Breath or air, composing mostly of Oxygen, Hydrogen and Nitrogen is Life. We can do away with other elements (water, fire and earth) of life for quite some time but not so with air. For this reason the importance should be obvious enough but it is rather strange that in conventional schools we are not really taught how to breathe. It is not enough to just breathe, it must be done in the right way. It is on good authority that if we but know how to breathe, we will slash down by a large percent the various illnesses afflicting man. This knowledge is so important that within occult circles, it is a guarded secret. But then again, when most people hear the word occult, they shrink from it as if the word is synonymous with the word Devil or evil. Nothing could be further from the truth. Occult simply means hidden. Something that is veiled or sealed or hermetic. It is an aggregate of knowledge to help one attune more with Nature and the Universe. It is not open. That it is not open does not make it evil any more than what is going on within our autonomic nervous system. Nor can we say that because God is hidden God is evil. Psalm 78:2 says. "I will open my mouth in parable; I will utter dark sayings of old." Some other versions instead of using dark used the word 'hidden'. Other verses such as Proverb 1:6, Galatians 4:24 and others said the same thing. It is even stated that Jesus taught in parables. Only a selected few were given the keys to the kingdom. Jesus the Christ was an occultist. Being an occultist is not as bad as some have come to believe. It is for this reason we see in him a rogue figure. He was a rebel which is a good thing but unfortunately the Jesus being painted to the masses was this humble, peaceful, meek and amiable human being. He may have been all those thing but he was also a bad ass. When he found out people were using the temple of God for all sorts of worldly stuff, he had to beat the hell out of them. That is, if we are to assume this particular story happened literally. What occultism teaches one is simply the knowledge of self and the universe and the relationship between both or how one can harmonize both. Humans are just the Universe but in a micro scale. True, this knowledge can be used for evil purposes, but it is up to the individual if he can bear the consequences. This is also probably why esoteric teachers like Jesus the Christ, Mohammed and others before them have always shrouded their teachings in mysteries. The Bible as well as other religious books said it. "My people perish because of lack of knowledge." Aside the many physical benefits, there is or are the mystical benefits which Occultists, Yogis, Magicians, Alchemists, Meta-physicians, Mystics, and the likes are interested in. Even contemporary scientists, at least, the few investigating the mysteries of life are also interested in this wonderful science for they can readily experience the benefits for themselves. Within breath, lies that force of the universe that scientists have still not been able to figure out. Without that particular element, force, energy, consciousness or whatever one may want to call it, one will not live long even if one was to inhale the whole oxygen in the world. The Yogis of the east among many other names have called it Prana, which in Sanskrit means 'Absolute Energy' while in the west, it is known by various names among which are; Life Energy, Life Force, Vital Life, Vital Energy, Universal Energy and so on. For the sake of this blog I will simply refer to it as Life Energy. Life Energy is the atom of the Universe. It is so subtle that it leaves no impression on our senses. Both sides, east and west have agreed that proper breath leads to a long life but our eastern brothers have also added that including a long life, proper way of breathing also contributes not only to good health, but also happiness, mental power, clear sightedness, morals and spiritual growth among others. By certain breath exercises, students of esoteric studies can control not only the body but also the mind. Through these exercises, he can send life energy to any part of his body or internal organs lacking vitality. Through the storage of Prana or Life Energy, he can heal not only himself but also others. And this, not only with people in front of him but also people in distant places. All meta-physical healings can be attributed to this Force or Life energy found in the air we breathe. Going even further, when the element air is mastered, such phenomena like levitation, telekinesis or walking on water can be achieved. It is all a matter of science and anybody can do it if he or she dedicates her time to certain occult practices. Through proper breathing, he can do away with fear and worry and all those other lower emotions dragging man to the mud. Indeed, breath is the corner stone of life.
Before writing about the proper method of breathing, I would like to explain the exoteric aspects of breath shortly as this is a subject I believe all are familiar with. The respiratory organ starts with the nose and from the nose, there are air passages leading to the lungs. The lungs are two in number which occupy the pleural chamber of the thorax, one on each side of the median line and separated by the heart, the greater blood vessel and the larger air tube. When we breathe, the air gets warmed by contact with the mucous membrane which is lavishly supplied with blood. Here is another reason why people who breathe properly can hardly get cold. The air is then drawn into the lungs by the aid of the diaphragm. When the diaphragm expands, it increases the size of the lungs enabling the air to rush into the vacuum created. When the diaphragm relaxes again, it constricts the lungs and chest thereby forcing the air to be expelled. Before the expulsion of the air, the air comes in contact with the blood pumped from the heart. The blood as we all know starts its journey from the heart rich and full of life giving properties. Through the arteries, it flows through the system vitalizing all areas of the system with strength and vigour and with the capillary flows back carrying with it waste products from the various organs and tissue of the system. Now this stream of blood with waste products, goes to the right auricle of the heart and when it is full, it contracts and forces the stream of blood through the right ventricle of the heart and from there to the lungs where it is spread out by millions of hair-like blood vessel to the air cells of the lungs. Now here is where the air inhaled plays a very important role in sustaining life. When air is inhaled, it comes in contact with the impure blood through the hair-like blood vessels of the lungs. When in contact, a sort of combustion happens. The blood takes in the oxygen and releases carbonic acid gas as a result of the waste product generated from the various organs of the system. Now purified and oxygenated, it flows back to the heart and starts all over the process of vitalizing every area of the body.
