Now let's look at reincarnation with natural eyes. We have established already that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. How do we know that? First, through our mental bodies. It is not our physical body that determines what we think or how we live our life rather it is our mental body that dictates or is the cause of our physical life and how it will unfold. Through our mental body we know we are boundless just like the universe. Through imagination we can travel the cosmos, no doubt we must be familiar with voices in our head or in our mental body. Not only that, the mental body seems to be having discussions with itself. One asks a question and another mental body replies. Who are these beings or who does the voices belong to? Are they gonna die too with the death of the physical body? These mental bodies are forms of energy and we know energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Unfortunately we have to disagree with that portion of the bible that said "In the beginning was the word..." The Universal law of Cause and Effect states that for every effect there is a cause. Likewise, for every cause, there is a definite effect. And so, before the 'word' which is an effect, there must be a cause which in this case must be a thought or a form of energy before the physical expression of that energy which in this case translates to sound or the word. If we are to accept that passage, it cannot be the literal version which exoteric Christians have accepted. Hence, the physical life (Effect) is as a result of the spiritual life (Cause). But since energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it simply means that our present incarnation can't be our first incarnation, neither will it be our last. We must have had a previous incarnation prior to the present incarnation. We even read in the bible a statement attributed to God that before we were born he already knew us. In that case we must have been existing before prior to being born. Nature has designed us in such a way that at birth we tend to forget our previous incarnations, or rather not pay too much attention to it. Then as we grow older and fascinated by conscious experience we slowly forget about our previous incarnation although if the memory is stimulated we can remember or recollect the experiences of previous incarnations. The wise have always admonished it is better to let bygone be bygone. Despite that, the memory is such a faculty that needs to be developed otherwise the use of memory will be handicapped in its use. Only few children are able to recollect their previous incarnation. We shall discuss some notable examples later on. Scientists have tried to analyse thoughts and where they come from. They have concluded that it results from our sense perception through our sense organs, through the subconscious and through the unconscious mind. Despite the progress of science, there is still a lot to be discovered. Still scientists still don't know how many living creatures can be found in the sea, nor can they tell us what exactly is below the earth surface say like 20 kms deep. Our mental bodies is similar to the oceans and deep earth, we are by no means knowledgeable as to the true nature of the mind. One life time is not even enough to till the depth of the mind. It may not even be reached. Although the mind has been subdivided into the conscious, subconscious and even the unconscious, it should be seen as a whole. Dividing it may distort our perception of reality. It may distort our perception of life. It is as a result of this distortion that some phenomena which is purely natural have been termed miracles by our religious folks. There is so much to mind than meets the eye. This is the field occultists have chosen to further their education. Nowadays we hear of parapsychologists, scientists studying or investigating paranormal activities. Paranormal activities have always been around from time immemorial in all cultures. Although main stream science still regard parapsychology as a pseudoscience, a time is coming where it will be accepted as a natural science like other science subjects. Science in trying to understand the universe from sense perception will fail woefully to decode the occult foundation of the universe. One of the branches of parapsychology is reincarnation. The theory that we come back to life again in a different body.
