Religion Unveiled (Introduction)

Religion which started as a reaction of man to the unknowable has long been in practice. Matter of fact, it is safe to say that it started with the dawn of time or when man was able to make use of the faculty of reason. Prior to that, man lived in harmony with Nature just like the plants and animals. As regard the dawn of time, it must be stated also that the biblical genesis account which is recorded to have started about 6000BCE is merely symbolic. 6000BCE is only just recent history. The Egyptians have records dating back to 36000BCE and even earlier than that. It is also said, according to archaeologists, that Homo erectus (earliest humans) lived about 1.8 millions years ago. So the chronological events given in the bible which can be traced back to about 6000BCE is only symbolic. That aside, in as much as the Christian Bible is a sacred book, it cannot be taken too serious because it is plagiarized. Plagiarism simply means the stealing of other peoples thoughts, ideas and expressions and claiming it to be one's own. In scholastic terms, it is considered academic dishonesty. This plagiarism found in the Christian Bible can also be found in all other sacred texts of the other religions whether Hinduism, Buddhism or Islam. Hopefully, I can expose one or two cases of these religious themes and where they come from. Before then, let's quickly take a look at the definition of religion.

Now the definition of religion is problematic. Scholars disagree on what it should mean. While the Oxford dictionary defines it as the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially in a personal god or gods, it fails to stand up. Etymologically, we find religion is from the old latin word “Religare” which means 'to bind'. But even that fails to stand as it does not clearly or truthfully define our relationship with the ALL. Some, especially the conspiracy theorists have now said that due to this Latin root word, religion therefore means to bind one from spiritual evolution or to be in bondage. In other words, being religious is now synonymous with 'stagnation' spiritual stagnation. Although if we look at the world right now, we are tempted to believe that is the case. Over the ages, so many have tried to propose a true definition of religion. From Cicero, Max Muller, Dr. Augustine of the Catholic Church, Dr. Thomas Aquinas of the Catholic Church to Lactantius who defined it as humans bound to and tied to God and still many others proposing a definition. This is why the definition is problematic. I think it is safe to say that this old Latin word 'religare' from which we have the modern English word 'religion' cannot be the same thing. In the middle ages, old French defined 'religio' as “Piety” in other words reverence for the Divine or life under monastic vows, which also can be traced back to the old Latin meaning which is, to bind if we are to go by the word 'monastic vows' which actually means what Lactantius defined religion as which in this case means the binding of humans to God. This binding to God should not be seen as a form of bondage or spiritual stagnation. But rather, should be seen as that true evolutionary spirit transforming all things into Godhood from which all things issued out from.

That aside, could there be another definition of religion which we have not seen so far? Perhaps other intelligent folks must have said it. Before we tackle that question, we have to go back to history and find out how this thing called religion started. Who started religion? It is a shame that most people cite Hinduism. That could only be the result of half baked education and in most cases, the deliberate falsification of history by certain people who are trying to divert the the true origin of a race. But going back to prehistoric times, we find the ancient Egyptians were versed in all aspects of the society from religious institutions to educational institutions and governmental institutions. Records suggest that these three institutions were merged in one so much so that the sciences and moral laws (religion) were one and the same thing. It is much later in the evolution of civilization that science and religion were separated. That being said, it is only natural that the ancient Egyptians must have started religion especially as there is a huge evidence pointing to spirituality from their writings carved into their building structures to the almost numberless scrolls that have been discovered and still being discovered by archaeologists. Therefore, it is a misconception or misunderstanding of history to tag India as the birth place of religion or to say that Hinduism is the first or oldest religion. That being the case, I will not play that game of which came first. There is also the esoteric history of the people occupying India. And just because they were not advanced educationally like the Egyptians is not to say they didn't practice a form of religion. And then the Rosicrucians made us to understand that at a certain time in history, there was migration of people from one part of the world to another. As regard who moved is beyond the capacity of this blog.

