Introduction to Occult Philosophy (Misconception of Occultism)

First things first, the word 'occult' should be de-occulted. It is now the fashion that people generally think evil whenever the word 'occult' is mentioned. Occult simply means hidden. There is nothing evil about it. Jesus the Christ, the master of Christianity said, “My people perish because of lack of knowledge”. Occultism is simply a body of knowledge which when known can place one in a position of power to make wise decisions. When boiled down, it is the knowledge of the self and the cosmos and the relationship between both. (As Above, So Below). It is not really occult if one is attentive to Mother Nature. But because we have abandoned Nature we have lost many abilities our mother (Nature) blessed us with. It is common knowledge that knowledge is power. This is why it can be said that occult knowledge is evil because with this knowledge comes the power to manipulate reality to achieve one's aim and goals. While that is the case, there are occult schools who hold that even the use of occult knowledge for personal gain is evil or to paint it with a different colour, black magic. Occult knowledge has always been for the general good of humanity. It is the reason most occult schools teach universal brotherhood. Occult knowledge has never been for the manipulation of others nor to acclaim wealth and material things although occult knowledge has been used for such things. To a reasonable extent, no matter what some certain people believe or claim, all acquisition of material gains is gained through occult principles. The rule has always been never to worship these material things, (that is the transgression) because they come and go. Or rather, we as spiritual (electromagnetic) beings can create them for our use just like the Father created everything for the benefit of the whole. So it makes no sense to worship something one can literally create. It doesn't matter if it is religion, politics or education, all of which has been created by man. The result of this is idolatry. Looking at Nature therefore, we see abundance everywhere. That man is experiencing lack is because of either the abuse of Nature or not in harmony with Nature. Once we are in harmony with the Universe and Nature, abundance by default should be our birthright. This therefore is the sole aim of Occultism, to strip away all false ideas of who we are in other that we may be left with the single eye, the truth. In Freemasonry it has been represented in the symbol of the single eye in the pyramid or triangle although popularly described as the all seeing eye of God. The Bible said, "if thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light."  So it becomes idolatry when people worship created things. Our work therefore or rather the work of the occultist is not to worship a being whom man has called God or any other manifested being in the name of Jesus, Mohammed, Krishna or whatever is the fashion in the various localities around the world but rather to look within and sculpt away all debris of the soul so that the true beauty, that divine principle in us may shine bright. This is not to say we are to refrain from that simple adoration of life and the various manifestations of Nature that take our breaths away which is the true form of worship, in other words, that simple "WOW" that is automatically evoked from us whenever something so pleasing and grand whether in simplicity or complexity is presented to our senses is in reality a true and pleasing form of worship accepted by the Divine. The DIVINE is such that IT does not beg our worship, once in the presence of the Divine, we cannot help but adore IT. The adoration comes naturally from the heart. We are not obligated to worship the Divine but to whom the blessing has been given to witness the Divine and recognize IT as such naturally pays adoration. It is only in those who are sick that would refuse to do so because they are blind although their eyes be open. And in this, the Divine is not mad at them because these set of people cannot acknowledge its divinity but rather the Divine is infinitely patient until these set of people return back to mother Nature. Anybody who is familiar with the story of the prodigal son can relate to this. This sculpting away or stripping away goes way deep. Just as the spectrum of colour or light and sound goes from the physical to the ultra(invisible), so too does the health of man. In most cases, man thinks he is healthy because he can manage his everyday physical activities but from the occult perspective, health goes way deep. One cannot have just a perspective of life and say that is the all of it. That is not a healthy view. There are so many perspectives to a point in space. Hence a healthy person from an occultist stand point is he who has been able to grasp life in the fullest, in other words, he is able to live life to the fullest. He can operate in the invisible realms just as he can operate in the physical realm. Not just that but he is supposed to be psychologically healthy. He must be able to establish a balance in all areas of life. Now life just like colour and sound is not only what is visible but also that which is invisible. A true occultist is never known to be scared of death because for him life and death are but one and the same thing. It is only natural and fair that Nature should initiate us into the mystery of death that we may experience life in full.  