Secondly, when we go to sleep, there is this part of us which continues with living activities. In most cases, it is only when it is about to dawn that we become conscious of our physical body. Some who are psychically sensitive must have witnessed the rejoining of their astral body to their physical body when they are about to wake from sleep. Now this astral body or energy body (for lack of a better word) is a subtle part of the human being. A sort of development is needed before one can consciously use this subtle body. Religious folks usually shy away from talking about astral travel or Soul travel but unknowingly to them this is what they engage in during their sleep. This body unlike the physical body is closer to Nature. In other words, it is able to experience Nature on a deeper level than the physical body. Most of what is impossible for the physical body is possible for the astral body. Those spectrum of color not seen with the physical eyes can be seen with astral eyes. The sounds we cannot physically hear can be heard with the astral ears. Indeed, life on the astral plane can be such a sweet adventure. It is through this body that those so-called miracles talked about by religions is performed. But Occult scientists know that there is no room for miracles in the universe. What people term miracle are phenomena they don't understand. Hence, just like they have invented the word spirit, they have invented the word 'miracle' for the phenomena of Nature they don't understand. It is almost as if nothing is impossible to this body when it has been fully developed. To develop it, certain occult practices must be observed. Now, most people or rather the religious folks shy away from the word 'Occult'. The word over time now seems to connote a negative meaning. Some will even say it means evil. But the word simply means 'hidden'. It has nothing to do with evil. It is a neutral realm. Although its forces can be used for evil just as it can also be used for good. It is therefore left to the individual if he is willing to bear the consequences of his evil actions. The universal law of cause and effect operates everywhere, but it tends to be much potent when one is playing with occult principles of Nature. It is the understanding that whomsoever much is given much is expected. When Nature reveals her secret to a sensitive soul, it is expected that that soul will hold sacred that which has been given him by Nature. So whatever one sows, one is sure to reap the consequences. That aside, our religious folks forget that by thinking they are engaging in an occult practice. Thinking in my opinion is the purest form of prayer. When we engage in concentrated thoughts, Nature takes note of it and if it becomes consistent, Nature our mother has no choice but to grant us that which we have consistently thought about be it good or evil. In this regard, thoughts are powerful and thinking should be done with care otherwise we might not be prepared for the calamity that will ensue if our thoughts are not in line with godly principles. For when our thoughts are not pure, our lives is bound to be chaotic. This astral body can also be referred to as our subconscious. Now the subconscious is the seat of memory. It is also the seat of emotions. The thing with memory is that, like a thermometer that can register hot and cold impressions, the memory can with the proper development not only recollect the past but also see into the future. In this regard, the so-called gift of prophesy has nothing supernatural or religious about it. It is as natural as the word goes. With the right exercise, the astral body or the subconscious can be developed to such an extent that one can recollect past events as well as see into future events too.
When we go to sleep, it is mostly what has been stored by the subconscious or what has been impressed on the subconscious during the day that we continue with in a dream state. Through proper development, one can use this means to find out mysteries of the universe. What has this got to do with reincarnation? Simply that, just like sleep, when we transit this physical realm, or what is referred to as death, we continue as living entities in the astral realm. Occult science goes on to say that even this astral body at some point will shed away that body to give room for the mental body to continue with the cycle of life. How long it will take to complete the cycle and back to reincarnation into a physical body is difficult to say. Some schools believe it takes as much as a century, other schools say about 144 years and others believe it depends upon the immediate past life. This is where 'Karma' comes into the picture. All religions try to teach about chastity. When the astral body (Subconscious) is purified from all forms of inordinate desires and emotions, occult science teaches that one may not reincarnate to this physical plane but go on to incarnate in higher realms. Except of course the soul which is always free to choose decides to reincarnate in the physical realm. So one theory responsible for the belief in reincarnation is that we need to set our record straight before we can have access to higher realms. It is almost similar to our education system, until we are knowledgeable enough to master a class we cannot go to the next class. In other words, failure means repeating a class until one can pass the test to the next higher level. So it is with life. Until we master the lesson that needs to be learnt, the next level of life might not be open for initiation which is usually through birth and death (transition).