The next question would be where did the Egyptians get the act from? No doubt, ancient Egyptians were versed in the sciences. The Pyramid of Giza which is still a mystery till now shows beyond doubt that their grasp of astronomy cannot be equaled by the best of present day astronomers. It will take so much to describe the science and engineering that went into the construction of the Pyramid of Giza. It is so sophisticated that some scientists are proposing that only Aliens could have come up with such a cosmological design if I should call it that. Now that this is established, it shouldn't be any wonder that the ancient Egyptians were very familiar with the motion of the heavenly bodies. These heavenly bodies (stars) which are legion when observed properly will be seen that they follow a pattern. Legion simply means a vast number of people or things. The stars in this regard are also legion because who is there that can count the stars? These stars were seen, like said before, to follow a pattern but this pattern is also found to be a part of a larger pattern and so it goes, so much so that the universe cannot be defined. Just as the sun follows a course, the stars  were noticed to also follow a course over and over again. It is this pattern which after being studied for so many years that must have given rise to the word religion. In this case, if we take the prefix 're' and 'legion' apart, we see therefore that it makes some sense. Re which has its roots in Latin means "again" and legion we know to mean many. So the two words together means the motion of the stars again and again or over and over again. It is this definition that must have given rise to organised religion. For the stars are orderly and organised and when we see religion and how it is practiced on earth, we see it following a pattern which is repeated over and over again. This pattern can be seen in almost all religions and sects.

Now that we have been able to establish the fact that religion is gotten from astronomy or astro-theology, the next question is how come the different religions all over the world. Well, on the surface it might seem these various religions are different but when we look closely, we see that all are but one and the same thing. For there is but one true theology and in this case can be rightly called the word of God. This word cannot be changed by man because It was or has been written in stone. Stone in this case is an allegory for sky just as heaven is also an allegory for sky if we should go by the bible. Talking about heaven, Christians or at least most Christians and other 'religionists' for that matter who believe in a place called heaven have got it wrong and I am sorry to break their hearts with this; that there is no place in the cosmos that has been designated as heaven where the good guys go. Heaven, as well as hell are allegorical (symbolic) words describing states of consciousness. Mystically, the human body and psyche has two polarities. When we are living or indulging in destructive behaviors such as drunkenness, lust, greed, fornication and so on, we are already living in hell, on the other hand when we choose to live right and just, not discriminating against another, we are already in heaven. So a person who wishes to live in heaven does not belong to any political or religious party, does not discriminate against any living being including plants and animals and minerals. He sees he or herself as a child of the cosmos embracing all that the cosmos has blessed him with. 
That Moses got the commandments in a stone is just this. The stone being metaphorically something which man cannot temper with. And in this case the sky or heavens. The stone being metaphorically a tablet or the sky. If there seems to be differences among the various religions it is due to misinterpretation of astro-theology or astro-mythology or astrology. We hear people talking about, "I don't believe in astrology". The statement in itself is wrong. Astrology is not a belief system like religions. It is a language of the gods or God if you will. If we can but understand astrology, we will see into the future as well as the distant past. Such nonsense as prophesy is only but an understanding of astrology. These symbols in the sky we refer to as zodiac, has been there since probably the beginning of time. They have been there to guide us. Unfortunately, through symbolic illiteracy, we have condemned it and say it is from the devil. Again, the word devil, just as God, has been invented to scare the shit out of people to make them loyal. It is so bad that religious subscribers are scared of God and the Devil the same time. It was a necessary invention so that the few educated ones may be able to control the many uneducated ones. And who are those telling us it is from the devil? Our so called religious authorities. We now know that the reason our popes, pastors and Imams tell us not to look into astrology is that they may maintain that power they wield over the flock. If one but understands astrology, one does not need anyone to interpret the signs of the times. 
Sorry for the digress, so all others including what even the Egyptians provided are but a counterfeit of this original that was written in the sky long before man learned the art of writing. Nonetheless, the Egyptians must be given credit for if not for them, the world to a large extent would not have progressed evolutionary as it is today. It is for this reason Africa is known as the cradle of civilization. On various occasions, western elites have tried to change this fact. Unfortunately the land of Egypt cannot be exported or removed from Africa. 
We will quickly go through some of the themes running through these religions.
Let's start with the passage in the old testament (again the old testament because that is what we are familiar with) which talks about enmity between the woman and the serpent. 

