Religion Unveiled - Taurus

April 21 - May 20 is the month of the bull, Taurus. The myth surrounding this astrological sign is such that it is so popular that it overshadows the rest of the other astrological signs put together. We can find it in biblical mythological motif as well as in most of the major religions. First of all, the word Taurus is a Latin word for bull which is gotten from Greek. Taurus is the second astrological sign in the western zodiac. Taurus is also that period of the Sun's journey in its orbit marking the movement of Nature to renew life processes. It is the energy from this particular sign that energizes the earth to bring forth vegetation. With this manifestation, as well as others, the ancients knew that they will have bread on the table and clothes to wear to protect them from the harsh times ahead when the sun will be crucified. Till date, during the month of May, there are still pagan festivals celebrated just for this reason. In fact, the true interpretation of the word 'May' according to its Sanskrit root origin means 'to move'. The word 'Maia' is also said to have been derived from this same root word of May. In Greek mythology, Maia is represented as the daughter of Atlas and the mother of Hermes. She is also found in the Roman mythology since the Romans and Greeks share similar mythology. Therefore it is to this pagan goddess, the daughter of Atlas and mother of Hermes, that a special homage or offering is given during the month of May in most parts of Europe. The traditions of the Norsemen also have a similar offering dedicated to a god. In this also, Africa is not left out though Africans offer it up to the gods. It is not totally clear if it is from the name of the goddess 'Maia' that we got the name of the month 'May' or vice versa. As a goddess, beauty was natural to her and just like Aries who rules the head of man, the parts of the body Taurus governs are the face, ears, neck, cerebellum and lower jaw. As a goddess of beauty and plenty, we cannot help but notice this special attribute in persons born in this sign. Most Taureans are beautiful and not only that, they, like the bull, are hard working and as a result of this, they are blessed with the fruit of their hard work. It has been observed that people born in this sign are materialistic. They like the fine things of the world, good clothes, jewelries, houses etc. When they work hard, it is to this goal they employ their energy, that they may have their fair share of the finer things of life and be comfortable.

While that is on the one hand, on the other, it is a sign that reminds us of the stage of evolution of humanity that was torn by animal passions. In the Old Testament for instance, we see it reflected in the history of the people of Israel which was marked with the making of the golden calf for worship. Golden calf in this sense is but a representation of the astrological sign ruling that era which is but the bull. Not only that, it was also seen that they indulged in merry making and revelry which is very typical of the sign. Of course it is logical that with the manifestation of beauty comes the desire for that beauty. Wikipedia made us to understand that in Mesopotamia, that ancient civilization, it was the first astrological sign just as Aries is the first today. The change is as a result of the Sun's movement. So also in the future, it will no longer be Aries but some other sign that will be the sign of the vernal equinox known as the spring equinox just as Aries is enjoying the glory today.

Among the organs governed by Taurus is the cerebellum. This differs from the cerebrum. While the cerebrum controls such things like thinking, memory, planning and understanding, the cerebellum controls or coordinates the muscular movement of the body in other words, it is the motor behind the voluntary actions. I find it interesting that just as in the macroscopic plane where Taurus is responsible for the visible manifestation or movement of Nature to produce food after the electric impulse received from Aries in the Spring equinox, so also in the human anatomy and physiology, it is the Taurean part of our body, specifically from the lower part of our brain to the neck where we find the cerebellum that is responsible for movement. In this case the cerebellum gets signals from the cerebrum and processes that information so that the necessary body part responsible for the actions gets the order to perform the action or movement. This goes on to say that while it is the motor behind the actions we take voluntarily, it is also therefore responsible for the actions we sometimes do out of habit which in most or in some cases are not beneficial to us. This is precisely what this blog tries to address.

