Gemini – Potassium Chloride
three months we put out to sea in ship that had wintered in the
island-it was an Alexandrian ship with the figurehead of the twin
gods Castor and Pollux.
International Version)
The image above represents Castor and Pollux. We have seen in my last two blogs that the Sun is exalted in Aries and
the Moon in Taurus. But before the Sun or the Moon can accomplish
anything of importance in the physiological engine of man, an angel
(messenger) must be in place to carry out the great plan of the gods.
Here is where the third constellation of the Zodiac, Gemini, comes
into play. Gemini is the third house of the zodiac in western
astrology. By western, I mean that astrological philosophy gotten
from Africa, the father of civilization of the present aeon. The
orthodox ruler of Gemini is Mercury. Just as macro cosmically planet mercury is the closest to the sun and nicknamed the messenger of the
gods, micro cosmically and metaphysically, it represents the mind of
man. For the Sun (Christgod) and Moon (Goddess) to be able to
communicate with Nature, angels has to be around to carry out their
wishes. And to deal with man, the mind (Spirit) must be in place. The
mind is there for communication. Astrologically, the god of
communication is mercury. Mercury, in ancient times have always been
known as the patron of merchants and thieves. Not only that, it is
related also that mercury is also the patron god of commerce and
financial gain. He is especially also the patron god of travelers just as Castor and Pollux. In the pagan world mercury is regarded as
an important god.
mind has been the subject of many debate. Where is it located? If one
should dissect the human body, one will not find it. Some have
confused the brain with the mind. It is just a matter of
contemplation and we will get to the fact that the brain is different
from the mind. It is different in the same way the antenna is
different from the radio. But yes, they are closely linked. If we
consider mercury micro cosmically as the mind which in this case refers
to the sensory nerves as well as those faculties which also
communicate information or transport information to and fro outside
the five senses within the human psyche, we will see we are not far
from the truth. Mythologically, it has been known by different names
across tribes and tongues. In ancient Egyptian mythology, it was
referred to as Thoth, in Greek mythology it is known as Hermes and in
roman mythology he is known as mercurius.
we see it being used in thermometer and barometer. In thermometer, it
is used to measure changes in temperature while in barometer it is
used to measure changes in air pressure. It is through the expansion
and contraction of mercury we know if a substance is hot or cold. In
other words, it is one substance that can function in extreme
opposites. It knows no boundary. It is for this reason he has been
regarded as a god. Now the sign of Gemini is symbolized by a twin.
There have been many myths regarding this sign. Talking about myths,
most people think these are just fables to pass time or as bedtime
stories for children. But contrary to that, myths are actually
mediums of truth veiled in symbols and passed down most times orally
from the elders to the younger generation. This is one of the reasons
the catholic church has been so powerful. The Catholic Church, which
is credited to compiling the books of the bible also has an oral
tradition. Where sometimes scripture is lacking or not clear enough
they draw from the oral tradition to explain certain scriptural
mysteries. According to the fathers of the church, they claim, there
has been an unbroken succession of leadership from Peter the apostle,
the first pope to the present pope; that if there is anybody or
organisation that is entitled to interpret the scriptures of the
bible, it is them and them only. Anybody who is a catholic can attest
to this. This has been one major source of power for the catholic
church. This is where myths can be very powerful.
about the myths surrounding Gemini, let's unveil one of them. Before
that, I find it strange that the biblical Paul would make such a
statement as quoted above.
three months we put out to sea in ship that had wintered in the
island-it was an Alexandrian ship with the figurehead of the twin
gods Castor and Pollux.