The belief in reincarnation is an age old thing. But how the belief in it started is obscured. It is stated that Hinduism (one of the oldest organised religion if not the oldest) had not always believed in reincarnation but at a certain point in their development it became a core doctrine of their belief system. After that, it can be understood how it spread to most parts of Asia that also believed in reincarnation. Religions like Buddhism, Janism, Sikhism which are major religions in the east believed in it. But the belief in reincarnation is not only found in the east. Practically all cultures in the world believed in reincarnation in one form or another. In Africa, it is a traditional belief among various cultures from the east to the west and north to south. In Europe we also find it wide spread among various cultures. In America, the Native Indians also believed in it. Western religions like Judaism and Christianity and even Islam believed in it at the beginning but due to misinterpretation or misunderstanding of scripture, they renounced belief in it. While that is the case, the belief in it didn't die with the renouncement of it. Rather the belief in it went underground. We found it in the esoteric circle of Christianity, Islam and Judaism. The teaching is what one is usually welcomed with in the esoteric quarters of these religions. Indeed, like the lost sheep parable in the bible, it is a thing of joy when one is able to navigate his way from the exoteric to the esoteric. And the first present handed over to the newly raised life is the teaching of reincarnation. But that is not really the case. The new initiate automatically sees that death is but an illusion. He really doesn't need for anyone to teach him that for he has experienced it himself. This is where spirituality is different from religion. In Spirituality, there is no room for belief. Life in the Spirit is about knowledge. The Initiates know without a doubt that life is eternal and sees death for what it truly is. So we see everywhere this teaching. But when we take a look at the exoteric world of these western religions and how they have suppressed this teaching and in most cases through the penalty of death for those who sustained the belief in reincarnation in the early times, we see a very tragic situation. But now due to civilization, people are now excommunicated rather than killed for holding such views. Still, psychological violence is being carried out on a grand scale by these religions. On the one hand, most mystics would like to keep the peace and pretend they didn't see the injustice going on but on the other hand, some other mystics knowing that children are the ones mostly affected can't keep quiet in the face of this grand crime. Some kids grow up thinking at some point in time, talking snakes actually lured a woman called eve to eat an apple. How long do we have to lie to our children? If we want a better tomorrow, we have to start telling children the truth. Throughout the ages there have always been those fire mystics who'd rather put on the light than let darkness reign. Most times they have been crucified for putting on the light but the world through them became a better place for all. Back to the issue, we find in the Koran the statement, "God generates beings and sends them back over and over again until they return to him". It is almost similar to the statement of St. Augustine that says, "Thou hast made us for thyself O lord, and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in thee." At this point I can't help but remember one of my favorite mystic in the name of Rumi. A Muslim mystic and poet. Her poetry and quotes are so inspiring. This was one of her quotes, "I died as a mineral and became a plant. I died as a plant and rose an animal. I died as animal and rose a human. Why should I fear? When was I less by dying? Yet once more I shall die as human. Reborn I will soar high with the angels above. And when I sacrifice my angel Soul, I shall be more than mortal mind can know." Also we find in the mystic teachings of Judaism in the Kabbalah, the same teaching of reincarnation. In the Kabbalah it is even stated that the soul of Moses reincarnates in every generation. So on the surface it seems the teaching of reincarnation is not accepted by our western brothers but digging deeper it is seen as food for the initiates. In Christianity of course, it is plain as day that reincarnation is a common belief. In the Old Testament for instance, we find in Ecclesiastics a book attributed to Solomon, the wisest man who they say ever lived, it said in Ecclesiastics 1:9 "What has been will be again. What has been done will be done again. There is no new thing under the sun." Most people tend to forget that "no new thing" includes themselves too. In other words, even the 'new' born babies are not exactly new. They have lived before. There is also the interesting story of John the Baptist and Elijah. Although Sceptics have argued against John being Elijah, still, Jesus didn't refrain from his statement in Matthew 17:12, "I tell you, Elijah has already come and they did not recognize him, but have done to him everything they wished...." Another of my favorites is the story of the blind man born blind and healed by Jesus. The disciples questioned Jesus, "who has sinned, this man or his parents?" The statement implied that before the man must have been born blind he certainly must have sinned in the previous life. But Jesus didn't try to correct that view of sin from the previous life as he normally would have done if that view is a wrong view. At another time, he asked his apostles, "who do people say I am?" The apostles went ahead to mention various old prophets who have died implying Jesus must be a reincarnation of one of the old prophets. So in the time of Jesus, reincarnation was a common belief. There are other scriptures also implying the belief in reincarnation by the people of Palestine. Unfortunately, these body of early Christians were forced underground or face persecution at the hands of Christian gangsters at the time who still call the shot till date.