Gen. 3:15 (NIV)
"And I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your offspring and hers. He will crush your head and you will strike his heel".

It's a laugh that the various bible versions are confused as regard whose heel was struck. Some said the woman's heel while others said the son's heel. But when we understand our astrology, the question of whose would be settled.
That aside, this is what gave birth to most salvation stories. But as we will see, this passage in the old testament is not the first time it was said. We will trace it down to previous history long before Moses was cooked up or used as a myth. And also show where it originally came from. 
This passage from Genesis 3:15, just like the whole bible or any religious texts for that matter is gotten from paganism. Paganism on the other hand got it from Nature. Most Pagans know where it came from because they are close to Nature but our religious brothers especially those sympathetic to Christian orientation may not know the origin of that text, simply because they have separated themselves from Nature. Due to lack of space i will restrict myself to mostly pictures for as we know a picture speaks a thousand words. First we will start with Egyptian myths. 
This is a talismanic shrine of Horus, the Egyptian God whose mother is Isis and father Osiris just like Jesus, Mary and Joseph. In this picture he is seen as treading upon the heads of two crocodiles, emblems of typhonic powers. In either hands, he is seen restraining the violence of snakes.

There could be no doubt that this is where the treading on serpents motifs found in almost if not all religions come from. While in this case he is seen treading on crocodiles, the underlying fact is that it is also a reptile.

Let's go over to India and see if we can find the same thing there.

In Hindu religion and myths we see Krishna doing the same thing.
Source: Google

Statue of Krishna 
Source: Google

In Greece, we have Heracles or Hercules depending whether you want to see it from Greek mythology or Roman mythology doing the same thing. He is found battling with the serpents. 
Just as it didn't originate with the Hindus nor Egyptians, it also didn't originate with the Greeks.

 Now wherever we turn, from East to West, North to South, we find the same motif. So the question is, how did it become so universal? The answer is because the motif is but from one universal source. The ipad of God - the sky or heavens if we are to go by the code word of biblical mythological writers. Our christian brothers erroneously think it is Jesus Christ or Mary according to Catholics.

Shrine of our lady of perpetual help, (Virgin Mary) crushing a serpent's head 
San Luis Potosi State, Mexico.

For the first time, we see a break from tradition. Instead of the figure of a man we now see the figure of a woman. Whether this is done intentionally to mislead people or the early fathers made a mistake and was accepted by the rest is difficult to say. But this seed prophesied in Genesis is not referring to human beings nor gods. It has nothing to do with earthlings. This is strictly an astro-theological/mythological motif. But the Catholics took this motif and transferred the power of it to an imaginary woman and gave an imaginary entity so much power so much so that certain people now claim to see a woman in a vision who never existed. How sick can people get because of religion?

Now let's take a look at a portion of God's ipad (heaven) and see where it all came from.

This is a portion of the astrological house of Scorpio. This is what Genesis 3:15 is talking about. The prophesy is but about the birth of the Sun which takes place in the Constellation of Virgo. Virgo being a Latin word for virgin. So in truth the Sun/Son of God is being born of a virgin. But this is an Astro-theological myth. It has nothing to do with humans. Although mystically, this birth of the Sun without is also taking place within (man). As Above, So Below.

Astrological Constellation of Virgo by William Tyler Olcott

It beats my imagination how people can study the heavens (sky) and be able to trace out these figures. A lot of Christians do wonder which woman is Genesis 3:15 talking about. Most have even concluded it must be Mary, the mother of Jesus. But no, the Bible as well as the sacred books of all religions is not about history, they are mythical books composed by Mythographers of the particular age it was written. So this promised woman written about in Genesis 3:15 is about the constellation of Virgo. It was seen that this constellation compared to others is small and that the figure is carrying a child also. For the sake of this blog we will discuss a little about astronomy. Each constellation of the Zodiac has three decans. Each decan is about 10 degrees and for each constellation we have 30 degrees. (This is the symbolical 30 pieces of silver with which Judas betrayed Jesus). For the 12 constellations of the zodiac we have a total of 360 degrees. So we see the cyclical pattern of the universe. To start with the constellation of Virgo, we find the three decans to be:
i.  Coma : woman and child.
ii. Centaurus : the despised
iii. Bootes : the coming one

