Good Friday and Easter Sunday Mystical Meaning


"I AM the resurrection and life, he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live."

- John 11:25

The crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus the Christ is a symbolic or mystical or psychological drama taking place in man every day. This is not an event that happened 2000 years ago but rather a beautiful mystical event happening within man depending on the level of his consciousness.

The Crucifixion and Resurrection known as the Good Friday and Easter Sunday, is an event that if one looks closely, one sees that it is not the commemoration of someone's death as the church has made us believe but rather, this is a cosmic event happening every year determined by the stars. If anyone would give it any thought, one realizes that if it is the commemoration of someone's death, it should at least happen on the same date every year. But as we know, this is not the case.

The changing dates of this mystical event should tell one that this is not about the death of someone in history. Easter is determined by the stars. It happens every year when the sun enters the house of Aries. In other words, anywhere between March 21 and April 19. It is determined by the first full moon in Aries. And the first Sunday after this first full moon in Aries is what is called Easter while the Friday preceding it is called Good Friday.

The Sun's entry into the house of Aries marks the beginning of Spring which is approximately March 21 also known as the Spring Equinox. In mystical terms, it is known as the crossover because the sun having been in the Southern Hemisphere the last six months, crosses the imaginary line of equator over to the Northern Hemisphere. It is from this point on most of the earth experiences longer days and shorter nights and more warmth. Vegetation is brought back to life and humanity is assured once more of food in abundance. It is this crossover Mystics refer to as crucifixion because the Sun has been crucified or crossed over or passed over so that man might live. This eternal crossing of the sun in its orbital path has been ongoing since the dawn of time long before Christianity was foreshadowed.

'As Above So Below' is an axiom that is slowly accepted by Science. It is a Hermetic axiom that tells us that there is a correlation between the Universe and Man. That whatever takes place in the Universe (Macrocosm) is also taking place in man (Microcosm).
In the analogy of the Cosmic Sun crossing over or being crucified so that man may live, we find it also in Man. Mystically, consciousness is that light of our being that transforms our world of darkness into light. In this case, the being who is crucified is your awareness of being while the cross is your conception of yourself and the resurrection is the lifting into visibility the new conception of self, in other words, that which you desire to be.

Good Friday is necessary in other for Easter Sunday to be possible. Good Friday should be a day of rejoicing because without crucifixion or impression, there is no resurrection or expression.

It is for this reason Mystics see the Old and New testament to be one and the same thing. If one would analyse the word Jehovah, one sees that it is the blueprint of creation. The Old testament was the blueprint but the New Testament is the expression or demonstration of that blueprint. Now, when we analyse the Hebraic word for Jehovah, YOD HEY VAV HEY, we see it to be similar to the word Jesus Christ except that with Jesus Christ, two extra Hebraic words were added.

The ancients spelled theses names using symbols. Now the first letter, YOD, is the seed of creation. In its basic form, it means awareness or seed from which the whole of creation springs from. The second letter, HEY, is the window from which awareness can observe. Or in mystical terms, it is known as the eye. This is also one reason the eye holds great respect in mystical or mystery schools. The third letter, VAV, is another word for nail or to join. The fourth letter, HEY, just like the second letter is the window or eye of observation or the material manifestation. To analyse this name further and with the first letter YOD, it means there existed first and foremost, Awareness or Consciousness. Consciousness is GOD undiluted. Another word for it is "I AM". This is why we see throughout the scripture God being referred to as "I AM". Jehovah asked Moses and others to acknowledge him as I AM. Jesus also referred to himself with this name.
"Who do people say that I AM?"
"I AM the way, truth and life."
"I AM the bread of life."
"I AM the resurrection and life."
"I AM the good Shepherd."
These are among other instances he referred himself as "I AM."

The first letter, YOD, which means awareness is not different from man's awareness. Man realizes first and foremost that he is aware. He realizes he is aware before being aware that he is man. It is his "I AMness" when asked who is he, he attempts to define himself starting with "I AM". It is out of this awareness man's life is fashioned.

The second letter, HEY, is known as the eye. This is God in action. It is God's ability to express ITS Consciousness in unlimited forms of consciousness. While in man, it is his imagination, The ability for man to perceive something other than the self. It is said that the eye is the window of the soul. Without this attribute of Man, Man cannot truly see. And through this attribute, Man is blessed with that almighty power of God to become anything he wishes.

VAV is the third letter meaning to join or a nail. It is the ability of God to become anything IT wishes. While in man, it is the ability to feel. In other for God to become anything IT wishes, IT must assume the consciousness of the thing desired. While man, in other for him to become what he wishes to be, he must feel himself to be that which he desires.

The fourth letter, HEY, is the visible eye of God. It is the visible objective world God had contemplated. It is the word becoming flesh. This is the Son bearing witness to the Father. For there is no son without the father. In Man, it is that manifestation of his internal contemplation or imagination. The World constantly bears witness to that which we are conscious of being. The objective world is not our responsibility. It always moulds itself in harmony with that which we are conscious of.

In summary, YOD means God is pure awareness or consciousness, HEY means God is aware of something and VAV means that GOD became aware of being that which IT was aware of. This is the true meaning of the statement, "Let us create man in our own image." For man or manifestation must be in harmony of the image imagined. Now this is a great power man has been bestowed with. It gives man dominion because man now has the ability to conceive and become that which he conceives. This is the power of creation. Man is the son of God because He was created in God's image.

We are told that YOD HEY VAV HEY is the name by which anything made was made. The name of Jesus is also not much different. The Son's name also starts with the first three letters YOD HEY VAV and then SHIN and AYIN are added making the Jesus's Hebraic name to be YOD HEY VAV SHIN AYIN.

Now, SHIN has been added to the Son's name which was not in the father's name. The function of the SHIN is to devour that which we no longer want in our world. SHIN symbolizes 'tooth.' Let's say out of ignorance we manifested ill health or poverty because of our imagination, (As a man thinketh, so is he). By this added letters (SHIN AYIN) to the Son's name (Man), Man now has the power to delete or consume a state no longer desired. And the way to delete an undesired state is simply by taking our attention or consciousness away from the undesired state and fix it on the state desired. And then gradually, just as day follows night, this undesired state will melt away like snow in the presence of heat. Were this letters not added to the Son's name, man will be condemned for all eternity if he couldn't destroy a state he had created out of ignorance or mistake. The Son is indeed a reminder that God is merciful. This brings us to the story of the trial of Jesus. When Pilate asked, who should he release, the crowd answered saying Barabbas should be released while Jesus should be crucified. Barabbas symbolizes the thief who rubs us of our ideal. By releasing Barabbas, we are in actuality releasing that belief that serves us no more so that we can focus on Jesus our saviour. But unless one is initiated into the mysteries, the bible might actually do more harm than good if not truly understood.

The Crucifixion of Jesus the Christ (Man's Imagination) is simply this, that in other to manifest your heaven (desires), your old beliefs of lack and illness must be crucified. In other words, your consciousness or awareness of lack or illness or the imaginal activity of poverty and diseases must be released like Barabbas was released and substituted for that of health and plenty. The world will always mould itself according to the consciousness of man. As a man thinketh, so is he. And the way to manifest anything in the three dimensional world is to apply the name of Jehovah or Jesus Christ and this is done by nailing yourself or lifting your consciousness to the thing desired and be one with it. It is acknowledging that the kingdom of Heaven is within and all that you ever want is within and once you are conscious of that, the thing desired will manifest in its due season.

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