it the aura of an object or a person or is it that innermost being of a being?
It is sad that religion has not been able to throw light on this important subject. Perhaps religion is scared of losing their grip on the souls of the masses. It could be said that the understanding of this subject is the difference between freedom and slavery. Could that be the reason these so called cults disguised as religion are afraid to enlighten their congregation? Because when we know what consciousness is our vision becomes a bit clearer automatically. Maybe not so much at first but as one continues to meditate on the subject, one's vision becomes clearer and clearer.  And once the vision becomes clearer, one is able to look at everything in the right perspective. You begin to see society and everything related to it in its true light. More often than not, one's first reaction is anger because of how long one has been fooled and blinded especially by those who have set up themselves as the guardians of truth. It is the awareness of consciousness that opens the so called 'third eye' of the individual. Science on the other hand is now coming to terms that consciousness is more than just how we experience the physical universe. That consciousness is more than our five senses which we use to relate with the physical world. A lot of experiments have been conducted in the lab to show that even in sleep the consciousness of man can be trained to carry out conscious activity. This is almost similar to the astral travel some mystics talk about.

This blog will only attempt to give a sketchy analysis of what consciousness actually means. The subject of consciousness is so deep that in my opinion, you can't get to the bottom of it. It is a life time activity and life as we know it has no end nor does it have a beginning. What is consciousness? Simply put, it is that AWARENESS of everything else. It is that awareness which helps us to relate with the visible universe. It is that awareness which monitors one's thoughts and emotions. It is that awareness that makes one see even the invisible. It is that awareness that comes to the surface when the mind and emotion is still. In other words, it is our deepest core. Now the question is can this awareness be aware of itself or know itself to the full? Well, as regard that question, the wise ones have always kept their mouth shut. When God in the old testament was asked the question who it is, it replied saying "I am that I am". So far that answers perfectly the question about consciousness. Consciousness is neither of the sexes. It just is. There is something about consciousness which seems strange. I assume the term 'Conscious' and 'Sub-conscious' mind is not anything new. Before going further, before attempting to clarify this subject, it is necessary to acknowledge what Carl Jung said about the subject. He said something in the lines of before getting to attempt to know what consciousness is, it is necessary to rid oneself of the familiar. In other words, one has to rid oneself of one's family tree and then the society one has been born in. Indeed, it can be taken further, one should rid oneself of everything one knows or has been taught him. This is where education is not enough to even teach us about ourselves. It has always been the other way round. Man's attempt to conquer the universe has neglected himself in the process.

So regarding consciousness, it might do us much good to forget whatever we have learnt from the religious and education institutions. When that is achieved, one sees a whole different universe. One begins to see the inter-relatedness of everything. And that there is the sum of consciousness. Although in religion we find lumps of truth here and there and all try to teach about love still they are usually tinged with that false aspect of what consciousness isn't. Most religions if not all is always tinged with the "Us versus Them" thing. That is why being a member of any religion or philosophical school is a subtle form violence. For the moment that the ideology of "Us versus them" is held by anybody, that person is already on a psychological warfare with his fellow neighbour. Once that attitude is held by the many the end result is always in sight. One does not have to be a clairvoyant to see the trouble the future holds when a large number of the inhabitants of the world hold such views or divide or cut themselves off from the rest of humanity. It is the reason the wise ones have always warned us to be wary of any ideology that separates us from our neighbour.

Now consciousness is everything and nothing. Everything because it is the sum total of the all and nothing because it is through nothingness the all can be grasped or understood. It is the beginning and the end. It is what religions have misinterpreted as God and given anthropomorphic qualities. What a shame to hear of a god who demands human sacrifice or a god that demands the sacrifice of his only begotten son, a god that is jealous and angry, a god that has kept a separate burning place for people not belonging to a particular religion to burn for eternity. The Bible is truly a sacred book but those who claim to have written it or even own it have done incalculable damage to the consciousness of the masses by teaching or preaching a false message. According to Madam Blavatsky, the founder of the Theosophical Society, she made it clear that there is no religion higher than truth. Truth which is eternal is divine. It belongs to no one per se. If it happens to be in one's custody, it is the sacred duty of that person to preserve the essence of it. Truth cannot be monopolized. It is through the awakening of consciousness that we know there are holes in the crap served by our religious leaders as truth.
But the Bible is a sacred book and should be understood in the right consciousness. It is a mystical book hence everything written in it are symbols of eternal truth.  What a shame to find that in the 21st century people are still scared to the full of an after life or even death. Back to the issue of the conscious and sub-conscious, I said earlier that there is something strange about consciousness. By the conscious I am referring to the 5 or the 7 senses of man. Feelings and thoughts vibrations being the sixth and seventh. These are tools Nature has designed us with to relate with the physical world. How well we master these tools determines to a large extent our consciousness. On the other hand, the sub-conscious is that subtle part of our being that Nature has reserved for herself. It is through this part of us that we are able to accomplish those things referred to as miracles by religions. It is for this reason some have decided to call humans gods in disguise. This is precisely the area Occultists have been termed devil worshipers. But when we realize that Occultists have only decided to claim their birthright, we see then that they are not doing anything supernatural or out of the ordinary.