Source: Wiki

Source: Wiki

Source: Wiki

We know that the passage in Genesis 3:15 cannot be about historical events that happened with humans because even the Bible said so itself. 
In Isaiah 7:14, it said: "Therefore, the Lord himself shall give you a sign. Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel."

In Genesis 1:14, we are told
"And God said, let there be lights in the firmament of heaven. To divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years."

So, we see that long before the Bible was written, God or the Universe had already provided a framework for the salvation of men. As regard the mystical meaning of these decans, a new blog will be necessary. Of course these pictures are not enough, if you are curious about this, do your own personal research.
Now that we have been able to show where the woman and child theme comes from, let's analyse the constellation of Scorpio. According to Gen. 3:15, part of the verse says, "He will crush your head and you will strike his heel".
Just like any other constellation, Scorpio also has three decans. They are:
i. Serpens : the serpent
ii. Ophiuchus : the serpent wrestling with the man
iii. Hercules : the hero

Below is the constellation of Scorpio for better understanding.

Source: Wiki

Source: Wiki

Source: Wiki

As regard where these names comes from, no one can really tell. Before Adam named everything according to Genesis, it is stated that God had already named the stars in the sky. 
In Psalm 147:4, It states:
"He determines the number of stars and calls each by name."

To analyse this constellation, we will start with the scorpion we see in the image trying to sting the heel of the man(Ophiuchus). Just as the heel of  man is the lowest part of him, in this case it is representing the lowest part of man's nature which is our carnal mind. How often have we followed the dictates of our carnal mind and regretted it at the end of the day. And this image we find in the constellation of Scorpio has been there since God knows when. It simply means that right from the time man is conscious, man has always been with this lower nature which is dragging him down.
While the Scorpion is beneath trying to sting him, we find the man also struggling or fighting with the snake. The snake can also be seen reaching for the crown (Corona Borealis). The serpent which in this instance represents also our lower nature, is seen reaching for the crown. This crown is but our crown. What this constellation is trying to teach us is that, heaven comes with a prize. It is therefore our duty to wrestle with our lower nature or discipline ourselves to prevent our carnal nature from taking our glory. Just as the serpent crawls on the ground and eat dust, so also we will be crawl on our knees if we fail to acknowledge our higher nature, that God principle within us which in this case is our spiritual selves. For it is only through activating the God principle within us that we are sure of the crown of glory awaiting us. This is not the case of believing in someone for one's salvation. This is actually doing the job oneself. There is no food for a lazy man. At the very top of the image, we also see a man holding a club in his right hand in a move to strike a serpent with 3 heads in his left hand.

Rotated to show it more clearly. Source: Wiki

 Also found in his left hand are some branches of fruits. This is also saying the same thing. The fruits in his left hand is signifying the joys we get from our carnal nature or the left part of us. The club in his right hand is signifying the power of that higher nature of man with which man can only defeat his carnal or lower nature. The three headed serpents represents greed, lust and pride. Hercules can be seen also wearing the skin of an animal. This is saying that he has been able to defeat his animal nature so that he is now a superior man living a higher life of Christ consciousness or God consciousness if you will. So this is one of the first theology that came to us from God. Of course it can be analysed further but we will rest here.

