Since the former is an introduction, I will dive straight into the heart of the matter.
Since in our modern age, Aries happens to be the opening of the zodiacal year and which in reality should be so but for political, cultural and religious reasons has been backed to January by Rome, I will be starting with Aries. It seems strange that I titled the blog religion unveiled but now writing about astrology. It is so because in time to come religion and astrology will be seen to be one and the same thing. If there is anything sacred writings the world over has shown to us, it is that the celebration of Easter did not start with Christianity. Long before Christians started to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus the Christ (Whether a person of that name ever lived is left for readers to draw their conclusions.), history has shown to us that in the pagan world, from Asia to Europe to Africa, Easter, which should be another word for the spring season has been celebrated from time immemorial. It is that time of the year when life is renewed all over again. This we can see in Nature with the springing of the plant kingdom back to life. With plants available for food, there is no extinction of life. So we see that Easter is a celebration of life not only for the animal and plant kingdom but all kingdoms of Nature. It is very important to understand this fact as it will give the average christian an entirely new viewpoint of life. For the average christian, it will go a long way to help understand the mystery surrounding Easter or the resurrection of Christ in the Bible. This is the age of Aquarius, so the time is ripe for such information to be distilled. In times of old, this was a mystery for only the priests of the various religions to know. It was an open secret that was veiled. The main difference between the age of Aquarius and of Pisces is this; the age of Pisces is that of blind belief while that of Aquarius is that of knowing. When it comes to the truth there is no room for belief. The age of Pisces was ushered in about 2000 years ago when the sun transited to Pisces, the fish symbol. It was for this reason Jesus and his disciples were known as fishers of men. Early symbol of Christianity was the fish and even till date we still see it in some christian literature. It should no longer be a mystery why the fish is associated with Christianity. Each astronomical age lasts about 2100 years. And for the sun to make a complete revolution through these signs takes about 25,200 years approximately. In each age, we experience the vibrations characterizing the sign of that age. Pisces which is a water sign affects our emotions. For in mysticism, water represents our emotions. So the main character of the age of Pisces is blind belief. It is common to see people who are in love to be blind to the faults of their lovers. But it is more than 2000 years now and the sun has gradually transited to the water bearer sign, Aquarius. Now that we are in the age of Aquarius, the world will experience a vibration distinct from the Piscean Age. How do we know this? Because at every point in time we are affected by the sun's transition. We know it is day time when the sun can be seen and night when it transits the arc. In just the same way we know it is spring when nature blooms with flowers and winter (or harmattan in African climates) when the trees begin to shed their leaves. Astronomically speaking, when the sun moves into any of the signs, the vibrational energy of that sign will be felt or experienced by all of Nature. Everything is interconnected. Be that as it may, it is understood that when the truth is really known, Christianity will be the religion of mankind. For, in reality, the various religions are already practicing Christianity whether they know it or not. Like I have said in one of my blogs, Christianity has nothing to do with the worship of a being called Jesus Christ or accepting a being named Jesus Christ as one's savior. No, Christianity is all about the raising of consciousness to that of christ consciousness or Godhood. We are all from God and must return to IT. And as one Catholic Saint once said, "Thou hast made us for Thyself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until it finds rest in Thee." It is precisely the science of returning back to God, Aries or Easter is all about.
According to George W. Carey and Inec E. Perry in the book 'The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation' (unfortunately, the entirety of this blog will be from this book. Unfortunately, because research is not supposed to be based on just one book. I hope my readers will see reasons with me as we journey along). George and Perry finally made a bold statement that Jesus Christ is a germ of life. According to them, it is a psycho-physical germ cell just as real, definite and tangible as any other physical germ although more ethereal and delicate. According to them, this seed is created in the manger (solar plexus) in the human being. (In my blog, As Above So Below, I explained this pictorially. For more information about where the solar plexus is in the human structure, you can visit that blog post). This seed born in the solar plexus then journeys along a path planned for it through the river Jordan and ascends by this river of God to the cerebrum (the house of God) via certain glands. The roots of the tree of life according to them are three nerves that ascend from the fructified germ cell. It is from these three that later on five are formed which constitute the five ventricles of the brain. The Optic Thalamus being the matrix from which the roots branch out and upward is also the center from which the spinal cord springs from. Anybody who is a student of biology and physiology can relate to this I hope. According to Hermetic Sciences, it is stated that "That which is above is like that which is below - As above, So Below." Even in the Lord's Prayer we also find it there, "Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven". In this case, therefore, we see that astrology(the science of the heavenly stars) and physiology(the science of the functionality of the various parts of living organisms) are inseparable. For it is in astrology the mysteries of physiology are revealed.