In mysticism, we know that the coin of the realm is the gold of Ophir. That sacred chrism from the garden of Eden which flows from the pineal gland, the chamber of Aries down to Egypt, the house of Scorpio. Just as Aries rules the head (upper brain), Scorpio rules the generative organs of the body. The golden chrism which flows from the garden of Eden, becomes perverted or converted when humans wish to procreate. It changes its colour from gold to silver after flowing out from the garden of Eden, the cerebrum. To the degree in which we are able to transmute or master this sacred energy flowing from the chamber of Aries, the garden of Eden is the degree to which we can be conscious. The science of spiritual consciousness depends to large degree the extent to which we are able to manage this sacred energy flowing from the garden of Eden. According to the book by G.W. Carey and Inez Perry, 'The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation', it is written, "No man can be fully conscious who is living in the animal passions and to whom they are attractive."
Logically, since the cerebellum is responsible or the motor behind voluntary actions and even those malevolent actions we sometimes do out of habit, it stands to logic that to turn around these impulses from the inclination to do evil to doing good, we must first turn to Taurus, our cerebellum. But since Taurus is only a secretary to Aries, carrying out orders given by Aries, it is only natural that we keep the chamber of Aries in good condition. To keep it in good condition, we must first turn away as the prodigal child did from our prodigious or riotous form of living and reconcile ourselves back to our father, the cerebrum. The cerebrum, when a child is conceived is the first part that is formed before other parts of the body is formulated. It is from the cerebrum which is our father in this instance that we derive every other organs necessary to live on the earthly plane. We must try to preserve this sacred river flowing from the garden of Eden. It is so sacred that by it the immune system of the body is also strengthened. So with this sacred river of life, man is immune to all forms of diseases, mental or physical. When the chamber of Aries is kept in good condition, it follows as day after night that the cerebellum automatically receives harmonious vibrations beneficial to the spiritual man as well as the physical man. But when the chamber of Aries lacks this sacred oil, chaos ensues. It can be rightly stated then that the cause of chaos in the world today among men is because man instead of preserving this wonderful sacred oil, have decided to abuse its use and in the process attracted to himself all manners of evil. It is for this reason that god of the Old Testament said, of all the trees in the garden one can eat but the day man eats from the particular tree in the middle of the garden man shall die. Thank goodness to astrology, the language of the gods. For it is in astrology and anatomy and physiology we are able to reconcile this particular statement of the god of the Old Testament. For millennia, philosophers have pondered this statement in the book of Genesis and wondered why would a god lie since in reality the spirit of man cannot die. It is in astrology and anatomy we found the mystical interpretation of that verse. Indeed, the fruits of the tree are our senses of taste, touch, smell, hearing and seeing which all has its seat in the optic thalamus, the second decan of Aries in the forebrain. This optic thalamus, can be referred to as the John the Baptist or the fore runner for the pineal gland. The pineal gland which in Freemasonry and some other fraternities is known as the 'All Seeing Eye' or the 'Third Eye' is located in the middle of the brain and somewhat alone. It secrets a chrism known in science as melatonin. This Chrism or the Christ within us has been observed to have metaphysical or mystical properties. That while it clearly benefits our physical well being, spiritually it has a whole lot of functions too. It has been found down history to be a special kind of organ. Some even stipulate that this organ has survived its evolutionary extinction, and that the reason it is small as a grain of rice is due to that gradual extinction which is caused by non preservation. It is this oil secreted by the pineal gland man is supposed to guard against at all cost for the preservation of life. As regard the 'Tree of Life' any student of Physiology knows that the human nervous system is synonymous with a tree. Nerve cells are usually shaped like a tree. The bible which is a mystical book is shrouded in mystical terms. To understand the bible is only a matter of reading it in the right light in which it has been written.