So because we have failed to get in tune with our true nature, and live in harmony with the principles of mother nature we experience lack and all sorts of diseases. That aside, no true occultist would ever use occult knowledge or better still, sacred knowledge to manipulate others or take advantage of the weak because he or she as a child of the universe already knows better. This body of knowledge is not taught in conventional schools or religions. Therefore the need for mystery schools. For in Nature there is no where to hide. Nature is our mother. A mother naturally wants to share all she has with her children. There is no secret she will hide from her children. But because conventional religion has failed in this regard, Nature found another means to preserve her treasures. This is why this knowledge has always been sacred the way the relationship between mothers and children is a sacred bond. This is the reason for the mystery schools scattered all over the world or what is fashionably known as secret society. It is these secret societies (occult or mystery schools) who have been dispensing this body of knowledge. If not for them, humanity and the world would never have progressed to the level it is now. If not that they suffered persecution at the hands of organised religions particularly the Catholic Church that made them go underground, perhaps that aura of evil surrounding them would never have been so and the progress of humanity would have seen greater height of civilization than is current. The Catholic Church on the other hand who tried to confiscate the materials from the mystery schools or at worst burnt these materials in other to have this knowledge to herself failed to realize that Nature has a way of sharing her precious gifts with her children. That no matter if all the books on the secrets of Nature are burnt, Nature has a way of reviving such knowledge. Because they do not understand the symbolism employed in these sacred texts, they ended up anti-christianizing true christianity and the result of this has been 2000 years of darkness and a 'neo-slavery' age in the western world. Perhaps it should also be noted that true Christianity is not about following or worshiping a guy called Jesus Christ but rather, it is about the discipline of raising the 'Chrism' of fire within one no matter how difficult the task just like the master Jesus did. The word "Chrism" is gotten from the Greek word "chrîsma" (the word from which the word Christ came). A Christian therefore is that one who has been able to raise that chrism of fire or in the process of raising the fire within him to such an extent that he is a master of himself or herself and in union with the universe. Such a person deserves the title 'Christ'. Just as the mythic being Jesus was christened Christ because he has been able to raise that chrism of fire within him, so anybody who is able to do that deserves to be given the title 'Christ'. At that point, it is fitting for the person to be called a god. Naturally, we are all gods in the making. The biblical Christ said, "Know ye not that ye are gods?" Life is a school to bring us to that reality. As regard the nature of that chrism, I wrote at length to describe it in my blog titled, As Above So BelowThankfully, the age of Aquarius is at hand and little by little the vitalizing water from the constellation of Aquarius will revive the energetic centers of man back to who they truly are. This can already be seen in the world all over in the rebellious acts of people which is a characteristic of the constellation of Aquarius. In the next 2000 years, humanity will experience phenomena never experienced before. Man will be capable of so much that the mind of the average man can't even phantom now. So much great stuff are in the womb of Nature waiting for the right time to materialize.  Another question that may be raised is, did a person called Jesus Christ which in some occult circles is referred to as Jesus the Christ ever lived? This question has divided occultists into two groups. Those who believe he walked on earth and those who don't. But what both parties did agree on is that whether he lived or not is irrelevant. What matters is the teachings attributed to him. It is unfortunate our christian brothers have bought a lie. The result is psychological sickness without them knowing it. They believing in a geographical place called heaven and hell. Not realizing that heaven and hell are but states of consciousness within the human psyche. Even the Bible made it clear, the kingdom of God is within you.

 Although, in as much as religion is bad, it is also good in the sense that it prepares the spirit of man for higher initiations later on. For instance in Freemasonry, it is required that one is already acquainted with religion in other to be inducted into the fraternity. The Spirit although ageless, when it incarnates in a body is bound by the laws governing that body no matter which plane or dimension that body is operating. Hence in the visible universe, it is the law that everything that incarnates in this realm must grow. So consciousness which is a quality of the spirit must obey that law when it incarnates in the flesh. From lower states of consciousness the consciousness grows to higher states. In other words, religion which is for people of lower states of consciousness is necessary at this point in time because it is serving a purpose. A time is coming (and it is already at hand: the age of Aquarius) when religion will not be as necessary as it is today. Then, the consciousness of people in general would have grown so much so that like the Father, they will be self sustainable. Neither religion nor government will be necessary. At this point in time, the general consciousness of people is still developing. Just like babies need their parents for guidance or just like the sick needs a doctor, people of lower consciousness need religion. So to some extent religion is still necessary although the damage they have caused so far and still causing is incalculable.

Before going further, it is necessary to briefly acquaint ourselves with the history of occultism. Now the history of occultism is a fool's errand. It is like trying to trace the history of the human spirit. Still, the terms occult or occultism only came to us recently. According to Wikipedia, the term "occult sciences" was first used in the 16th century to refer to astrology, alchemy and natural magic. The term 'Occultism'  emerged in 19th century France when it came to be associated with various French esoteric groups. In 1875, it is related, the term was introduced into the English language by the founder of the Theosophical Society, Madam Helena Blavatsky. By the 21st century it was already so common that even academic scholars began to theorize about the terms and what it should mean. Most of them, as usual, demonized the term and try to paint it black. Yes, Occult science is such a science that it can be difficult to theorize about. Its field includes the invisible aspect of man and the universe. Most times, the pioneers of occult sciences are seen to be strange human beings and this can be easily understood. Knowledge is such that with it comes courage and freedom. The Human Spirit craves freedom just as the material being craves air to breathe. It is mostly for this reason that most people find themselves dabbling in occultism. Religion has failed woefully to grant the human spirit that freedom to such an extent that people are suffocating and choking without them knowing the cause. One can't even breathe. It is the searching for air to breathe that makes one who is sensitive to finally leave religion. Others find themselves in it out of curiosity. Whatever the reason, if it is not wholly (Holy) one may have to pay a deadly price. In occultism, it is mostly the case that sooner or later for the ones practicing it, they evolve to such a dimension that what they consider normal is abnormal from the average person point of view. Most occultist spend a great amount of energy trying to fit in. When one knows one can fly it takes a whole lot of discipline to stick to walking. Still, in occultism, it is natural to find weird people. In any case, to dabble in it already means one is weird.