Aries by analogy then finds its home in the cerebrum of man. For it is this part of man that is first developed and from which other organs develop. Aries, therefore, represent in man the cerebrum and spinal cord which constitutes the father or creator of the body.
Mythologically speaking, the River Jordan, in the New Testament is just the same as the Euphrates in the Old Testament. For it means descender or to come down. In truth, the river of God does come down from above or heaven which in this case physiologically speaking is our head or to be precise, our cerebrum. So just like the issue of sex or gender where each person is more or less a hermaphrodite because in reality each and every one of us has that male and female principle within, so also in astrology, that a person is born in the sign of Capricorn does not mean the person does not have the others signs or constellations like Aries or Gemini within their birth charts. Just like in gender where the dominant sex is what eventually manifests but still has the other half within him or her so also in astrology we have the dominant sign manifested but also have the other signs and planets in the chart of the person. In this case, therefore, Aries represents the head of man whether male or female. But this is another topic which hopefully if I have the time I will write about. Astrology is a beautiful subject and can be rightly termed the mother of all sciences. So far we have been able to link astrology to biology, physiology, mythology, astronomy, anatomy, numerology, religion and mysticism. Before the end of the blog, we will also see its link to biochemistry and medicine which this blog is all about. It is sad that main stream religions has condemned this beautiful science.
In Genesis, the first book of the Old Testament, we are told about creation. In reality, this first book was talking about the creation of a man's body. We see in it the creation of animals first before man. This simply means that before a man becomes man, physiologically speaking, certain animal cells need to be in place first. It does not necessarily mean the creation of actual animals. When broken down we see that man's body is an aggregate of animal cells. The head, therefore, is the cup of life for it contains the essence of life. When the chalice of the Catholic Church or any other religion where a cup plays a role in the celebration is raised for blessing, this is the mystery that is being celebrated. That mystery of the cerebrum or the Christ within us.
The Cerebrum is the spiritual brain within man or rather the link between the physical and the spiritual. Within the earthly realm, it can be rightly called the father or creator for it is from the cerebrum and the spinal cord the human being evolves.
If we stretch our imaginations further we will find that mystically, our body is a world of its own. Just as the earth or world is below the heavens, so also our body can be rightly called a world which is under the heavens which in this case is our head or cerebrum. If that is established, we can easily see too that our bodies are also graveyards for they contain so many dead cells. But the science of Christology is about life and not death. When we preserve this seed or chrism or honey or dew which flows down to the earth (our body), dead life is called forth back to life. This is the mystery surrounding the manna falling from heaven in the Old Testament which kept the children of God alive. Therefore the reason man over the ages has deteriorated is that this seed or oil has not been preserved as it should be. In the bible, we are told to lay up our treasures in heaven. In Malachi 3:8, it is stated, "Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings." We see therefore that the worst thieves out there are not our greedy neighbors but we ourselves when we waste this oil in riotous living especially through inordinate sexual activity. Unfortunately, the world thinks that a man is he who is able to go 5 rounds of sexual activity in a go. This is depleting the oil Nature has commanded us to preserve and as a result of this depletion, so many illnesses manifest physically. About the Optic Thalamus, the Kabbala (the mystical or esoteric aspect of Judaism) stated, "Therefore, it is called the open eye, the holy eye, the excellent eye, the eye which sleepeth not, the eye which is the guardian of all things, the eye which is the subsistence of all things."
It also the eye found in the freemasonic symbol. This shows that aside the social aspect of Freemansonry, there is the esoteric aspect meant to uplift her members through initiation. Due to lack of understanding, this noble fraternity has been slandered by the public. But that can be understood as people generally criticise what they don't understand.
About this organ, the optic thalamus, it occupies the central portion of the third ventricle in the middle of Aries. I believe Physiologists and Biologists can tell us more about this organ than I can write about here but mystically, the oil which this organ secretes is what gave rise to the monetary system in the world. This oil is really the medium of exchange in the realm. If we want to advance spiritually, it is absolutely necessary to preserve this oil. That the Catholic Church is powerful can be partly attributed to this science of oil preservation. Although it is common knowledge that they are not as holy as they claim. The number of abused children and children born out of wedlock is steadily increasing that the church is seriously thinking of allowing Priests to get married.
That aside, according to the book, The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation" written by Carey and Perry, it stated, "As the general interpretation of money is that which serves as a common medium of exchange or measure of value in trade, we find its figurative origin in the brain substance of man. It is in very truth his most precious treasure, the mental rule or medium by which he measures values and makes exchanges in his earthly (bodily) dealings. It is truly the coin of the realm. The brain substance is the merchandise or money which, continually laid up or restored becomes an ever-increasing asset which actually produces for us more than compound interest. But if the principal is drawn on constantly, through sexual excesses or other means of depletion, there is no possible means by which any interest can accrue." Further on it stated that "The mind travels and it is supported on all its journeys by the money it possesses."
