As a Philosopher, (we are all philosophers one way or another), I have come to realize that people generally shy away from the discussion of death. On the one hand, it is as if people are at a dead end. Like there is no hope of life after death. On the other hand, it is almost as if there is a superstitious belief that the discussion of death brings with it bad luck. Some, for fear of death, have moulded their lives in fear. While others have allowed religion to brainwash them into thinking that if they pay one tenth of their income every month, heaven is assured when they die. Unfortunately, it is only in religions such foolishness happen. In other words, one's goods are delivered after death.
Now to dissect the subject of death, it is important to answer the question, what is life? It is in understanding what life is that we can have a true perspective of death. It is only when we understand life that death in its true light can be seen for what it is. Naturally, the answer to the question seems simple enough. What is Life? Life is Life. What more can one say? Life is the most natural thing that can happen to one. The next question would be, was life created? if we are to rely on religious books or conventional science for that matter, we might be led astray. To answer the question, was life created?, one need not go further than oneself. For it is through meditation, the secret of life can be revealed. What all philosophers worthy of the name have come to realize is that, Life is an uncreated energy, in other words, it is another word for God. There is no difference between God and life. Or to put it another way, there is no special life out there for God and another for humans, animals and plants. It is the same life for all. This fact might not be readily acceptable but a moment reflection on it will open one's eyes to see the validity of the fact. The question has been raised countless times, why can't God just get rid of the devil once and for all. But the truth is that, Life is the one boundless energy that everything breathes from or have their source. Life is the mother of us all. In Life, there is no room for death. Life can only give birth to life. For life to give birth to death would be unnatural. So for that reason, even if there is an entity called Devil which in my opinion is an illusion, this devil cannot be killed because the LAW of Life is in operation at all times. This Life or God or Intelligent Energy or Cosmic Consciousness, is the Soul of the Cosmos. When everything will be broken down to it smallest particle or atom, it will be found that the smallest indivisible particle of that substance is energy. But energy in my opinion can still be broken down further; and when broken down further, the result will be consciousness.
In Science, we know that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. But rather it transforms from one form of energy to another like water when heated transforms to gas. If then energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it follows therefore that Life, the source or soul of energy can neither be created nor destroyed. This brings me now to the question of death. I hope the preceding analysis of Life is sufficient; otherwise, I would need to write a book if I am to go deeper into analysis. If Life has been really understood, it will be seen that death is an illusion. It is this solemn truth about Life that make Philosophers, Mystics, Magicians or Occultist worthy of the name stand out from the crowd. Through initiation, they have seen for themselves that death is a lie, that it is not the end. It is for this reason Rosicrucians use the term "transition" instead of death. No Rosicrucian worthy of the name believe in death or the end of life as is commonly accepted by society.
Be that as it may, it is true the incarnated soul ceases to exit on the physical plane. But even that is not entirely true. There are cases where people who are said to be dead, appear to their loved ones one last time before transitioning to the soul or astral plane or realm. And in some cases, even start a whole new life in an entirely new location far from the place of their death. There is a law of Life allowing for such to happen. I have hinted from the preceding analysis of Life that, Cosmic Consciousness or Life is the soul of the manifested universe. If that is then the case, it would necessary mean that everything in the Cosmos or Universe is alive. Difficult as this may be for many to comprehend, let me simply say that yes, that is actually the case. In other words, that spoon you are using to eat, that wooden chair you are sitting on, that mattress you are lying on, that brick of wall enclosing you etc, are all actually alive. It is the level of vibration that distinguishes all manifested things in the Universe. Light and Sound both have a spectrum of colours and sound we can see and hear and those we cannot see and hear. It is their rate of vibration that determines what the human eyes and ears can see and hear. For example, there are certain things animals can see and hear but which humans cannot. These inanimate objects, so-called, when viewed closely (Through a powerful microscope) will be seen to be vibrating at a higher density which makes them to seem as if they are still. Much like the spinning wheel when spinning at a higher density seems to be not spinning. Hold on a second. Where I am going with this is this, the sub-atomic particles composing these various inaminate so-called objects which are vibrating at a higher density have exhibited what only conscious entities can exhibit and which is love. In other words, they have chosen to bond with their like instead of with other atomic particles. It takes consciousness to be able to bond with others or exhibit love or be attracted to your kind.