Now talking about occult science, what are we talking about? Should it even be called science in the first place? Well, all knowledge is science or art. Just like architecture, occultism can be said to be the science and art of living wholly. In other words, it is the art and science of living the TRUTH. Truth cannot be conceptualized, it has to be experienced. This is therefore the reason why occultism is also an art. In other words, a practice. An occultist is not one who theorizes but one who practices. Truth is not found in theory but in practice. In other to live this truth, an occultist therefore needs to investigate life as a whole. This investigation has led him into various disciplines which can be referred to as sciences. Sciences such as,  Astronomy, Astrology, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Literature, Mathematics, Numerology, Palmistry, HermiticismMysticismRosicrucianism, Kabbalah, Shamanism, Paganism, Neo-paganism, Spiritualism, Theosophy, Astro-theology, Religion, Satanism, Freemansory, Demonology, Anthroposophy, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, AlchemyWitchcraft, Magic, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Astral travel, Hypnotism, Animism, Tarot, Psychometry, Teleportation, Levitation, Psychology, Parapsychology, Philosophy, Egyptology, Africanism and History. The list is by no means exhausted. Way back in Egypt, there was no such thing as the division of science. All subjects were studied as a whole for all subjects are related. In other words what is regarded as an occult science is no different from any subject in the physical sciences. There are occultists who are religious about their practice who tend to discover other occult practices. For instance Psychometry known as Vibroturgy in some occult circles which is the art of knowing the history of an object only by touching it, is only recently discovered by material science. It is said according to Madam Blavatsky that the word came about due to it's first use by Professors Buchanan and Denton. It started when a bishop named Polk told Prof. Buchanan that he could distinguish brass in the dark by touching it. According to the bishop, it caused a peculiar brassy taste in his mouth. Buchanan, an American professor of Medicine decided to investigate his claim. He was rather surprised that many of his students also possessed this faculty. But he was surprised the most when he met a man who by touching a letter that is sealed revealed the mood and background of the person who wrote the letter. Another professor called Professor William Denton, a professor of geology, not convinced of professor Buchana's theory decided to investigate the phenomena and he too discovered that some certain people who are highly sensitive could reveal the history of a geographical specimen like a rock, a bone, meteorite or whatever is natural to a geographic location just by touching it. Although in occult sciences, it is mostly the case that phenomena revealed by material sciences is already well known in advance before material science can even dream of it. That aside, this is another proof that death is an illusion. For if the vibrations to a certain object can remain for an eternity, then the life of a human cannot be said to be terminated at death. Psychometry is not only about touching. Feeling the vibration of a place is also under psychometry. It is possible to enter a room and tell the nature of people who have lived in the room just by feeling the vibrations of the room. For instance, some years ago, I moved to a new house and took the room where a husband and wife once dwelt. Although the couple have been separated which I already knew. But in the course of staying in the room, just within a week of living there, I saw in the astral realm the fights between this couple that had taken place in that room. Now these things are not really occult abilities. Like I said before, we have abandoned mother Nature and because of that we have lost so many abilities. The tools of occultism are primarily our sense organs. The senses of man to a large extent is blunt. In occultism, there are exercises to help sharpen the senses. When the senses are sharpened, one is then able to penetrate other dimensions. It is the reason all students of occultism after a while avoid some certain food and beverage. Cigarette and alcohol can blunt the senses. Although, not scientifically proven now, meat also can blunt the senses. I discovered when I reduced meat eating my sense of smell became sharpened. All occult students sooner or later knows better after a while that it is best to stop alcohol drinking and smoking if he is to climb the ladder of evolution. He doesn't need anybody to tell him. That is the beauty of occult science. It is all about experiments. There is no "Thou shall not...."

