This blog will be quick as there are numerous contents on the subject of Christmas although most of them are false. Christmas is as old as humanity or rather, if the question can be posed, which came first, the natural world or man. If we are to take the natural world as we see it today, as what came first, it means that Christmas is older than humanity. First things first, Christmas is not a Christian tradition. Long before Christianity was dreamt of, Christmas was already a tradition of the pagan world. The ancient civilizations like that of Africans (Kemites or Egyptians), Mesoamericans, Chinese and a few others, already had a concept of Christmas going on although it may not have been called Christmas. Enough evidence is at hand to suggest or show that the concept of Christmas originated in Africa. That can be easily understood if we accept that Africa is the cradle of civilization.
Now, the concept of Christmas can be understood in two folds. The first is astronomical, and the second is physiological-psychological. It was the Hermeticists, (again, African Mystics who originated in ancient Egypt and later in Greece) that coined the phrase, "as above, so below: as below, so above". In other words, as it is in heaven, so on earth. These two seemingly different ways of understanding the concept of Christmas, are but one and the same.
By astronomical, it meant that the Sun, on this date (December 25), starts its upward progression through its orbit or rather gains the strength to continue its journey after being stationary or dead for three days precisely from December 22 after the winter solstice (the shortest day of the year). After studying the sun's movement for many years, Ancient Astronomists realized that the sun stopped its trajectory projection through its orbit on December 22 and continued its trajectory motion again on December 25. This was how the concept of Christmas first came to be which was widely acknowledged in the pagan world. December 25th became a day of joy because it meant that there would be food in the coming year. It meant that the natural world would be sustained. It meant that the vegetation that seemed dead would be brought back to life again. It meant that the human life will be preserved. It was and still is the Sun's birth. It was for this reason that Pagans, the world over, celebrated this day. It was and still is a celebration of life. Pagans never worshipped the sun as it was claimed by Christian missionaries. Modern Christianity, in an attempt to conquer the world, hijacked these teachings of the Pagans and distorted the meaning of it all. Wherever the SUN in ancient scriptures can be found, it was replaced with the SON. When early Christians tried to protest, they were either killed, jailed, or exiled.
Again, scriptures were never meant to be historical books. Scriptures are mystical literature and can only be understood mystically. And as all Mystics know, all scriptures whether Christian, Islamic, Judeo, or Eastern religions, all are dealing with the science of consciousness. All events in the scriptures were meant to shed light on the nature of consciousness.
We can believe whatever we want but try as we may, we can never dispute the fact that it is through consciousness that the world is created. In Christian scripture, we read, "Before Abraham was, I AM". In another part of the scripture, we read again, "In the beginning was the word, the word was with God and the word was God". This simply means that, in the beginning, there was an unconditioned consciousness of being and this unconditioned consciousness of being was conditioned by imagining itself to be something and thereafter became that which it had Imagined itself to be. This was how creation came to be. We are told again in the scriptures that without him was not anything made that was made. In other words, whatever is to be created or manifested in our three-dimensional world must first go through consciousness or imagination. Throughout the scriptures, God was always referred to as I AM. "I AM the beginning and the end", I AM the way, truth, and life", I AM the alpha and omega", "I AM thy lord and God", "I AM that I AM", "Be still and know that I AM God", It is almost as if the Mystics who wrote the scriptures were trying to draw our attention to the phrase, "I AM". Now, most of us read this and think that these passages are referring to somebody else or a God outside the self. But no, these passages are trying to tell you that you are the way, the truth, and life. That it is through your consciousness that your world will shape itself. If we are to define consciousness, the easiest definition of it would be I AM. For just as God cannot be defined, so also is consciousness. We are told in the scriptures that without him was not anything made that was made. This is simply consciousness or if you want, divine imagination. Before anything can be manifested in the physical world, it must first go through imagination. The creation story narrated in Genesis is a key to understanding how consciousness works. We are told in Genesis that the earth was formless, void, and dark. And then God's spirit roamed over the waters preparing to activate God's word. And then finally, God spoke the word, and the visible world came to be. Likewise, if we simply meditate on what we want to achieve in our world and assume the joyful feeling of it accomplished, in due season, it shall be manifested in our world naturally. The consciousness with which Divinity made this possible is also the consciousness in man. There is no difference. This is the message all avatars of truth have been trying to teach humanity. Consciousness is that aspect of God in us. It is for this reason all avatars of truth have always said the Kingdom of Heaven is within us.