is the third sign of the Zodiac and it so just happens that Paul put
out to sea after three months. Is Paul or the writer of this passage
trying to tell us something? Not only that, to further clarify what
he is talking about he told us he had to use an Alexandrian ship with
the figurehead of the twin gods Castor and Pollux. Let it be known
that the Alexandrian he meant is not Greek but Egyptian. Alexandrian
because Egypt was invaded by the Greeks in 302 BC. It was during this
period the spiritual literature of Egypt was hijacked. It was also
during this period the New Testament was written. The New Testament
is but a reworking of the Egyptian sacred literature. The concept of
Christ, his death and resurrection has its foundation in the sacred
literature of the ancient Egyptians. Hence a city was named after
Alexander the great who captured the land of Egypt. Another
interesting fact is that the biblical Paul made no attempt to
disguise the name of the twin gods Castor and Pollux representing the
sign of Gemini. According to classical tale, Castor and Pollux
(Polydeuces to the Greeks) were born from an egg after their mother,
Leda, Queen of Sparta had been seduced by Zeus. They were half
brothers but while Castor was the son of a mortal King, King
Tyndareus, Pollux was the immortal son of Zeus. (Zeus according to
classical tale, is the sky and thunder god in ancient Greek literature who rules as king of the gods). Castor and Pollux were an
adventurous pair. It was during one of their adventures that Castor
was killed. His brother couldn't bear the grief and so begged his
father Zeus for permission to go to the underworld and join his
brother. His father knowing the love they bear each other granted him
his request. He then placed them side by side in heavens so that they
could alternate their time between the underworld and the home of the
gods. What an interesting myth. But let's read between the lines.
First of all, Pollux knew he was from a divine origin and hence could
not die by going to the underworld. Is this also similar to the story
of Christ who went to the underworld to free those in bondage because
he knows he cannot die?
there is something here, according to most religions, the human
family has a divine origin. The Bible made us to understand that God
created us in his own image and likeness. That first of all should
tell us that just like God, we too cannot die, we are also of a
divine origin. This is what occultists and mystics have been saying
from time immemorial. That there is no difference between life and
death. Life and death is only polarities of the same essence which in
this case is Spirit or energy in scientific term just as heat and
cold is a different polarity of one and the same temperature. Even
the bible said, "Know ye not that ye are gods?" On
the other hand we cannot deny that other aspect of our nature, the
physical aspect of it. This is where the problem lies. Man has been
so hooked to the physical that he forgets he is of a spiritual origin
so much so he now has the fear of death. For some reasons, man has
suffered a fall from grace; he has forgotten his divine origin. To
make that worse, he has bought the lie that he needs a savior to come
save him; that he must look outside of himself for help. Thank
goodness for such scriptures that said the kingdom of god is within
you. The only place to look is within and not without. Any attempt to
look without automatically places one in a state of weakness. And it
is really a jungle out there. Government and religious institutions
are out there to tear one apart limb from limb if they so much see a
form of weakness in one. They still do it even without seeing the
weakness. Christianity and Islam as well as some other religions got
their domination through bully. If the fear of hell is not enough,
they employ physical means of torture. Another thing is, it is
unbelievable that the vast majority of us have fallen for the scam
that if we pay our tithes and offerings, if we say our prayers five
times a day, we would reap the benefits when we transit this earthly
realm, or in uninitiated terms, when we die. If we can fall for this
we will fall for anything. But this is exactly what the sign of
Gemini is telling us. Long before the advent of sacred or mystical
literature. Nature or what people termed God provided man the bible
on a tablet no man can edit. And the sign of Gemini which is a
chapter of this bible is telling us through symbols that we are both
human and divine. But Nature must take its course. Perfection cannot
be hurried. Nature is not in haste but it gets everything
accomplished. Sooner or later, man will get to that point of knowing
and not mere believing.
speaking, Gemini deals with the fibrin which is necessary for the
formation of nerves ligament, veins, and skin tissues. It is for this
reason Dr. Schuessler's named Potassium
Chloride as the spinning salt of Gemini. According to him and
some others, it is Potassium Chloride that is responsible for weaving
or spinning the treads from which the seamless garment of flesh is
woven. And for people of this sign with their various flaws, it is
even more important that this salt is in their closets and have it
taken so as to even out their flaws.
have said that mercury is a messenger of the gods and also the ruling
power governing Gemini. In that case since mercury is a messenger
which also applies to the human physiology, what sort of message has
it always carried within the human psyche? Can the human mind
penetrate a subject and be able to milk truth from it? Can it stand
against adversities? Are we fearful and lonely, do we easily fall
sick, are there symptoms that consistently manifest? How do we love?