We now know that the garden of Eden is right up in heaven which is located microscopically in our head. And the tree of life has its root in this garden. The serpent therefore is that energy emitted by our nervous system instigating us to sometimes do thing contrary to our will. "The nervous system structure" according to google search says it "includes the hypothalamus, amygdala, and hippocampus. The hypothalamus plays a role in the activation of sympathetic nervous system which is a part of any emotional reaction. According to Wikibooks, "the central nervous system has the fundamental role in the control of behavior" Also from science, we know that the hypothalamus produces a hormone called oxytocin which is also known as the love hormone. It is responsible for reproductional activities and emotional bonding according At this point I think it is safe to chip in that sex in the garden of Eden was not the real sin which resulted to the fall of man. The real sin is inaction, not allowing the will to have its rightful place on the throne or rather the abdication of the will of man to lustful desires. This can very well be the case with our nervous system which has a role to play in our emotions.This brings us back to Taurus. Taurus is the sign of movement, or motion. But when this motion is subverted, it becomes e-motional. To a large extent, this has been the tool used by religious propaganders to spellbound their followers. This has resulted to the crime of the dawn of time, the abdication of the throne of the Will to react emotionally instead of rationally. But when man regains his throne as the embodiment of will over his emotions, he will no longer be carried away by his emotions which leads him to defile himself or worse, seek salvation outside of the self. It reminds me of a statement by Mario Puzo in his book the Godfather, he says, "Women and children can afford to be careless but men cannot." This energy is serpentine in the sense that it seeks to gratify itself with base pleasures. Pleasures that would bring man to the ground instead of lifting him up. While sex is partially the sin because of perverting that sacred substance from the garden of Eden and not using it for its paradisaical use, it is not totally wrong because it is a natural desire in man. It is natural that failure should precede progress.  And for man to progress, it is just as natural for man to experience the pain of failure before he can taste the joy of progress. Therefore, the fall of man is but a blessing in disguise. Emotion have its seat in the soul of man which some certain philosophers have said manifested as the pituitary gland just as the will of man is manifested as the pineal gland in man. These two glands are complimentary just as the sun and moon are complimentary. The pineal gland is ruled by the sun while the pituitary is ruled by the moon. It is a scientific fact that the ocean tides are affected by the vibrations of the moon and man who is but 70 percent water is also affected by the vibrations of the moon. It has also been observed that during the full moon people are highly emotional. It is for this reason we now know why Jesus the Christ made the statement for people to go and sin no more. The word 'sin' from Su-en which later was contracted to sin is discovered to have traced his way into the Bible from the ancient Mesopotamia religion which was practiced in the millennia before Christianity. Sin according to Encyclopaedia  Britannica is the god of the moon in Mesopotamia religion. According to the same source, this moon god bestows fertility and prosperity, she governs the rise of water and the growth of reeds which helps the herdsmen of the land to produce diary products. But in relation to what Christ meant as regarding go and sin no more, we know he must be referring to that emotional attribute of man always carrying him astray if the will is not employed to keep the emotions in check. In other words, Christ is simply saying, do not be led by your emotions but rather muster the will to overcome your weaknesses.

The central nervous system comprising the right and left sympathetic systems are thieves. (The two thieves by the side of Christ). They rob the body of nerve energy and a specialized soul fluid. Thankfully, Nature in her mercy has provided a chemical substance to assist us when we are chemically unbalanced or robbed. Just as in my last blog, talking about the cell salt of Aries which is Potassium Phosphate, Taurus cell salt is Sodium Sulphate. Sodium which is a reducing agent helps step down chemical actions and also lowers rate of vibrations. It is known to decompose water. Sulphur on the other hand helps in digestions and assimilation of food substances. Sodium Sulphate is also known to have the power to attract twice its bulk of water containing waste products and throw it out of the blood. Therefore when the body is unhealthy because of too much waste products in the human system which decomposes to acid, Sodium takes some of the fluid of the excesses and mixes it with Sulphur which begins the process of reduction. The lack of this substance also results in feverish conditions. Dr. Carey explained it thus: When the blood becomes overcharged with water, of course the various tissues of the body must suffer from lack of nourishment. When therefore the water carriers (Sodium Sulphate) are not present in sufficient quantity to throw out the excesses in the natural way, Nature does the next best thing. It causes a spasm of the vascular, nervous and muscular systems and thus by violent effort throws out the excess of water, hence the profuse perspiration which follows the chill which is known as fever. Among the foods one can get this substance are; milk, celery, onions, turnips, carbbage, lettuce, cauliflower etc.
In summary, Sodium Sulphate is good in regulating the water supply in the body, increasing or decreasing it as needed.

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