Mental and astral traveling have been known to initiates for a long long time. This is perhaps the secret to accessing other dimensions.
The Caduceus, a symbol of healing by the American and British corps has a long history. Unfortunately, not many of the medical professionals understand the symbology of their profession. First, the word caduceus stems from the Latin verb 'cado' which means 'to fall'. It is in this symbol the true story of the fall and rise of man can be found. The winged pole represents the cerebrospinal system. In other words, the pole represents the spinal column and the two wings represent the two hemispheres of the brain which in mysticism is known as the tree of life. The two serpents entwined around the pole represent the central and autonomic nervous systems which in mysticism is known as the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. In the introductory part of this series (Religion Unveiled), I mentioned that all religions are one and the same thing but wearing different garments to dress the truth. In Hinduism for instance, we find the following: "The fruit and sap of the tree of life bestow immortality." In Sanskrit, it is called 'Soma'. This brings us to the next section which deals with healing. Perry and Carey made us understand that the world has not really understood what healing truly means. If we understand healing from the medical point of view, we might be led astray. (Unfortunately, what the mainstream medical society is practicing is not healing but the alleviation of dis-eases or illnesses). In all esoteric philosophical schools popularly known as occult societies, there is a special aspect of their studies devoted to healing. To go by the esoteric definition of healing, we must comprehend that healing means wholeness, lacking nothing, perfect. In other words, all necessary work towards perfection has been completed. In the book, "The Biochemic System of Medicine..." also written by Carey, the first paragraph stated: "The one desirable condition of life is the human organism in normal condition. To preserve this condition is the high aim of the medical profession. To relieve suffering and to preserve the perfect man."
The beginning of wisdom lies in the knowledge of self. The human body or rather all organisms for that matter has the power to rebuild itself daily. To do that it is extremely important to provide the body with live substances. It is for this reason occultists or esoteric scientists favor the vegetarian or vegan diet. For to eat plants is to eat live food. When we eat live foods like vegetables, fruits and grains, it is easier for the body to absorb. But when we eat dead food, it takes the body a high amount of energy to convert. Truly, the body of living organisms is a miracle in the very sense of the word. Live food also have the ability to cleanse our spiritual system. When our spiritual system is cleansed, we are able to see more clearly and clairvoyantly. This abilitly of the body to rebuild itself is what scientists are trying to achieve in machines. When that is accomplished, man would have evolved to a whole new level. For mother Nature has provided man this manna from heaven with which man can use in self-healing. And until scientists can figure a way to do that, machines can't be perfected. But herein lies the danger of unveiling occult knowledge. As regard self-healing and regeneration, we find in the fourth chapter in the book "Mind to Matter" written by Dawson Church the following: "You are not the same person you were a second ago, let alone yesterday. Your body is replacing cells and rejuvenating its system at a frantic pace. Your body contains some 37 trillion cells (Bianconi et al., 2013). That's a much bigger number than the count of galaxies in the known universe. Old cells are dying and new cells replacing them all the time. Each second, over 810,000 cells are being replaced. Your body produces one trillion (1,000,000,000,000) new red blood cells per day. (Wahlestedt et al., 2017)." This needed material for regeneration has been referred to by all cultures. Names by which it is known are dew, manna, milk, honey, food of the gods, the elixir of life, sacred soma juice, and many other names. All are referring to the creative essence of the brain substance.
It therefore stands to reason that Aries, the upper chamber or cerebrum is a celestial sphere. This is the part of man that corresponds to heaven. It is no longer a mystery when Christ said that the kingdom of God is within you. Within Aries, therefore, are all of the lights, planets or the various vibrating energies or ruling powers. It is this organ that is the link between the physical and spiritual. The various vibrations from the planets including the sun and moon find their mode of expression through the cerebrum. The cerebrum is the antennae with which to receive information from within as well as without. If therefore man is not able to pick up signals, it is because of the chemical deficiencies in the brain substance. This lack when it becomes much result in the various illnesses or dis-eases depending on the degree of deficiency. In other to return to the garden of Eden within us, it is therefore necessary to steer clear from all kinds of riotous activities that will deplete this natural treasure of man.