What is strange about the conscious and sub-conscious or the super-conscious if you may, it is that while the subconscious is so powerful, way powerful than the conscious, it has been designed by Nature to be under the subjection of the conscious which is limited. Hence we wonder why Nature which is boundless should subject herself to a finite entity like man. But when we visit the lunatic asylum we find indeed there is wisdom in this arrangement. When we function in the subconscious for too long, we might lose that ability to function in the conscious and when this happens, the end result is temporary madness and in some cases permanent madness. This is something common with spiritual mediums who claim to talk with the dead. So truly, there is danger in Occultism and people should be warned. Whether it is Psychometry/Vibroturgy the ability to tell the history of an object (including the people who touched that object) just by touching the object, or teleportation (the supposed ability to manifest physically in a location without using any physical mode of transportation, or is it the popular phenomena known as telepathy which William W. Atkinson, a metaphysical scientist begs to differ and decides to call it .... (Well you can go ahead and read any of his books on telepathy). Telepathy, the supposed phenomena of communication between two entities without word of mouth is now scientifically accepted. Gone are the days it was seen as a supernatural ability. Telekinesis, the supposed ability to lift or move an object without touching it is also one of the subconscious phenomena. These and others are but our natural birthright and done through the power of our subconscious.

 The problem with most of us is that we have left consciousness at the door as Michael Tsarion, a researcher and alternative historian used to say. Most of us are even scared to look deep within ourselves. We are somewhat afraid to approach our reality. Whether this has been caused by religion or just pure laziness is difficult to say. If we are scared to take that adventure within then that is cowardliness on our part. If we are scared to make that journey within because of religion then it is slavery. But if on the other hand we are not making that journey because of laziness then at least there is hope. We can turn around and say I want to know myself and make the conscious effort to do so. Consciousness awakens through observation. Observe everything about you, the outer world and the inner world. But the point of all these is to bring out the obvious fact that while man because of lack of knowledge has divided consciousness into the sub and even super conscious which our favorite TV hero, 'Superman' falls into,  consciousness must be understood as the basic fundamental reality. Whether it is the subconscious or super-conscious if you may, it is still consciousness. It is division whether in consciousness or any other thing in the universe that has been the trouble of the world. Consciousness is the smallest indivisible atom in the universe and hence everything possible in the universe is contained within consciousness. Consciousness must be seen as the seed of the universe just as any seed of a plant or tree despite very little can grow so big. So Consciousness in its growth becomes boundless as the universe. So whether it is electricity or magnetism, the two most powerful forces in the universe, man who is but a seed of the universe is also capable of these forces. So it is on good grounds that Occultists and Esoteric Scientists and even Mystics have kept this knowledge hidden. For the knowledge is sacred and not to be profaned. Some philosophical schools have proposed that it is through the profanity of this knowledge that such highly civilized societies in the past like Atlantis and Lemuria were destroyed.

But to think that the point of the awakening of consciousness is to be able to do psychic stuff is but to miss the point. Psychic abilities indeed is fun to try but that is not the end goal of the growth of consciousness. No growth is really considered growth if love is not the end goal. It is this reason Occultists and Mystics have held that even minerals are conscious because it is through love that they couple with other minerals. Hence we know that in consciousness nothing is dead. So what scientists once termed matter is not really matter in the true sense of the word for these so called matter are alive. It is just recently that scientists are beginning to wake up to the fact that matter is not the dead tissue as they once taught us. So if matter which you think is dead is not truly dead how then can a human being be dead or experience death. Life is a series of stages of consciousness. It continues. Whatever one's religious affiliations, it doesn't change the fact that the life of that individual transcends death. Death should be understood properly. Just like birth, death should be seen as a passage to another stage of consciousness. In the area of quantum mechanics or micro physics, a lot is being discovered that is still a shock to the rest of the world. Back to the issue, in the path of conscious awakening, people are usually divided into three main paths. The paths being that of surrender, service and the path of the warrior. All are interconnected and one is not better than the other. Some have chosen through their growth of consciousness to surrender to that pure consciousness of love and flow with life however it comes. Most mystics fall into this category. There are others who out of sympathy for the misguided have decided to be of service to the world by helping people however they can, however little. The occultists mostly fall under this group. And then we also have the third group which are the warriors. This group have decided to fight with all that does not contribute to the growth of consciousness in themselves. They are mostly the Yogis of the Eastern tradition which has been penetrating gradually into western civilization. Whichever path one chooses to follow, if the end goal is not to love unconditionally, then it is as good as not even making the attempt to walk the path. It is a task that demands all of one's strength. But of course, it doesn't go without reward.

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