Now, to the biblical explanation of Christmas, we are told it was an immaculate conception, in other words, Mary conceived Christ without knowing any man. Scientifically, this is not possible. For it to make sense, it must be understood mystically. The scriptures, from beginning to the end deal with the consciousness of man. All events described were simply dramas going on within the consciousness of man. If we pay a little more attention, we would see that just like the creation story in Genesis dealing with Divine Consciousness and how it should be put to work before we can transform our formless world into beautiful objective realities, so also was the birth of Christ. In the creation of the world, God never needed the assistance of anyone, We can in a way say that the creation of the world is also a virgin birth. What is even more significant is that, according to Genesis, it was from Adam Eve was created. Scientifically, this is not possible. But mystically, it can readily be understood. But in the New Testament, we saw that a virgin conceived without the aid of man and then secretly and without effort gave birth to her conception. This seemingly unbelievable fact has caused many to turn their back on Christianity. But man, despite the centuries past, has still not been able to decipher this mystery. This is simply a psychological drama that is ever unfolding in the consciousness of man. The day man realizes that his consciousness is God ITSELF, that his consciousness is the sun and light of his world, that his consciousness is the resurrection and life, that his consciousness is the only saviour, that day will mark the dawn of a new beginning for him.
Jesus the Christ, on numerous occasions, tried to show man who he is, to the point he asked, "Know ye not that ye are gods?" On another occasion, he told the people the kingdom of heaven was within them. That if any man should tell them that God can be found in any other place apart from within themselves, they should desist from such people. The story of Christmas is once again a reminder that we are gods. It's a reminder that God became man so that man can become God. Just as the Sun is important for life to be, so also is the consciousness of man, Just like the story of the mystical birth of Christ, every man in the mystical sense is Mary who can also give birth to his saviour. The virgin birth is simply this, we can realize our fondest wishes and dreams if only we believe that our consciousness is God. Whatever we can imagine, whatever we can conceive, we can become or have without the aid of any man. The task is simply to conceive or imagine that which we want to manifest in our world and remain faithful to it in the spirit and naturally, just like a seed planted in the ground grows naturally without the aid of man so also, that which we have imagined or conceived would manifest in reality when the time is ripe. This is the true meaning of the mystical virgin birth. Whatever the problem is, if we can conceive the solution, it will manifest itself effortlessly so long as we remain faithful in the spirit to our conception. Be it a new job, a promotion at work, a wife, money, or even spiritual growth or knowledge, all things are possible to Consciousness. The job is simply to imagine yourself intensely in that role which you now want to play in the objective reality and add life to it, in other words, if the accomplishment of the desire would make you happy, simply imagine yourself happy and seeing, touching, smelling, hearing that which you desire to have. Keep at this state of assumption and your desire will manifest naturally for the law of consciousness is always at work and not a respecter of persons. Whatever we sow in the consciousness of our being, we would reap in objective reality. This was the principle by which our objective world came to be. It is also the principle one must use if one desires to manifest his or her dreams.
So the story of Christmas is a joyful reminder that we are the architects of our destiny. And just as Christ said, I and my father are one, so is the whole of humanity. You and God are one. You are God in your own right. Christ never acknowledged any other God apart from his own consciousness. We and our consciousness are one. And while that is the case, Christ also acknowledged that the father is greater. That means, our unconditioned consciousness is greater than our conditioned consciousness or objective reality. The external world is only a mirror of the concept of consciousness within. "As Above, So Below: As Below, So Above."
When all labels are removed from you including sex, religion, status or degree, who are you?