Another phenomena which took material science a long time to acknowledge is telepathy. The phenomena of thought transference. The word is derived from two greek words, tele, meaning 'afar' and pathos meaning 'feeling'. Due to the root word, some occult scientists hold that the general usage of the word as thought transference is wrong and that what the word truly means is 'feeling transference' which is quite different from thought transference. Instead they invented 'Telesthasia' meaning perception by the senses at a distance. The metaphysician, Willaim Walker Atkinson who has written so many books on the subject instead came up with the term 'Telementatian' or 'Telementation' which means mental action at a distance. These terms are yet to be introduced into the dictionary. But telepathy can be found in the dictionary and its meaning is yet to be corrected. Telepathy, to use it as it is generally used is a phenomena dating back to the recess of time. Among popular Ancient Indian texts it was discovered that this was a common phenomena among the Hindus. Among other ancient race and civilizations, this was also common. In ancient Egypt, it was common among the priests. How this ability was lost over time beats the imagination. So much so that popular scientists are still struggling with accepting it as a scientific fact. Between occultists, this is a natural phenomena. I have a friend who is highly sensitive and who when I wish to call him calls me first. It has happened on various occasions and while I know the mechanics involved, I am still left bewildered on how he picks up my mental vibrations so fast. This Phenomena is also very common between mothers and children and also between lovers. While it can be done by anybody the people with the most successful experiments are those who have affinity to each other. Since 1882, the London Society for Psychical Research have collected a huge amount of proof concerning telepathy but still as with almost everything, there are skeptics who still don't believe in it. Now the purpose of this blog is not to convince anybody of such phenomena but rather to point out that what most people regard as occult abilities or supernatural ability is not really supernatural but a natural ability. Most people do not understand the workings of the subconscious part of a human being. While it may be hidden, it is very natural like the physical aspect of man. Through the power of the subconscious, so many abilities can be explained. There is no room for miracles in an occultist dictionary. Every manifested thing must have an explanation. We know therefore that there is no such thing as miracle in the universe. Everything is based on Law and Science. Man is always busy studying this and that but if man will but concentrate on the study of self, man will discover a whole new world of possibilities. That man is not studying the most important thing to study which is but himself is not entirely his fault. There are dark entities making sure that man does not come to know himself. One of them is religion and the other is government. The both of them are scared of what man is capable of doing the moment man awakens from the sleep. If only we are privileged to see what NASA and the CIA are investigating and experimenting with, we will step up our education at a fast pace than what we are provided with. That aside, there are people who tend to believe that the government is responsible for their woes. This mentality is very wrong. Before complaining of being slaves to any institution, we must first make sure we are not slaves to our negative passions. In other words, when we are able to overcome the self, we will recognize at once that not only are we master of ourselves but also we are not slaves to any institution whether government or religion. The task is always to overcome the self. Government and Religion are there to assist not to provide the solution. So we see all over the world that those who have dedicated themselves to their objectives, whatever that may be, have no time to be slaves to someone else or institution for that matter. But yes, because power intoxicates, these two institutions have on several occasions abused the power entrusted them.  

I would love to talk about these other so called occult abilities but there is not the space for that as this is a blog and not a book. Anybody interested in these subjects can start by researching the various terms. It may happen that trying to research about these terms one comes across various occult organizations. I pointed earlier on that the sole aim of occult organization is to open your eyes to see who you truly are. Most of them have no fixed dogmas like religions do but rather provide you with materials to read and push you on to investigate these things yourself. With occult organizations, if your freedom is not granted totally then it is an evil organization and one should flee from them. I find it strange that certain religious fanatics would rather die for a religion who tells them what to believe and what not to believe. No greater damage can be done to the Spirit of man than curtailing its spiritual freedom. Mark Passio, an independent researcher showed us that religion is from the Latin verb 'Religare' which means to tie back, to hold back, to thwart from forward progress. In other words, religion is a system of control based in unchallenged dogmatic beliefs which holds back the progress of consciousness. Government also when the root word of it is researched is found to be the control of the mind. So it beats my imagination when people prefer this party to the other. But yes, because we have chosen to remain babies, we need the help of government and religions. Occultism on the other hand is saying, dude, this is who you are, you are a limitless being. Why stick to crawling when you can walk and fly. This has given rise to such occult groups like Luciferianism and Satanism. Both of them have been greatly misunderstood by the public. People tend to think satan is evil but the word simply means 'adversary'. In other words, just as darkness can be said to be the adversary of light, light in the same vein is an adversary of darkness. That said, I am not saying occultism is the best path to follow. Anything that has to do with humans by default must be imperfect. Now some occult schools usually require some amount of money so that they can provide you with reading materials. One occult organization that has actually stylized herself as religion is Eckankar, The Religion of Light and Sound of God.  