When we talk about mediation what do we mean? Why do people generally shy away from the subject.? In all religions, in one form or another, the subject is being practiced without the members being aware of it or partly aware of it. In Catholicism for instance, we have the joyful, sorrowful, luminous and glorious mysteries. In all these mysteries, the members are taught to meditate on the life of Christ from his birth (joyful mystery), life (luminous mystery), suffering and death (sorrowful mysteries) and resurrection (glorious mysteries). Now what most members of this powerful organisation do not realize is that the same process by which they can see Jesus and Mary (whoever they are or were) can also be applied to other areas of life. No doubt through meditation when done properly, one can be transported to a whole new dimension of life. Meditation is all about fine tuning one's vibration and frequency. The basic ingredients are concentration and visualization. When done right, one can contact beings of other dimensions although that is not the aim of meditation. If "Jesus" and "Mary" can be contacted through meditation, other beings can also be contacted. For a long time, the government has been trying to downplay the existence of Aliens but slowly they are now releasing this information to the public especially through the media. Even religions are now changing their stance on the subject and saying there is the possibility of aliens. But this blog is not about aliens. Aliens are out there no doubt. But they should not be seen as dangerous. They are just our planetary neighbors just as Europeans and Africans are continental neighbors.
It is unfortunate that these days people shy away from meditation. And it is even more unfortunate that it is the members of religions (western religions) who are more against it. Once the subject is brought up, the average person tries to shy away. Some even go so far to say it is a devilish practice. In my opinion, the reason most people shy away from meditation is either because of fear, laziness and ignorance. These three reasons will be given their due space. Before then, what the hell is meditation?
Meditation first of all is a generic term. It is analogical to a school or university. Just as a school or university is a place where various subjects are learned, meditation is mystical practice where various aims can be achieved. While some would rather meditate to overcome a particular weakness or master a particular ability, others meditate to be in union with the universe. In my opinion, that meditation where one aims to be in union with all has a higher dimension than one who is seeking a personal good. Nonetheless, in the process of personal growth, it may be necessary to overcome some weaknesses. When one has gotten to that point, meditation can be a tool to help one overcome such weaknesses. This blog will not go further in this kind of meditation but instead will try to expatiate on the meditation most mystics are involved in which is union with all. Now while meditation should be practiced without any form of reward for oneself, the practice itself should be sufficient as a reward in itself. The basic ingredients like said before are intention, concentration and visualization. Intention requires one's will, concentration requires one's awareness and visualization requires the end goal one wishes to attain. This is the basic form. On a higher note, which is not often talked about because it is more difficult than the first, is stilling the thought process and emotions. According to Psalm 46:10 in the bible, it said: "Be still and know that I am God." In the new testament in the book of Matthew, Jesus also made mention of this when he said "take no thoughts" (in other words, be still). Because of the way it was emphasized (five times), some mystics think that Jesus was trying to tell us to still our five senses when in meditation. Whether that was the case or not, simply stilling ourselves has a lot of power to it. On the surface it may seem nothing is going on but on a mystical level, we are dissolving ourselves into that basic reality of who we are, godhood or consciousness. For our primary reality is consciousness. The more we tap into this primary reality of who we are, the more we experience an increase of consciousness. It is like osmosis. We cannot consciously tune our frequency to that of the Divine within us without us coming out of that state as divine beings. Just in the same way that when we come in contact with a sweet smelling perfume, we come out smelling nice as well. So meditation is union with divinity. In eastern circles it is known as yoga. The yoking of oneself with Divinity. "Take my yoke upon you for my yoke is easy and my burden light." was said by the master of Christianity Jesus the Christ. Yoga and yoke being of the same root word and hence implying the same thing which is to join or to be in union with another.
To be one with the universe has many benefits. In fact, it cannot be counted. This is aiming for perfection. When Christ said, "Be ye perfect even as your father in heaven is perfect" couldn't mean any other thing other than being one with the universe. If we can practice this we will see automatically that heaven is already here on earth. Being in this perfect state will help us grasp life as it should be. Hence seeing life with the eyes of a mystic is quite different from the view of a non mystical person. It is no wonder when some mystics talk people think they are crazy. Now to reach this state of perfection requires all of one's energy and discipline. When both are combined it leads to self mastery. So in a certain sense, the goal of meditation is self mastery. Through meditation, all that is not part of one gradually falls away so that only what is true of one remains. When therefore one's third eye has been activated through meditation, one easily sees that he is life, light and love. These three attribute of man are eternal. The Bible was not kidding when it said, "Ye are the light of the world". This is literally true to the letter. We are light beings and so is matter. When matter is broken down to its smallest particle, it will be seen that the smallest sub-atomic particle of matter is light energy. This light energy has always been and will always be. Hence mystics who meditate need nobody to tell them they will live for eternity because they have been exposed to that reality of who they are. When broken down further, this light energy will be discovered in its primary form to be consciousness. So through meditation, our consciousness grows. Sooner or later, that one who meditates will get to know stuff the average person is unaware of. Whatever area of study one is engaged in, if one will but meditate on the subject, the secret of the subject will be exposed to that one. Through meditation, one learns from the source. This source is within one. Through union with this source, one sees the interconnectedness of all. It is this interconnectedness that makes some mystics avoid taking the life of any animal no matter how small that animal is. Nor will they eat food made from meat. For all is divine and sacred, this divinity is what has manifested itself in all that we can imagine or see. Therefore it is not strange to see most mystics as vegans and vegetarians. Some even just stick to fruits. These set are known as fruitarians. Following this line of thought, it can be taken further to include the earth and all planets. So by natural instincts most mystics are environmentalists too. They see the earth as a living entity. Now just as our body react to foreign substances not good for its vital functioning so also the earth when treated badly or abused in certain ways also react too. Therefore, such catastrophes as hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis etc should be seen as the earth getting rid of toxic substances in other to remain healthy just as the human being will sneeze when there is irritation to the mucus membrane of the nose or throat.
Aside the mystical benefits of meditation, it has been shown by science that it is also good for our health. Among the health benefits of meditation which science has proved are:
1. Stress reduction
2. Controls anxiety
3. Enhances self awareness
4. Lengthens attention spans
5. Reduces age related memory loss
6. Promotes emotional health
7. Decreases blood pressure
8. Improves sleep
9. Generate kindness (Compassion)
10. Helps fight addictions
If for no other reason these reasons listed above is enough. On the surface it might look like these reasons are for the old or people suffering from one illness or another. But preventive medicine is the best kind of medicine. So if we can engage in meditative practice at an early age, there is tendency that it may help us in the long run. Also, during meditation, a kind of hormone is released which prolongs life or rather keeps the skin glowing and makes one young. But why are people not engaging in this practice? For one, people are ignorant of what meditation is. On the other hand, it can be fear but mostly it is just pure laziness. How can one fix these problems? Meditation is the answer.