This is but a summary of the play of air and blood in the human physiology. For more details about this process, there are various books already on the subject and one can also, if interested, google about it. It therefore goes without saying that, a lack of oxygenated and purified blood results to poor vitalized system and a poor vitalized system is open for an attack by foreign elements. Food also, depends on sufficient air for it to be digested easily and the system depends on proper food assimilation to function effortlessly. By food, I do not mean junk food or dead food. That it tastes good does not mean it is good for the system. It is for this reason many occultists are vegans and vegetarians. In other for them to carry out their mystical works, a sound body is necessary. Food and air can be likened to the positive and negative polarities of a battery. In this case, Air/Spirit is the positive polarity while food is the negative polarity designed by Nature to charge the human system. But the importance of the air element would even be more paramount when we realize that there are people who live only on air and sunlight. As strange as this may sound, there are people practicing this lifestyle. That it is possible is due to the Life Energy present in the air element. Of course it is also present in all of the Universe, but it has been found to have a large percent in the air element. Although while, this is possible, there are those who have died from attempting this practice. And it is subjects like these one learns in occult or esoteric schools. While the average person may take its breath for granted, the occultist on the other hand knows better. If he cannot all day breathe properly, he sets out times in the day to breathe.
Now that the exoteric aspect of breath has been somewhat dealt with, I will use the present paragraph to discuss a bit about the esoteric aspect of breath. Prana or Life Energy is everywhere. It is for this reason the Universe is alive as well as everything we can find in the Universe. The so called matter that seems lifeless, is alive but only in a degree of vibration that the human senses cannot fathom. We have already seen that the oxygen in the air is appropriated by the blood and made use of by the circulatory system, the Life Energy or Prana on the other hand is being used by the nervous system. In other words, such activities such as thinking, willing, acting etc depend on the Prana or the Life Energy in the air. It therefore becomes obvious why replenishing the Life Energy is necessary. It is not enough to be alive, we must also be charitable. We must work to contribute to the sustainability of not only ourselves but also others. The will to work comes from this element called Prana or Life Energy. Some people, after a day's work, are found to be so exhausted that they can't function but a simple breath practice will easily restore the vitality. In some esoteric schools, in addition to deep breaths, certain areas of the body are touched or massaged to restore vitality. It will also be found that proper methods of breathing will reduce sleep time. Like earlier said, the nervous system uses the Life Energy in the air for its activities just as the oxygen is used by the blood and circulatory system. Now the nervous system, is divided into two major systems. Without going deep into medical jargons, one part is called the Cerebro-Spinal System which oversees the voluntary activities of man like hearing, seeing, and sensations in general. It is with this system man communicates with the outside world. The other part is called the Sympathetic System. This system includes all that part connected to the internal organs. It has control over the involuntary processes, such as growth and nutrition, digestion, respiration and circulation. Both Systems are connected to the brain. One directly to the brain while the other through the nerves that branch out from the spinal column which also is directly linked to the brain. Now a certain energy is needed when the brain wants to pass a message across to any region of the body. This energy is known as nerve force. It is similar to electricity. Without this nerve force or electric current produced by Prana or Life Energy, it will be difficult to do basic stuff like thinking, willing, acting or sensing the world around us and in the other case, such autonomic things like digestion, blood circulation and all the functions of the organs of our system cannot also be carried out effectively. This Life Energy, like previously said, is found in the air we breathe. It is therefore seen that without proper breathing, we become handicapped in certain ways.
Now to breathe properly, it must first and foremost be done through the nostril. This is the organ Nature has provided for us to breathe. If not used, it goes into decay. Mouth breathing should be avoided at all cost. When breathing, one should inhale steadily, filling the lower part of the lungs first then the middle part of the lungs and finally, the higher part of the lungs. This should be done in one continuous but steady inhalation. Likewise when exhaling, proper care should be taken to ensure we breathe out completely. If this can be achieved on a regular basis, it will be difficult to fall sick. Another way to boost the immune system is by holding the breath. Holding it for as comfortable as you can and then exhaling. After exhalation, also hold the breath before taking in another deep breath. When this form of breathing is established in conjunction with rhythm, in other words, breathing in, holding and then breathing out and holding again before the next breath and this pattern follows a rhythm, if done for a certain length of time while impregnating it with one's wishes, before long that wish will materialize. If we all know the power of rhythm, it will be readily seen how this is very possible. Occultists have been using it for healing for centuries. Aside from this, it has the benefit of strengthening and developing our respiratory muscles as well as the lungs. If one is a smoker, by filling the lungs with air, then holding it and then blowing it out with a certain force through the mouth, for a number of times until the inhaled air is completely exhaled and done a number of times, will help a lot to decrease the effect of smoking. There are other possibilities with the science of breath.