Or do we even know how to love? It is answers to these we are able to
know the message mercury has come to tell us. When the negativity is
so much that the human mind is unable to soar to lofty height, let us
know that it has been coagulated with lead.
one way to address this situation is through a very natural process
we all too often take for granted. It is deep breathing. Deep
breathing has the ability to clear the mind. Deep breathing is also
good for our health in a number of ways. Through the study of
esoteric sciences we know that through proper breathing techniques we
can stimulate certain organs or faculties within the human structure
which will enable us to see more clearly, have access to realms that
are of finer vibrations. In India for instance, there is a yoga which
is dedicated to just the science of breathing. So many things through
this science can be achieved. Although it is not the purpose of this
blog to list such feats in other not to sway honest students of the
path from the true purpose of esoteric studies which is but to
develop oneself to the point of union with the ALL. Nonetheless, one
of the fruits of deep breathing is the ability to levitate. If one
can levitate it is no longer a mystery if we hear of persons walking
on water. It is through this science, the biblical Christ was able to
levitate (ascension) towards heaven. In the bible we noticed he
walked for miles without getting tired. Again that is because he knew
how to breathe. Once this science is properly understood, students of
magic will be able to find other areas where this science can be put
to use. But more importantly, deep breathing enables one to figure
out the truth. Through this art, one can penetrate into any subject
and milk out the substance of the subject. It is for this reason
mystics speak but one truth.
way the Perry and Carey proposed in the book, "The Zodiac and
the Salts of Salvation" is by raising the vibrations of the
abstract mercury and vaporizing it. This is exactly also the way
physical mercury is purified. Now the question is how can this
abstract mercury be purified. This brings us back to that popular
saying that mercury is the patron of merchants and thieves. Herein
lies how this abstract mercury can be purified which is the heart of
the message of the sign of Gemini. It is but through a metaphysical
process. We already know that Mercury is the patron of merchants and
thieves. In this instance, we see that one of them deals legitimately
with goods while the other applies fraud or cunning to obtain them.
It is in this regard mercury vibrates positively or negatively. Mercury deals with the air element and therefore its home is in the heights.
Physiologically speaking, the heights refer to Aries where it resides
and originates from. In Aries, it is gold but when in the lower
regions it becomes the living water of life. The passage way of this
water of life is the spinal column or canal. It is this the bible referred to as the river Jordan or river Euphrates just as Egypt
biblically speaking refers to the lower regions of the self. When
dealing with the water of life, it is important to note that it is
the coin of the realm. With it, one can, metaphysically speaking, buy
and sell goods. In other words, through the preserving of this fluid,
the water of life, one can grow or attain the heights of spirituality
which Nature has intended for us. It is in this context therefore
that the biblical original sin attributed to Adam and Eve have
foundation. For when we copulate without the intention of
reproduction, we throw this water of life which is now the seminal
fluid away. This is actually stealing from the body that which is to
be preserved. In this case we are thieves. This therefore leads to
the coagulation of mercury. But when we preserve this liquid, the
water of life and use it constructively, mercury then vibrates at a
higher rate and vaporizes. When it vaporizes it has then the power
to access realms closed to those who have thrown away the coin of the
realm for transportation. It is when this water of life is thrown
away that we notice among other things the deficiency of Potassium
Chloride. And when that is the case, symptoms like swollen glands,
sore throats, cough, cold, bronchitis, sluggish lymphatic glands,
thick blood, brain congestion and confused thoughts among some others
symptoms begin to manifest physically in man. To even out or clear
away this symptoms, Potassium Chloride is therefore the mineral salt
to take.
we see that food when taken in the right proportion has the ability
to make one Divine. The saying, 'You are what you eat' has a
foundation. For when we take food rich in these mineral salts of the
Zodiac, we live long and healthy. Not only that, it perfects other
faculties in ourselves for instance the faculty of intuition. When
one's intuition is perfect, one can foresee immediate or future
dangers ahead of time and as a healthy being avoid such dangers or
accidents that might befall one. This is very common in the animal
world. For example, horses have the ability to know before hand when
earthquakes are about to happen. Fishes too also have this ability.
The gift of prophesy is but a natural gift if only we know how to
eat and live.