This brings us to the last section of this blog which is the astrochemical or biochemical treatment of the deficiencies. To start with, we will revert back to astrology and the zodiac. Aries which is the opening of the zodiacal year, the first of the constellation houses to welcome the sun is also a fire sign. Any astrological student knows that Mars is the ruling planet of Aries. But in addition to this, and because Aries is also a fire sign, the Sun is also a co-ruler of the constellation of Aries. Aries being also the first of the three fire signs made it possible for the manifestation of life to occur. For without the energy of Aries, the animal cells from which man is made may not have been possible. In Nature, it is in the month of March and April, the season of Aries, that we see that burst of life in all the kingdoms especially the plant and animal kingdom. Just as in Nature life energies are seen to burst forth in the season of Aries so also man by nature is affected by this energy. For most people, it is that time of the year goals are set for accomplishment. This is also the season farmers all over the world are motivated to plant. During this period, thoughts are more energized to bring everything and life in general under light. All areas of man's life and life in general through this vibrant Arian energy energizes or electrifies the thoughts or mind of man to see clearly what tasks must be accomplished physically and spiritually. But it so happens that man is in the habit of wastage. The joy and pleasure of sex is too much for man to do away with. Hence, it is very natural if man is prone to waste that God-given manna through lack of discipline. But to regain this energy or manna back, Nature has provided a remedy. When the electricity is not enough to power the mind to function properly, there is only one material or substance which is chemically composed to produce light. The substance is known as Potassium Phosphate.
Potassium is the food by which the gods or gray matter are nourished. (Although I have not been chanced to watch the movie or series Gray's Anatomy, I believe there is a lot of things that can be learned from the series.) I already made mention of the central and autonomic nervous systems. The autonomous nervous system is but a subpart of the peripheral nervous system. The sensory nerves of the peripheral nervous system are the wires which connect the great generator of electrical energy, the cerebrum, the house of God or the chamber of Aries in man. It is the chamber of Aries or the house of God which supplies all parts of man with electricity. It is in this chamber of Aries, the house of God that the manna of heaven is made. The manna with which also thinking is done. In the book, 'Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation', the authors mentioned a mysterious fact that electricity is both a substance and energy. I have always regarded electricity as pure energy but in the light of this fact, the mystery surrounding matter and spirit is settled. For if God is light, it stands to reason that just as God is the energy aspect of this light, IT is also the material or substance by which this light is manifested. Advanced occultists have always held that matter is not just a dead or lifeless object but that the so-called matter is imbued with life even though this life in matter is vibrating at a very slow pace or very fast as it may be. For if a wheel is spinning at a very high speed it would seem as if it is still and not moving. Stretching this fact further on, the seeming difference between Monotheism and Pantheism can be reconciled. Pantheism is the view that the world is either identical to God or an expression of God's nature. It comes from 'Pan' meaning all and 'theism' which means belief in God. By this ideology, Pantheists mean to say God is everything and everything is God. Or rather God does not transcend the universe. In this case, everything reverts back to one true source of all. This should be, if monotheists are healthy in their brains, the true meaning of monotheism.
According to Dr. Carey, in his book, 'The Biochemic System of Medicine', he says, "The gray matter of the brain is controlled entirely by the inorganic cells-salt, Potassium Phosphate. This salt unites with Albumin and by addition of oxygen creates nerve fluid or the gray matter of the brain. Of course, there is a trace of other salts and organic matter in nerve fluid, but Potassium Phosphate is the chief factor and has the power within itself to attract by its own law of affinity all things needed to manufacture the elixir of life." In Greek mythology, such an entity that can attract all things to itself or transform itself into anything is known as Proteus.
"Therefore, when nervous symptoms arise due to the fact that the nerve fluid has been exhausted from any cause, the Phosphate of Potassium is the only true remedy because nothing else can possibly supply the deficiency. The ills from too rapidly consuming the gray matter of the brain cannot be overestimated and if all who are inclined to nervous disorders would carry potassium phosphate with them in tablet form, a large number of sicknesses and suffering would be prevented. We find this potassium phosphate salt largely predominates in nerve fluid and that a deficiency produces well-defined symptoms. The beginning and end of the matter is to supply the lacking principle and in molecular form, exactly as Nature furnishes it in vegetables, fruits, and grains. This is the only cure."
Symptoms arising from lack of this nerve fluid or potassium phosphate known as manna in biblical mythology are extreme nervousness, insanity, paralysis, hysteria, fainting, mental and physical exhaustion, strange fancies, softening of the brain and spinal cord, headache and hungry feeling after eating.
To conclude, three things remain important, light, life and love. The first of which is sustained by Potassium Phosphate. Through the continual sustenance of this substance, life evolves and to preserve that life, love is the meta-physical substance that will sustain or preserve that life. From this analysis, one does not need much imagination to deduce that light is a conscious energy and Potassium phosphate is the vehicle of that consciousness.