Any student of occultism sooner or later is acquainted with the occult properties of light and sound. There are certain occultists who through sounds can heal certain sicknesses. Material science is slowly waking up to the fact that a certain sound frequency can cure cancer. Eckankar claims to be a religion but when one goes through their sacred texts one is confronted with occult subjects. Worse is, they even have a degree system whereby one is expected to pay a certain amount of money to qualify for the next degree like other occult organizations. And what I find bad about it (although I don't know if that has changed) is that the moment one fails to continue with his payments, one forfeits the progress one has made and one is expected to start from the scratch all over again. If they decide to call themselves a religion must be because they don't want any evil meaning attached to the name Eckankar. But in any case the money they charge is usually a small stipend. Now I should not be quoted wrong, Eckankar is a beautiful religion if I may call it that. They have been accused of plagiarizing materials of other scholars and claiming it to be theirs. But which religion has not done that? This has always been the case with the majority of religions. In my opinion the christian bible is the worst of them all. According to an alternative historian and an astro-acheologist or archeoastronomist Billy Carson, the founder of 4biddenknowledge, said, the Christian Bible is a copied texts from Sumerian Tablets, Bhagavad Gita, Egyptian Book of the Dead, Emerald Tablets among some other ancient sacred texts. We see therefore that Christianity is nothing more than badly plagiarized paganism. Most Christians erroneously think that Jesus Christ was the first to die and resurrect. All over the world there have been figures who died and resurrected and long before Jesus the Christ. But that is ancient history and probably a myth. In India, according to certain philosophers who have no reason to lie say, there are Mystics or Yogis who experiment with transition (death). They are buried for dead and dressed as such but these Yogis after a couple of days (some are known to be more than 3 days) are raised back to life through the universal power residing in them. It is a matter of knowing how the principle works. Like earlier said, there is no room for miracles in the universe. If any phenomenon takes place, it must be based on LAW. Most of the words attributed to Jesus has been discovered to be said by Krishna about 3000 years before Jesus was even cooked up. And not only can we find these words in the Hindu religious texts but also in other sacred texts of other civilizations like in the Persian, Greek, Roman, and ancient Egyptian religious texts. Anybody interested in this can always start by researching. Unfortunately, most people are lazy and would not want to take the time to research. People want things on a platter of gold. And unless we strive for it, we can never attain enlightenment. That aside, it is never necessary to join any organization to get started in occultism or worse pay a certain organization money in other to acquire occult knowledge. There are even occult schools who claim that occult knowledge can never be sold or bought. But because man by nature is a social being, he sometimes feels better by associating with people of like minds, hence he may be willing to go to the length of paying a certain amount of money to be part of a group. If you are one of such persons it is entirely okay to do so. But there are so many ways to acquire occult knowledge without paying for it. On the other hand the law of sacrifice requires that for one to get something, one must pay for it in one form or another. Herein lies the reason why some occult schools demand money for the materials sent to you. And let's face it, conventional schools requires you to at least buy text books even if tuition is free. The same goes for occult schools. What they ask is not so much. Just money that is enough to cover the cost of providing reading materials. And the rest may go into taking care of other organizational responsibilities. That said let it be known I am not advocating anything, I just simply giving reasons why some occult school may demand money before induction into their fraternities. Simply tuning ourselves to mother nature is enough. And then studying ourselves. There are so many occult practices but what is central to them all is meditation. I find it strange that people generally hate the idea of meditation. It is almost as if the idea of meditation is diabolic or evil. We look at the universe and see rhythm everywhere. In other words, there is a time nature is active and there is a time it is passive. The day is usually followed by night. Summer by winter. Man who is but a child of the universe is also called to follow suit. This is where meditation comes in. Although, to some extent, this is achieved when we sleep, but our astral body keeps on working while the body may be asleep. We can't be active all the time, we have to take out time to be passive. Our mental body is always in operation and if it is not disciplined can get us into trouble. Meditation is therefore that time to be passive. It is simply the passiveness of the mental and astral bodies. Although meditation is a broad term which can be practiced in various ways, in my opinion, the basic form of it is stilling the thought and emotional process and be one with the universe. Or if that is difficult, simply observing your thought process can be a starting point. Some people employ meditation to acquire occult abilities. While that is the case, there is no room to judge other people in occultism. Anything one is doing one must be prepared for the consequences of his or her action. While occult abilities may be fun, the basic goal is learn how to love. This should be the primary goal of meditation. Once we are one with the universe, we easily see there is no room for hate. It is in this instance most occultists are mystics by default. Meditation helps one to see the unity of all. It is for this reason most occultists are vegetarians too. This is another area occultists have been stigmatized with evil. Eating meat has been so a societal trend that when one chose to abstain from it perhaps for ethical or health reasons, one is seen as an alien or worse involved in a dark practice. Aside the mystical benefit of meditation, there is also the health aspect of it. Studies have found health benefits related to meditation. Not just on the physical level but also psychologically too. It improves the intellect. This is why sometimes it is difficult for some occultists to explain some certain phenomena. Meditation opens the third eye or rather refines the senses so that one can perceive deeper truths of life. You simply know stuff without any formal education to teach you that. This could also be the reason why avatars like Jesus the Christ, Krishna, Mohammed, Buddha and the others are so learned without formal education. 