Another motif we find in religious circles is the idea of sin atonement or the burnt offering. From Horus of Egypt of prehistoric times through the animal sacrifice of the Jews to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ in recent history, we find it to be a universal motif. where did this practice originate from? Could it be through Horus of Egypt, Odin of the Scandinavia Vikings, Prometheus of Greece, Thammus of syria, Hesus of the Druids, Crite of Chaldean, Mithra of Persia (Modern Iran), Bali of Afghanistan, Beddru of Japan and the list goes on.
Judeo-Christian religions including Islam, traced their practice to the act of Abraham willing to sacrifice his son Isaac when all of a sudden God provided a ram. It beats my imagination that even professors still believe this crap. Which God worthy of the name will command such? No God in his or her right senses would do that. This event like all other events in the bible are mythical. In other words, symbolic. It has nothing to do with reality or history. No God or Deity worthy of the name has ever requested that nor will ever request that. Due to misunderstanding of symbolic language, religious practitioners have now taken myths to be historical. Instead of gleaning the esoteric meaning of these events, they have decided to take it literal and the result is idolatry. Due to misunderstanding of this particular event with Abraham and his son Isaac, million of innocent rams have been slaughtered and are still slaughtered till date. It's a shame that humanity has been in darkness since the time religion became a dominant factor in man's life. But that is small potatoes compared to what these people called Israelite are doing in Palestine. The problem started when they invented a god who promised them a land not theirs. Talking about such things like Jews, Israelites, Hebrews, from research, such names didn't mean a nation as we have it now. It simply means people who are adepts in spiritual matters. So it is possible to have a Jew in Mongolia while he is a Mongolian by nationality. It is the just the same way we can have a Nigerian who is a 33rd degree Mason or any nationality for that matter to be a 33rd degree Mason. Now due to the misunderstanding of this certain elites are making sure that the Israelite have a place to call theirs. I have no problem with that so long as they go about it justly but they must not come up with this stupidity that god gave them the land. Because of this stupidity, so many Palestinians have been killed and are still being killed till date. So if these people who call themselves Israelites have invented a god to take a land not theirs, it is only natural for the people of Palestine to invent another god by the name of Allah to take back a land that rightfully belongs to them. How can there be peace in the middle east when these imaginary gods are still alive? The only way for peace to reign is when both these gods are dead. Only then can Israelites and Palestinians breathe fresh air and break bread together. Compared to the number of rams and animals in general that have been slaughtered because of false misunderstanding of the bible and Koran, the Palestinians killed and are still killed ruthlessly, in my opinion, are way more than animals that are being slaughtered yearly to commemorate an imaginary god. When we see these nonsense still going on, we are forced to ask ourselves, is humanity advancing or regressing? What a pity. Those Christians supporting the Israelis occupation in Palestine are just a shame to humanity. If we but understand that Jerusalem, promised land, Egypt and so many of these biblical locations are referring mystically to parts of the human body we will stop this nonsense of taking other peoples land. Right now, Israel, the so called chosen people of God is the biggest arms dealer in the world so much so America is worried.

Just as all main events in sacred scriptures is astro-theological in origin, this event of Abraham and his Son is also astrological. And this is where the sin or burnt offering originates from. Supreme Deity never wanted poor animals IT created to suffer what our religious brothers have made them go through all in the name of sin offering. If this killing of innocent animals in reparation for sin is not an evil art, I don't know what is.
After the Sun is born in the Astrological House of Virgo, it goes through the scales of Libra where it is judged. But "the kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence and the violent taketh it by force". After being judged falsely in the constellation of Libra, it had to go to the underworld. Getting to the first house, it was the house of Lord Scorpio. Scorpio is no respecter of anybody or thing. If you come uninvited you get what is coming to you. So our Lord Sun of God got its kiss of death at the constellation of Scorpio. Suffering the pain of betrayal in the house of Scorpio, it left and moved on to the constellation of Sagittarius. But Sagittarius would have no mercy. If the sun has been judged guilty, it has to pay the prize. The ruthless Sagittarius finalized the sun's death by shooting the Sun with its arrow.