The attempt I just made to show that even inanimate objects are alive may be lame and I am sorry for that but the impression I am trying impress here is that there are various stages or degrees to life. The Human life has a different rate of vibration compared to the animals. The life of animals likewise have a different vibrations to that of plants. And Plants also have a different degree of vibration different from the minerals. It has been the norm in science to say that minerals are inorganic, in other words, not alive. This is a wrong assertion. Probably in the nearest future this stand of science will change. Already, there are experiments in place to prove that minerals are also alive. David Wilcock in his book, The Source Field Investigation, showed through the experiment of a scientist that plants can read our thoughts. This discovery scared the Jesus out of me. Plants when connected to a polygraph device or a lie detector test, (the polygraph device is a device that measures the physiological changes of a person or a living entity), it also determines when one is lying. So when a particular plant was connected to it, the device recorded a graph of fear. The person conducting the experiments for some reasons wanted to burn the plant. The moment he had the thought of burning the plant, the plant reacted or rather the polygraph device connected to the plant showed someone or a living entity in great distress. The experiment was tried by a different person and the result was the same. So Vegans and Vegetarians who think they are doing no wrong by eating plants must think again. The person conducting the experiment later said when before we take out the life of a plant, we ask the plant for its blessing and render our thanks because we need it for food, the plants become calm.
That is just by the way. Life would not be complete without death. Matter of fact, death is one of the degrees of initiation in life. And contrary to popular belief, death is actually a beautiful experience especially if one has lived a good life. Now we have seen that Life is eternal and for that reason the Soul personality (our true self) is immortal. In other words, as conscious beings, we have always existed. This then brings us to the question of reincarnation. In other words, our lives did not start from when we were born. If we are to accept that life is eternal, we must also accept that we have always been living before we were born. If we go back to the beginning of the blog where I stated that a brother in answering the question, "What is Life, and after death what next?" you will see that this brother's answer nailed it to the point. The answer I gave is a bit off the mark but not entirely wrong. Of course, it would seem a new life because Nature has designed it that we forget our past lives. But the reality of the case would be to go back to the lives we had before incarnation. Only those well developed in occult lines can be able to remember their past lives. Some have even gone so far to say that the life as we know it on earth now cannot be compared to the life after death (transition). That the life after transition is more real than the life we know it to be now. So, there you have it, the soul goes back to where it came from or rather, the soul continues with life as it is before incarnating on earth. David Wilcock, a leading thinker of our times, in another his book, The Syncronicity Key; gave so many cases of reincarnation that in the light of evidences provided, it would be unjust to reject the theory of reincarnation. In another blog, I went at length to discuss the subject. It is one of the mysteries of life and the evidence can be seen all over the world. But just why do souls reincarnate on earth has so many reasons. One of those reasons, is that Divine Justice cannot be escaped. The LAW of KARMA is always in operation. Sometimes we get it right away and other times in other life times. And when all is said and done, it will be found that love is also the reason why Divine Justice must take place for in the end it is for the good of our souls. Another reason is learning. The earth plane is a school to learn. And just how successful we are with the lessons of life on earth will determine our soul's evolutionary progress.
To conclude, I think it will not be off the mark to relate a dream I once had. In the dream, there was a shoot out between myself and a gang of about six to seven persons. I cannot remember exactly how many men I had killed in the shoot out, I think about four or five. Just when I thought I had killed them all and safe to come out from my hiding, the bullet from one of the enemies finally hit me on the chest. I fell on the floor discovering that I was loosing consciousness fast. There something sweet about transitioning. In what seemed like minutes, I discovered I was dead. But I was still alive. Gradually, I began to leave my body and floating in the air. I saw my body on the floor but I was not too concerned about it for the new life I was living seemed more real than the one I had before being killed. Words cannot describe the feeling. It was beautiful, to say the least.
Now this blog might not be able to bring the dead back. I do hope at least, it is enough to make us see death (transition) in its true light. And also draw comfort from the fact that if we want, we can always see our dead loved ones again if we so desire.