There are some occult schools out there like the Rosicrucians, (there are various factions of Rosicrucianism now), The Theosophical Society, Freemansory, (although, it is no longer clear if modern freemasonry have broken off from their sacred lineage). They share root with the Rosicrucians and since according to them their lineage is from ancient Egypt. They also share similar symbols with the Rosicrucians. There is also O.T.O Ordo Templi Orientis meaning Order of the Temple of the East or Order of Oriental Templars. There is also Thelema founded by the famous Aleister Crowley and who was one time head of the O.T.O. Again, these are but a few of them out there. One thing common with most of them if not all is that they have ties with eastern mysticism. Most of their teachings are borrowed from the east. There is also the Christian Mystics of the first and second century who also share ties with eastern teachings. It was from these Christian Mystics who were called Gnostics that the true meaning and teaching of Christianity can be found. Unfortunately they were forced underground by the Catholic Church because a growing number of them were killed by the Catholics. Considering what the Catholics have done throughout the ages, it is a wonder that they still have a large number of adherents who profess the Faith. While civilization has made them to somewhat relent on their attack of the less powerful, we find their true identity in their literature. There is a special prayer to the "Blessed Virgin Mary" to usurp the power of the Illuminatis and Freemasons because the catholic church is afraid that the Illuminatis and Freemasons are in possession of powerful historical facts that can be used against them. If now were to be the middle ages, the Freemasons and Illuminatis would have been burnt at the stake just like the witches and other science scholars like Giordano Bruno in the middle ages. Oh, those beautiful witches who were burnt (May their souls rest in peace). Witchcraft which is a branch of occultism has been painted in an evil light so much so that the Bible went so far as to say that witches should not be suffered to live. All life is sacred and man has no right to take the life of another. If this so called Biblical god wants people or witches for that matter to be killed, he or she should come down or up from wherever the fuck he or she is and do the job. But we know that no true god would ever give such an order just as it is plain that the God who commanded "Thou shall not kill is different from the Deity who asked his angel to whack off the first born of the Egyptian families. Nor can the Deity who said vegeance is mine be compared to the Deity who gave the order to whack off witches. Any god initiated into the mysteries of life should know better. For all is from the one. Because of this the Christians (Catholics) went so far to kill more than a million witches in the middle ages. Now let's briefly look at the word 'witch'.
It was gotten from the ancient anglo saxon word 'Wicca' and 'Wicce' which can be translated as male and female witch. Although there are schools of thought that teaches that a witch has no sex. Whether male or female, a witch is a witch. According to Madam Blatvatsky, it was Dr. More in the year 1678 who criticized the definition of a witch. According to Dr. More, A Witch or Wizard signifies no more than a wise woman or a wise man. The word Wizard, from plain sight already indicates wisdom or someone who is wise. Also the word 'witch' which can be said to be from the English word 'wit' from the verb 'weet' means to know. Acquainted with the root word of Witch or Wizard, it is plain that it means someone who is wise or someone who knows. Now why are witches wise? Because they live in harmony with Nature. From the book, "A Witches Bible" written by Janet and Stewart Ferrar, we find in the introduction, the following, "As a religion (Witchcraft) - like any other religion, its purpose is to put the individual and the group in harmony with the Divine creative principle of the Cosmos and its manifestations, at all levels. As a Craft, its purpose is to achieve practical ends by psychic means, for good, useful and healing purposes." it is further stated that the distinguishing characteristics of the Craft is the Nature-based orientation. For to work in harmony with Nature is to be wise. Witchcraft therefore means craft of the wise.

So when broken down, we see that there is no difference between occultism and witchcraft. The goal of both is to live in harmony with Nature. But what is it that made the Catholic church persecute so many witches in the middle ages? Just because they were accused of performing magick. But who of us has not dabbled in magick? Magick is the life stream of the universe. Everything we see around us is magick. Even within us is magick. Whatever we do whether we know it or not is magick. That artist who wishes to sing a beautiful song can only make that wish possible through magick. The painter who wishes to paint a beautiful picture can only do that through magick. The writer who wishes to write can only do that through magick. The Engineer who wishes to produce a car, a house, or any electronic does that through magick. So anyhow we wish to look at it, everything is magick. But for some reasons, especially through education and religion, we have been miseducated and that has affected our perception of reality. We are no longer in tune with Nature. This is the reason witchcraft in my opinion is the best of religions out there because they work in harmony with nature. Working in harmony with Nature is wisdom. Because when we work in harmony with Nature, Nature reveals her secrets to us. When one is knowledgeable about the working of the universe and Nature, the art of healing becomes natural. Whatever one wishes to achieve becomes a thing of which universal or natural principle to apply. And this is what occultism boils down to. The knowledge of the principles behind the microcosmos and the macrocosmos. Now what are the tools of magick, it is simply those powers which man is also made of. Every healthy man has a mental body and an astral or emotional body. Before anything can be manifested, it must obey the universal principle of SEX. There must be a coming together of the male and female energy. In every man, whether a male or female, that polarity of sex exist within he or she. While the will which is of the mental principle in man is the positive aspect of life energy, the emotional body in man is of the female or negative energy. Both energies need each other  to live in harmony. Therefore, before anything is manifested, these two energies must be in harmony else nothing is manifested. Herein lies the secret to the law of attraction. So from the occult perspective, the negative energy does not necessarily mean evil as religions have painted it. Both is necessary for life to be. Hence neither is one good and the other bad. So behind every magikal or occult practice, the will and emotion must be in harmony. Only when this is achieved before action is given birth to. The action is therefore the magick. So without the action, no magick is performed. In Will, Emotion and Action lies the secret of the trinity of the Christians. So the writer who wants to write must not only will and be happy(emotional) to be called a writer, he must also act. In other words, he must write. This is the true definition of magick. Now it may not be perfect the first time but like we all know, practice makes perfect. This form of magick is different from the stage magic which employs deception of illusion to awe his or her spectators. The witch on the other hand because he or she is close to Nature makes use of other elements like fire, air, water and earth to do magick. Indeed, the occult properties of water is still in its infancy. In the future, so much will be achieved through the occult knowledge of what water is capable of.