On December 22nd (Winter Solstics), the shortest day of the year, the sun finally gave up the spirit so much so that at noon everywhere was dark. From this date till December 25th, it is discovered the sun didn't move. On the third day which is December 25th, it moved one degree. While this movement was taking place, on the other side of heaven it was seen that the constellation of Virgo is rising. Again we find the connection between the constellation of Virgo and the Sun. It is this movement of the sun the whole pagan world celebrated before our christian brothers hijacked the celebration and referred it to the birth of Christ. The whole world became happy again that the sun is alive. Happy because in due course they will gain back all they have lost to the underworld of winter. Regaining its life back the sun had to navigate its way through the red sea of winter where most of vegetation is now dry and the leaves red because of the harsh weather of winter. Regaining its power degree by degree, it managed to cross the red sea to the constellation of Aries alias the Ram. It is in the constellation of Aries, in the month of March, under the power of the Sun, the ram (Constellation of Aries) was burnt. It is after this burnt offering that all of Nature came back to life again. Vegetation started sprouting and blooming. All flowers and all of Nature began to sing their praises to Deity. Indeed, the whole of Nature saw that the sun is risen. There was no longer any doubt. Thomas now believed that the Sun is risen from the dead. It is this Ram in the constellation of Aries that our religious brothers have mistaken for an actual ram. It is this passage of the sun that our Jewish brothers celebrate as the Cross Over. It is this crossing over our Muslim brothers are celebrating as big Sallah (Eid al-Adha). It is this crossing over our christian brothers are celebrating as Easter (Christ resurrection). But this ram is in the sky and not an earthling.

In as much as I would like to go on, I think this is enough. This blog is not meant to convince anybody of shit but rather to make people especially our religious folks question all they have ever been taught. Why are there so many similarities among them all? Why are there so many ancient gods born on December 25. Although Jesus' birth is not originally 25th but for some pagan reasons, it was shifted to December 25. Why are most of them born of virgins. How does it happen that even after birth these virgins still remain virgins? Who is John the Baptist? How is it that he is six months before Christ birth? Could that be Winter and Summer solstice which is exactly 6 months apart? Why did he say he has to go down because Christ must go up? Does the lion of the tribe of Judah have anything to do with the constellation of Leo? Can all these be traced in the sky, the ipad of God? YES. But most of all, what are their mystical significance for humanity?
All these things are natural phenomena playing out in Nature. The son of God whom our christian brothers have called Jesus Christ is nothing more than the sun. The Sun is the only begotten Sun of God, without which nothing can exist. It is the light of the world. Over the ages, it has been known with different names. From Krishna, Buddha, Mithra, Ra, Horus, Bali to Jehovah (although some regard Jehovah as a symbol of the moon) and a host of other names.  All Nature is asking of us is pay attention. If we can but understand this one natural philosophy, there won't be division between the various religions. Now among the pagans, this natural philosophy was understood perfectly so much so that the adepts of paganism were called witches (Wise Ones). It is unfortunate that the word has been bastardized. Till date, these pagans still celebrate the sun's passage through the various constellations. It is in paganism one begins to understand the sacredness of the numbers 1-10, 12, 13 24, 72, 360 etc. So in essences, Numerology and Astrology are brother and sister of the same philosophy. It is also from this natural philosophy we begin to appreciate sacred geometry. Now true Christianity is synonymous with magic except that the practitioners of exoteric Christianity are ignorant of the fact. That they are ignorant of the fact is because it has been designed so. The masters of Christianity must have total control or else they are doomed. To have this control, every trick in the book must be employed. So while christianity and paganism are one and the same thing, unfortunately, modern christianity or rather exoteric christianity is slavery in disguise. This is not only pertaining to christianity but to all religions. Rome cannot say that they don't know that it is the Sun they worship and not this made up Christ cooked up in Greece. Whether he existed or not is not so important as regard his teachings but even his teachings he made in parables. It is as if he was trying to conceal rather than reveal. Where else can we find this characteristics? I guess you already know the answer. The Sun. In as much as it reveals, it also conceals a whole lot and what is more, it can even blind one. It is this mysterious trait of the sun our religious authorities have used in blinding their followers. If man would but think, they should ask themselves such simple questions like what the hell is people like Mary, Joseph, Peter, James, Phillip and so on doing in the middle of Palestine? If one should go there today one won't find people with such names. Secondly, it just so happens that the first person created by God is Adam. An English man. In Egyptian mythology, it is said that the first god ever known is Atum. Is there similarities between the two names? I leave that to you to decide. Taking it further, is the word Atum similar to Atom? Stretch your imagination a little bit.
To end this, it doesn't take much intelligence to realize that religion is man made. It is an artificial spirituality. It is only trying to mimic Nature. Like all things artificial, exoteric religions will fail their practitioners. Where those who are in love with Nature are free, those practicing exoteric religions which in reality are cults are in bondage. Nature when studied will be seen to reveal all answers. Religions cannot even provide answers to some basic questions. Religions exist because people subscribe to them. The moment people do not subscribe to them they will lose their power over man and heaven will not come down. On the other hand, Nature is ever patient waiting for her children to return to her. Nature is the one mother whose milk and honey never goes dry. I should not be quoted wrong here, I am not saying religion is bad. All I am saying is that, the truth about it should be taught to the people but therein lies the problem. So many people make their living off from the exoteric versions of these religions and the moment that is exposed, these people will go hungry. But what a way to make a living by lying to the public. And on the other hand, some church leaders are just dead ignorant. There is but one sin; ignorance. It is from ignorance and ignorance alone man should be saved.