Now to look at the theory from a scientific view point, late Dr. Ian Stevenson, a professor of Psychiatry at the university of Virginia dedicated most of his career to the investigation of reincarnation until he died in 2007. He shared about 3000 cases with the scientific community. According to him about 35 percent of children who claim to remember their past life proved it with a birthmark or injury for that matter. Not only that, the life of the deceased is found to correspond to the story of the child. In my opinion, 35 percent is enough to throw doubt out of the window. Not that I need any proof. Another scientist in the name of Dr. Jim Tucker also at the University of Virginia, a professor of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences who continued from where Stevenson stopped investigated the theory of reincarnation and documented lots of stories in his book, "Return To Life: Extraordinary Cases of Children who Remember Past Lives" One of the cases is about a little boy named James Leininger. James at the age of 2 began to have horrific dreams of being a fighter pilot who died during the world war two. Everything he said regarding the incident of his death matched the actual incident. Dr. Tucker through his investigations couldn't help but begin to see light in what a former quantum theorist Max Planck, the father of Quantum Theory proposed. Max proposed that consciousness could be a separate entity not dependent on the brain to survive. And that once the brain or the physical body is dead, consciousness continues its living activities. So we see here that what we said at the beginning that we are spiritual beings having a human experience is being confirmed or rather being proposed by the father of Quantum Theory. Quantum Theory which is a relative new branch of Physics is mystifying scientists all over. This field of study which is at its conception is opening new worlds to humanity. What was thought not possible in the recent past is now beginning to have potential of possibility. One of these possibilities is the idea that we can be at two different places simultaneously. An experiment called "The Double-Slit Experiment" was conducted with a particle of light. But first it was conducted with two photons (particle of light). It was discovered that these photons going through the slits produced an interference (wave) on a screen at the opposite end. When it was done with a single photon, the same result of interference was observed. Scientists are still battling for an explanation of this weird action of a photon to divide itself to create a wave pattern. Billy Donahue, a mystic and a teacher has done a lot of research or rather collected a lot of materials in the field of quantum theory and quantum mechanics although he is hardly schooled in physics. For more insight into this topic, his videos should be checked out. Now what has this got to do with reincarnation? First science has proven that we are bodies of light when viewed through X-ray machines. This is corresponding to the statement in the bible where it is said that we are the light of the world. Another experiment was conducted in Austria and later repeated in California. It was discovered that when a particle of light is destroyed, it appears 3 feet away. What that means is that humans as light bodies can't be destroyed. Not even the dreaded death could take away our life. When we transit this physical realm, we appear at another realm fully conscious or even super conscious as the case may be. In all these, the Law of Karma or the Universal Law of Cause and Effect must be taken into consideration. Just as the sum of all our thoughts is our present life experience, the life after transition will be the sum total of our present life.
This blog is not about convincing anybody about reincarnation. Hell, even the author of this blog finds the theory a little bit strange. But one thing that is a fact is that in life there is no death. Life is eternal. Everything lives. I find it strange that despite how old the earth is and how humans have depended on water for survival, the water body of the earth is still about 70 percent. I would have thought that through the consumption of water, the percentage of water would have been drastically reduced but that is not the case. The same goes for other natural resources.
We have been able to see reincarnation from a natural view point and in this case through human nature or the microcosmic aspect. We saw how religions all over the world teach this even though our western brothers have chosen to suppress the teaching. Then through science, we saw some proof about reincarnation through the destruction and reappearing of a light particle which we humans are. The aspect of the natural view point we didn't touch is the macro-cosmic view point. In the universe, it can readily be seen that nothing goes to waste. Everything is useful otherwise it will not be here in our physical world. In this regard, not even death makes us less useful. While the body will go back to its source from which it came, the operating force that was working that body will continue its activities. Hence, in the natural way of things, even if we are not functioning in the physical world anymore, we will be useful somewhere else. Taking the sun for instance, we know it comes and goes. And while it is away, some other light source comes to take its place. But it only last for a while and the sun is back again. So death and life can seen as night and day, both complementing the other. So through the universal law of correspondence, As Above So Below, As Below So Above, we know that man who is but a microcosmic version of the macrocosmic, will be back again if he transits this physical realm. How that will take place is entirely dependent on the soul. Some say man can reincarnate as an animal, others say maybe even as a plant and some goes on to say that it is even possible to reincarnate as a mineral. I won't be surprised if people who love diamonds so much choose to reincarnate as diamonds. But the bottom line here is life is eternal. How the soul choose to live this eternity is entirely up to the soul. Using the Universal law of Rhythm and Polarity, death (transition) just like sleep is just as necessary to the grand wave of life.