So we see that occultism or witchcraft or whatever school of magic is out there whether Hermeticism, Kabbalah, Yoga, Mysticism and the other esoteric groups is not for the lazy folks. It calls for a disciplined spirit. It is the road of self development to the point of self mastery. In other words, one must go in through the narrow gate which is oneself. It is not believing in another for your redemption, but rather the actual doing of the work of redemption by oneself. While man is social by nature, man is also very individual and unless man expresses that individuality, he may find himself psychologically sick. So in all things, one must not accept whatever one has heard as a fact. It doesn't matter if Christ, Mohammed or Buddha has said it. One must be prepared to investigate it oneself. Every occultist is a walking question mark. They are skeptical about everything until they have proven it for themselves. This line of school calls for discipline and diligence. One must be willing to put in the work. In the A.M.O.R.C branch of Rosicrucianism, the students are always admonished not to leave for the morrow what today can accomplish. So in essence, occultists and witches should be respected because by carrying out their various activities, they are in essence helping to advance the consciousness of humanity. This is not to say that there are not members of this path who do not carry out some evil practices outside the jurisdiction of legal occultism. But in this, the universal law of justice known as the law of Karma is always in operation so that sooner or later, anyone who has carried out an evil act must pay the prize of his deed (No Prize No Pay). Occultism which is like any other tool of Nature is neither good nor bad. It all depends on whoever is practicing it. When occult knowledge is used to take advantage of someone else or the harming of someone else, it is known as black magic. This is where the church comes in. The church knowing full well the power of occult knowledge, has been and still continues to use this knowledge to take advantage of the ignorant. What the Church is practicing in this regard is black magic. For instance, prayer which is an occult principle has been corrupted by religion. Prayer should never be a practice of begging but that of commanding. So we see in the prayer booklet of the catholics prayers that should be an abomination being condoned by the congregation because they do not know any better. By such prayers they without knowing it are tightening the chains of bondage around them. So it takes a sort of miracle if I should call it that to break free from this bond. Watching some evangelical pastors on TV and hearing them pray, it is almost as if humanity instead of moving forward is lagging. That is the result of black magic. That instead of progressing, it makes whoever is practicing it devolving. Unfortunately also, ignorance of the Law is not an excuse hence those who buy into such teachings without them knowing that they are being swindled also suffers the same fate awaiting those who perpetuate the crime. But those who perpetuate such crimes intentionally have more to pay than those who do not know. Like earlier said, because we have lost touch with Nature, we have driven ourselves from the garden of Eden and the result has been slavery by the external world. In other to regain our sovereignty, we need to go back to our roots. But certain entities in operation does not want this. They want people to pray and beg, keeping people in slavery. One should only pray when he wishes the good of someone else. But for his own needs he should as a god be able to command his desires into existence. Now there are people of the opinion that when we desire wrongly, Nature does not manifest it. This is wrong. Nature obeys desires whether good or bad. For desire carries a certain force which Nature is bound to obey. So the occultist knowing full well the operation of his subconscious, takes care to only desire the good of all. He hardly prays except for the good of others. For his own needs, he simply commands and complement the spoken word with action. In occultism, salvation does not depend on someone else's work let alone believing in the death of someone else to save you. Black magic in operation couldn't be worse than this. Unfortunately this has been accepted in the Christian religion as the means of salvation. I hold therefore that religions who sell the idea that the death of someone or believing in someone for their salvation is black magic. This sort of teaching keeps people lukewarm to experiment with the principles of Nature. It keeps people in fear. This should not be taught to children in kindergarten or high schools. This is a psychological rape that should not be allowed in the society. The result has been discrimination and division among people on the one hand and an imprisoned consciousness on the other. Yes we know the SUN did die and resurrected. We know it crossed the red sea over in other that we may enjoy the product of its masculinity in spring where vegetation and all of Nature rise up to sing its praise. We know it was betrayed by the house of Scorpio and suffered death in the astrological house of Sagittarius. It finally gave up the ghost on December 22 on the day of Winter Solstice. It was reborn again on December 25 and its life continued. His birth and death is only natural that the Universal Law of Rhythm must be obeyed. All these has been symbolized in various ways from Christmas to Easter in Christendom. All borrowed from Paganism, the umbrella from which all schools of occultism are based. 