This blog will not be complete if I do not mention the other aspect of religion which is what people have called miracle. Miracle is nothing more but the understanding of metaphysics. In most if not all religions, there is the talk of miracles. Religious folks have been so blinded to the truth that they all think prayer to a certain being will produce result. Why that could be, they fail to understand that the underlying principle behind answered prayers or miracles is not because a certain name is mentioned or because prayer is being made to a certain god but because they have exercised a faculty within the human constitution. Again and again, it cannot be too emphasized, that the highest wisdom is but to know oneself. It is this knowledge of the Self religions all over are trying to withhold from one. It is precisely this reason religions especially Christianity tell you not to look at other sacred texts or worse, not to even study something as natural as astrology and in some cases even astronomy. It has been said again and again that astrology is the mother of all sciences. Manifestation is but a science. It has nothing to do with angels or persons or gods. Anyone who has spent at least five minutes on any book on metaphysics will know immediately that the mind of man is such a powerful faculty. How many times has it been said that if one must change his or her situation all they need to do is change the way they think. Thoughts have vibrations and when it hits a certain frequency produce results. That we are were we are is because of our thoughts, if we wish to change our situation, it is only a matter of aligning our thoughts to that which we want. Our words also have powers. An experiment was conducted were nice words were said to a plant. With the same condition of this plant, another plant was given the same opportunity but this time, hateful words were directed to the plant. The one nice words were spoken to bloomed while the one hateful words were spoken to died after a while. The same was done with water. (Water is a highly magnetized property. In fact, if the study is done one can trace the property of magnetism down to water). While two glass of water were given the same condition, one was spoken of with love while the other with hate. When they were iced, it was seen that the crystals of the one which had lovely words spoken over had a beautiful geometric pattern while the other which had hateful words spoken over was seen to be in chaotic geometric pattern. When the bible made mention of this word in John 1:1, a secret key was given there. It is left now for the student to experiment.
There is no room for miracles in the universe. Any such concept would jeopardize the laws governing the universe. Any such thing as a miracle would certainly have a cause. Nothing happens by happenstance. Every occurrence must have a cause, whatever one wishes to manifest is only a matter of knowing which is the likely causes to bring about its manifestation. But this is not to say the law should be abused for the universal law of justice is always in operation.

How much truth can you stand?

For further reads:

1. The Devil's Pulpit. by Rev. Robert Taylor 
2The Tree of Knowledge by Alvin Boyd Kuhn
3. The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviours by Kersey Graves
4. Astro-Theology and Sidereal Mythology by Michael Tsarion
5. The Witness of the Stars by E.W. Bullinger
6. The Bible of Bibles; Or Twenty-Seven Divine Revelations by Kersey Graves
7. The Light of Egypt: The Science of the Soul and the Stars by Thomas Burgoyne
8. The wonders of the Human Body by George W. Carey

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