Every occultist knows he must carry his own cross. He is not concerned with the beliefs or the experiences of other people although that may be a point of study. Whatever phenomena that has been done by another by default can also be done by him. So his life's practice is experiments after experiments. He must get to the TRUTH or else life is meaningless. It is in short, a holy pilgrimage or adventure that everybody is called to take. The question may now be raised, do occultists believe in God? The question is as divine as Divinity. From the occultist point of view, everybody should be allowed to imagine God in the best possible way the imagination can be stretched. God is not a dogma hence God should not be described as this or that. In the beginning of this blog I used the pronoun 'IT' to refer to Divinity. God is the underlying principle behind all things. This underlying principle is sexless, It is neither he nor she but embodies the two sexes. As students of Hermeticism, we know that there is but one force in Nature. This force at one end is electric (positive) and at the other end is magnetic (negative). Hence masculinity originates from the electric pole of this force while femininity is from the magnetic pole of this same force. That one pole is positive and the other negative does not mean one is good and the other bad. Both are simply necessary for the proper functioning of the natural universe. The harmonious coming together of the two forces is what resulted to the manifested universe. Hence like earlier said before, anything that must be manifested whether spiritually or physically must obey this law of sex. This law of sex operates in every individual whether male or female for within each that same force has manifested as the will and emotion within each individual. So just like the concept of the trinity in most religions we can say that the 'imagination' is the father principle, the 'will' is the son principle and the 'emotion' is the spirit principle. How these forces interact with each other determines the life of every individual. At first, the initiated occultist may cling to the old concept of God he grew up with in exoteric religions. But as he gets initiated deeply into Truth, he easily sees that the concept of God having human or anthropomorphic characteristics is dead wrong. Practitioners of exoteric religions who believe Divinity can be angry and jealous and can throw people into fire for eternity because they did not worship him will continually be in bondage. When I did the calculation of the number of people the so called Jehovah in the old testament killed compared to the number killed by the devil, I realized this guy called Jehovah must be the bad guy. The number is overwhelming. It is partly out of this reason people are slaves to religion. They worship God out of fear. But God should never be worshiped out of fear. When a being is worshiped out of fear, that being or entity must be the devil if there is such a thing called the devil. But reading the bible or any sacred scriptures with mystical eyes we know this is not the case. That God whose essence is love cannot be the reason for the death of more than 2 million people in the old testament alone. The moment I started doubting this being in the old testament called Jehovah was when he gave the order to whack off the first born of the Egyptians whether they are children or not. But mystically, Egypt does not mean a geographical location on planet earth (although there is such a place called Egypt on planet earth), but rather Egypt in this sense is dealing with the mystical nature of man. And that until we are free from our lower passions like greed, anger, lust, laziness and so on, which is referred to as Egypt in the old testament, we might not be able to ascend to Divinity. Many have fallen into the error that the Bible is actually a historical book. Nothing could be more wrong than this assertion. The Bible is an allegorical book describing the relationship between the physical and the spiritual, between the finite and the infinite, between man and the universe, between anatomy and astronomy. Some even call it a book of science. For in it, astrology, Numerology and other occult sciences can be easily understood. Therefore, in understanding the bible, one must first be symbolically literate. It is symbolical illiteracy that has caused the enslavement of man. The Universe is a living entity and It speaks to us through symbols and it is safe to say that our freedom consists of decoding the symbolical language of the Universe. This is why such mystical books like the Bible, Quran and other mystical texts are priceless. The closest an occultist can come to in describing God is through the garment of God which is but the Natural Universal Laws. We can see these laws in operation but regarding the nature of these laws or the mechanics involved, that is veiled from the occultist. Hence it is in this the occultist gives up in trying to penetrate into the mystery of these Laws. So while the garment of God can be seen, what is inside that garment cannot be known. That is forever a mystery. 
In occultism or witchcraft, the freedom is always there to do it solo or with a group. And one do not necessarily have to pay any money. There are lots of books out there. One can get started by buying books to get acquainted with the craft. Only when you have no more doubt about where you stand you can take the next step by joining a group which as said before is not necessary. There are practices or experiments which only with others can be well verified. This is the reason why sometimes it pays to join a group and even in this, one can always ask a trusted friend who is free from the matrix to assist with such experiment. Now some good books out there to get started with are:

1. Isis Unveiled i & ii by H.P Blavatsky
2. The Secret Doctrine by H.P. Blavatsky
3. The Secret Teaching Of All Ages by Manly P. Hall (33rd degree Freemason)
4. The Occult Anatomy of Man & Occult Masonry by Manly P. Hall
5. The Law Of Psychic Phenomena by Thomas Jay Hudson
6. The Key Of The Mysteries by Eliphas Levi
7. The Hermetica: The Lost Wisdom Of The Pharaohs by Tim Freke and Peter Gandy
8. Nutrition: Food, Health and Spiritual Development by Rudolf Steiner
9. The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception by Max Heindel
10. The Kybalion: A Study Of The Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece by Three Initiates
11. Three Books of Occult Philosophy by H. C. Agrippa (Although I have not read this but I trust it will be worth the read).

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